Thursday, December 27, 2007


Mr Brown our PM says:

""We will not enter into negotiations with these people."" (note these people means Taliban)

And then when the people nosed on to the fact that M16 were discussing with the terrorists at the time of the speech; the home office spokes person said:

"We do not comment on intelligence matters."

Hurmph! That is politics. Say no more. Fucking national security ans all that init?

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Friday, December 21, 2007

One to all and all to one vs One contrals and the rest will always follow

Many a terms are used to what I am talking about.

I want to see the vision from the basic axioms, to see the actual scene. Do not forget that the logic you use is the one you understand which is always unique to you. But if we see the larger picture of it all, there are some basic axioms, which suffice to convey the basic understanding of it all. That basic logic is unique to each of us and you understand what I am fingering into the keyboard in your logic. Comprende?

When we listen to some one else, who is talking in front of us, we already have a logical understading of the person on the audio/visual side. So do we listen to the other person without bias?

This is a question I will not be able to answer to you OR you will not be able to answer to me. It can be answered to oneself only truthfully. Just fucking think about it and see where you get to in your own logic.

First we need a definition who "one" is. We cannot be basic if we say that one is limited to human. Only way we can make a basic definition is going to animate ( endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life), plant and inanimate (not endowed with life). See how 'ard it gets when the logic of the common understanding is so complicated we cannot get any where init? What I wanted to say, sweet, is just that there are things with life like me and amoeba. And there are things like fire, water and the dust which does not have any life in them. Hey shit I is going in a yangent like me mate Fagan in many of his explanations about his fish.

You be grade one gold star if you can tell me who this 'one' is?
If you go 'ere you will get General (25 matching dictionaries). Whoea! man but it says in the quick def:

Quick definitions (one)
noun: a single person or thing (Example: "He is the best one")
noun: the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number (Example: "He has the one but will need a two and three to go with it")
adjective: being a single entity made by combining separate components (Example: "Three chemicals combining into one solution")
adjective: used of a single unit or thing; not two or more

In any way you try to suss it out, you get only one meaning like single unit of many. Am I right? or left? Hang on; that is why they call right and left in politics init? If you be not right you are left means you be wrong huh? I am always left because everyone I meet are right about themselves and I need to be different because I need to be me.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fatwa Against The Dollar

What the hell is a fatwa?

According to the Wikipedia, "A fatwā (Arabic: فتوى; plural fatāwā Arabic: فتاوى), in the Islamic faith is a ruling on Islamic law issued by an Islamic scholar." Then thre are conditions for a fatwa Like these:

"According to the Usul al-fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence), the fatwa must meet the following conditions in order to be valid:

The fatwa is in line with relevant legal proofs, deduced from Qur'anic verses and hadiths;
It is issued by a person (or a board) having due knowledge and sincerity of heart;
It is free from individual opportunism, and not depending on political servitude;
It is adequate with the needs of the contemporary world."

Ho hum it is a lot of bloody ifs and buts init?

As the US dollar is going down in the money market the countries who peg their own currencies to the US dollar are having problems viz. inflation. For example 5.35pc in Saudi Arabia, 10.1pc in the United Arab Emirates and 12.2pc in Qatar. The same in Asia like China now has 6.9pc inflation.

So the story is Saudi Arabian Mullahs have got it right up their noses and declared this fatwa to the Saudi government.

"“The rulers should seek to try to remedy this crisis in a way that would ease people’s suffering.”

“We direct this message to the rulers and officials: we remind you of Prophet Mohammad’s words that you are shepherds who are responsible for your flock,” it said.

The statement was posted across the Islamic world. The background to this has been a raging debate in Gulf religious and economic circles about the destructive effects of the sliding dollar."

Well see the article here and keep and eye on this I think. It is bubbling in the right way the Osama Bin Laden and his likes said during the start of the war in Afghanistan. he said we will bring the Us down financially.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pak Red Button (update) (update)

This is getting more interesting than the Christmas for me. I have updated the original stuff about the Pakistan Nuclear arsenal; and who is in charge of it. Now there is a bit more to it than that. I say, I am getting the hang of this now to put back links and all.

Last month when I was fingering about it in me blog, it came out of Washington Post article. But when it was published New York Times has said that they (NYT)knew about the US helping Pak Government AKA Musharaff, for atleast 3 years. Then it comes out that US for the last 6 years has been spending almost $100 million for equipment and training, for the security of Nuclear Arsenal in Pakistan. Well the article is good and comes out with things like how much security US has in its own nuclear arsenal.

"Zero locks

A concern about nuclear weapons security in Pakistan is that Islamists in the military may seize control of the weapons and try to use them. Pakistan claims to have followed the US example and installed coded combination-lock switches, known as Permissive Action Links, on its weapons.

Since the 1960s, most US nuclear weapons are supposed to have been protected against unauthorized use by coded combination-lock switches that could only be activated by someone who knew that proper sequence of characters. These switches were introduced in 1962 by Robert McNamara when he was secretary of defense to ensure control over the use of US nuclear weapons.

According to Bruce Blair, a former missile launch control officer, Strategic Air Command, which was responsible for the nuclear-armed missiles and bombers, installed the switches but set the combinations of all the locks to a string of zeros. The codes for launching US nuclear missiles apparently stayed set at 00000000 until the late 1970s. The reason? Strategic Air Command did not want there to be any problems or delays in launching the nuclear missiles caused by a more complex set of numbers.

McNamara apparently did not know that the locks he had ordered to be installed on nuclear weapons were largely worthless, and that the military with direct control of the weapons were evading official instructions for securing nuclear missiles. He only learned of this from Blair in January 2004. McNamara was outraged. But, as Blair observed, this is but "one of a long litany of items pointing to the ignorance of presidents and defense secretaries and other nuclear security officials about the true state of nuclear affairs". "

Further proof of the US military in Pakistan soil can be found here.

"Musharraf has allowed for a contingent of US Special Forces said to be several hundred strong to begin operating in Pakistan, where they are to take the leading role in efforts to stamp out support within Pakistan for those fighting against the US occupation regime in Afghanistan."
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Argumants, Laughter & Crying

I suppose everyone wants to live a little bit longer init? So the boffins are saying:

Don't have arguments. "A half-hour argument with your lover can also slow your body's ability to heal by at least a day. In couples who regularly argue, that healing time is doubled again."

Keep on falling in love atleast once every year. "Researchers at the University of Pavia, in Italy, have found that falling in love raises levels of Nerve Growth Factor for about a year. This hormone-like substance helps to restore the nervous system and improves memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells. It is also associated with the feeling of being "loved-up" and contented, inducing a calming effect on the body and mind. Unfortunately, researchers found levels dropped after about a year -- the point at which feelings of romantic love fall away and reality kicks in."

Don't take any pressure and stay under it for long. "Exposed to chronic stress for years, high blood levels of glucose and fatty acids increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes."

Laugh as much as you can giggle the rest of your life. "A good giggle also burns calories since it's possible to move 400 muscles of the body when laughing. Some researchers estimate that laughing 100 times offers an aerobic workout equivalent to 10 minutes on a rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike."

If you are irritated about something, get out of there ASAP. "It's hard to know what's best -- venting anger or holding it in, as both have negative effects"

Shed tears if you want to or not. "Emotional tears were found to contain high levels of hormones and neurotransmitters associated with stress. They also led to lower blood pressure, pulse rate and more synchronised brain-wave patterns."

Don't follow your partner covertly and find her/him with another person; jealousy can be lousy. "Someone in the grip of jealousy will suffer raised blood pressure, heart-rate and adrenalin levels, weakened immunity, anxiety and probably insomnia."

Spend the rest of your life cuddling in a sofa (definitely with your partner, I suppose). "According to Dr. Hyla Cass, Professor of psychiatry at UCLA, it is oxytocin, the "bonding hormone", that makes a couple want to touch and cuddle. This, in turn, triggers the release of DHEA, an anti-ageing, anti-stress hormone that triggers cellular restoration in the body."

OOze out warm feelings as if you are a slug with excess slime (hell not very nice is it). "Feeling thankful for what you've got, whether it be a partner, an achievement or simply being alive, is all it takes to boost immunity, lower blood pressure and speed healing throughout the body."

Do not ever go down the dumps. "Depression, pessimism and apathy are all associated with low levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain."

Mood medicine. Read this.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Time, Time & Time

Why do you feel time goes faster when you grow older?

"“This is re­lat­ed to the phe­nom­e­non that time seems to speed up as you grow old­er. When you’re a child, you lay down rich mem­o­ries for all your ex­pe­ri­ences; when you’re old­er, you’ve seen it all be­fore and lay down few­er mem­o­ries,” he re­marked. “There­fore, when a child looks back at the end of a sum­mer, it seems to have lasted forev­er; adults think it zoomed by.”"

Says the boffins.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Fish, Vegetarians & Fagan

My mate Fagan says the reason some people have come out with, for the extinction of fish stock in the Europpean waters is; "There are too many people become vegetarians in the recent years, who think that fish don't have feelings."

What do you have to say.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pak Red Button (update)

On my blog entry Pak Red Button I said that US has taken command of the nuclear arsenal in akistan during the mayham in the country. Now there is a loud proclamation about it from the Pak army heirachy, saying that no foreign government can take the nuclear arsenal to a safer place.

"The security of Pakistan's estimated 50 nuclear warheads has been under global scrutiny since President Pervez Musharraf imposed a state of emergency on November 3 citing Islamist violence and political turmoil.

But the chairman of Pakistan's joint chiefs of staff, General Tariq Majid, blasted reports by "vested and hostile elements in the international media" about the security of its nuclear weapons, an army statement said.

"Suggestions have been made that our assets could either be neutralised or taken away towards safer place to prevent them from falling into wrong hands," the statement quoted Majid as saying after witnessing the launch of the locally developed Babur (Hatf 7) cruise missile.

"We remain alert to such threats and are fully capable of handling these.""

And then the big man himself, Mr Musharraf, is trying to take over the command of the National Command Authority (NCA), the body which is responsible for operating them.

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Generation Y,

The Generation Y is the generation born between 1980 and 1995 or is it 2000. According to this;

"Peter Sheahan in his 2005 book “Thriving and Surviving With Generation Y at Work” described generation Y as the ‘highly influential segment of the population born between 1978 and 1994’."

Other names they are known as in Ireland:

• Generation Y
• Generation WHY
• Generation Next
• Nexers
• Millenniums
• Digital Generation
• Echo Boomers
• Boomlets
• Baby Busters
• I Generation
• Net Generation
• Netizens
• Gaming Generation
(along with younger
Gen Xers)

I like the ending of this paragraph; which I myself cocluded in my mind several months ago. Pity I did not write it. If I did I could have patted my back......

"As long as the military continues to lie to and mislead prospective recruits -- whether in person or via a text message with a pop culture allusion and a friendly emoticon -- today's kids will continue to shun military service. By doing so, they are heeding the government's implicit message: As an Army of one, you're better off joining Blackwater."

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Animal Intelligence,

Very interesting to know that the present day thinking about animals and their intelligence, originated by the Western people in the "days of St Thomas Aquinas, the 13th-century Italian monk whose moral philosophy formed the basis of our modern-day ethical treatment of animals."

Wow them stupid boffins have started to acknowledge the truth of nature.

"The latest studies into the unusual behaviour of a range of species suggest that we should no longer assume that animals are just the dumb creatures that we've been led to believe since the days of St Thomas Aquinas, the 13th-century Italian monk whose moral philosophy formed the basis of our modern-day ethical treatment of animals. Indeed, scientists have found that animals are capable of all sorts of clever behaviour that we normally associate with human intelligence. They not only have good memories and a perception of the world around them, they also display feats of apparent far-sightedness and understanding that seem to go beyond the mental abilities of many people."

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Staphylococcus aureus

How do you pronounce this term? Staphylococcus aureus.

ˌstæf.ə.ləˈkɒ.kəs ˈoɹ

OOOPs sorry I have not mastered the way of the boffins, how to put these non-recognisable letters in this f.... blog.

staph·y·lo·coc·cus from Encarta

and the same inside info states this fact.


bacterium occurring in clusters: a bacterium that typically occurs in clusters resembling grapes, normally inhabits the skin and mucous membranes, and may cause disease. These bacteria commonly infect the skin, eyes, and urinary tract, and some produce toxins responsible for septicemia and food poisoning. Genus Staphylococcus "

So we in UK has been suffering from this illness for a number of years? No we had others before. First this is "a spherical bacterium, frequently living on the skin or in the nose of a person. Approximately 20%-30% of the general population are "staph carriers"". Why are 70% to 80% excused? Are they immune to it?

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US war and Iran

It was gathering speed for the last year or so shouting and threatening Iran about their Nuclear ambitions, by Bush and Cheney. But yesterday Bush gave a speech and said:
"The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that was issued on Monday, reflecting the assessments made by 16 US spy agencies, reversed the conclusion made two years earlier that Iran was seeking to develop nuclear weapons and instead claimed the country had “halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003.”
It also expressed the opinion that Iran would be unable to produce a nuclear weapon, if it were to attempt to do so, before the year 2015."

It is nice to see that happen as the petrol prices are going to go down now as the imminent war with Iran is not there any more. Mmmmm not really as the Dollar is going down against the Euro the prices might go up. It is crazy init? The European central bank is going to raise the interest rates by 0.25% and the US Feds going to lower the interest rates in 11th this month according to Jim Jubak.

But it does not stop there as the US are preparing the Sunni communities in Iraq to keep the Iraqi Shiites who are friendly with Iran from attacking USmilitary in case of war with Iran. The plan has already been drawn for the US military to stay in Iraq for a long time. Have a look at this:

"According to figures cited by McClatchy Newspapers on November 28, the US military in Iraq has recruited 192 Sunni tribal councils and “local citizens groups” to put more than 77,500 Sunni militiamen onto the streets of a number of Iraqi cities and towns, including areas of Baghdad. The fighters, many of whom were previously part of anti-occupation guerilla cells, receive a salary of some $US300 per month. American officials told McClatchy Newspapers last month that they intend to enlist at least 100,000.

Those who have embraced the US occupation form a wealthy stratum of Sunni tribal leaders, former state officials and army officers who were loyal to Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party. They are hostile to Iran, the Shiite parties and the Sunni fundamentalist movements such as Al Qaeda in Iraq that emerged after the US invasion and challenged the Baathists’ authority over the Sunni population. They represent a sizeable layer of the Sunni elite who have concluded that their best prospects for restoring their power and privileges is to collaborate with the very foreign force that overthrew them.

The Sunni militia forces have been assembled completely outside the authority or control of the Iraqi government and the new Iraqi military. Given that the US government pays them, they are quite literally American mercenaries."

Then I found this:

"In the summer of 2005, senior American intelligence officials began traveling the world with a secret slide show drawn from thousands of pages that they said were downloaded from a stolen Iranian laptop computer, trying to prove that Iran was lying when it said it had no interest in building a nuclear weapon."

My thoughts are like this. Remember Pakistan went a bit awry last moonth when the President declared emergency and started locking up the opposition members and the Judiciary. Then the US sent military inside Pakistan and took over the Nuclear facilities so that if a rogue took over as the head of the army the things will not go wrong. Now we know the US helped Pakistan, India and Israel to get the nuclear bombs. So US can take over these facilities in case of trouble. But then again if there is a World War or something then the US have got a arsenal of nuclear bombs not just in US but in many countries. Does not matter these countries side with US or not, they will be used by US for their own way. Now what are the Russians and the Chinese doing now?

When you look at this you can see a better picture of it.

"Is Iran currently developing nuclear weapons? No. Could it do so sometime in the future? Sure. According to ElBaradei, some forty-nine countries “now know how to make nuclear arms,” including Japan, South Korea, and other U.S. allies. Neither the United States nor the UN Security Council can militarily prevent each of those countries from making a Bomb, said ElBaradei. “We are relying primarily on the continued good intentions of these countries, intentions which are in turn based on their sense of security.”41"

On the same note the Jews do not like the report. They say Iran will make the first bomb in 2009. They been trying to push Bush into bombing Iran all this time. Mr Lieberman has come into the scene.

"The very fact that Lieberman was brought into the cabinet by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert last year was calculated to inflame tensions with Tehran. Lieberman, a right-wing nationalist and racist, is notorious for his calls for the ethnic cleansing of Israeli Arabs, the bombing of Palestinian civilians and the targeting of Egypt’s Aswan High Dam. Olmert handed him the specially created post of strategic affairs minister, dealing with threats to Israel, with a particular focus on Iran. In 2001, Lieberman openly advocated the use of nuclear weapons against Iran."

I don't know; if another country had a Deputy Prime Minister, who is a rascist and a blood thirsty proxy-killer, we in UK and US people will be howling to put sanctions on that country or do a regime change.

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I am a snorer! It is not an easy thing to own upto. Most people will tell you that they don't snore; but they do. According to the statistics 45% of the people are snorers. I remember an incident while I was spending at a Queen's hostel for people who were caught possessing cannabis. You who have not had the pleasure of having fun in one of these places I will explain. Others just hang on.

In most of the 1990s jails there were 4 people in one cell. Two bunk beds and a separate toilet, no shower. The walls are very thick as they don't want us digging ourselves out. There are two rows of cells with a corrider between.

On the very first day I told the rest of the inmates that I snore. So we decided to take turns like I wait untill they all fall sleep and I sleep after. Well 23 hours locked in, there is enough time to get my sleeping time in. Any way I was there for a matter of 4 days. Next morning the doors were open and we were getting ready to go to breakfast and this big black guy with teeth missing walked into the cell grumbling threateningly, "Who was fucking snoring fucking last fucking night?". I smiled and said, " Shit man did you hear it, which cell are you in?". My smile or my dreadlocks must have broken the ice. He is from the opposit cell. My snoring has travelled through two massive walls plus the corridor. Wonder that is a record?

I read this article about snoring. Believe me I am so relieved to know that snoring is curable. The problem I had was; that there are so many cures in the market I gave up and thought let me and my girl frien ( when I have one) suffer as I am not spending my little benefit money I get on these quacks. But now I can go to this website and look for some advice and help.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Sayan, Jews, & French Presidency

What is sayan. Yep it is a mountain range in Siberia. Or it can be a town in Surat district in Indian state of Gujarat. Or it could be a helper in Hebrew. So what has that to do with the French President Sarkozy? Aha!

Very simple he is supposed to be one of them. Hey I did mention that we in UK has the largest group of Jewish law makers out side Israel. Now we have the French President is not just Jewish but a Sayan of Mossad.

"Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky describes how sayanim function in By Way Of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer. They are usually reached through relatives in Israel. An Israeli with a relative in France, for instance, might be asked to draft a letter saying the person bearing the letter represents an organisation whose main goal is to help save Jewish people in the Diaspora. Could the French relative help in any way? They perform many different roles. A car sayan, for example, running a rental car agency, could help the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. An apartment sayan would find accommodation without raising suspicions, a bank sayan could fund someone in the middle of the night if needs be, a doctor sayan would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police.

And, a political sayan ? It's rather obvious what this could mean. The sayanim are a pool of people at the ready who will keep quiet about their actions out of loyalty to "the cause", a non-risk recruitment system that draws from the millions of Jewish people outside Israel. "

So what the hell, it is not that big or is it?

This is a bit complicated. But as I like the things easy and simple I will try to understand it while I am writing this.

There are two types of Jews. Sephardic Jews , and the Ashkenazim, which constitute 95% of all Jews. Ashkenazism means German in medieval terms. In the first and second century some Jews from Israel migrated to Italy and from there to Germany in the 7th and 8th centuries, and spread to northern and eastern Europe later. Sephardic means Spanish in Hebrew. At the time of the Roman Empire there were Jews who lived in the Iberian peninsular mostly Spain and later in the 8th and 9th centuries more jews migrated to this area. Since 1492 these scattered throughout Northern Europe (England, Netherlands), through south-eastern Europe back to the near and middle east, and parts of Americas. All jews are better than the rest of us the goys.

So Sarkozy's jewish line of ancestry comes from his mother's side. Her family name is Mallah, in hebrew angel or messenger. In the 15th century the Mallah family who are Sephardic fled Spain during the Spanish Inquisition to Provence, France and moved a century later to Salonika, where family members became prominent Zionist leaders and were active in all facets of life.

His grandfathers family lost everything in a fire in 1917 and then left Salonica and went to France with his mother and "converted" himself to catholicism to get married to a French Christian girl named Adèle Bouvier. He had two daughter, Susanne and Andrée. Knowing he was still considered Jewish by blood, during World War II he and his family hid in Marcillac la Croisille in the Corrèze region, western France.

During the Holocaust, many of the Mallahs who stayed in Salonika or moved to France were deported to concentration and extermination camps. In total, fifty-seven family members were murdered by the Nazis. Testimonies reveal that several revolted against the Nazis and one, Buena Mallah, was the subject of Nazis medical experiments in the Birkenau concentration camp.

On the other side Pal (later Paul) Sarkozy comes from a lower aristocracy in Hungary. Though his father's family was Protestant his mother comes from a aristrocratic catholic family. In 1944 the family fled to Germany as the Red Army invaded Hungary, but later after the war in 1945 they went back to Hungary but all their possessions were taken over by the Soviet Government. Pal sarkozy's father died and his mother told the officials that her son died by drowning in a lake and told him to go to France. He went to Germany via Austria and ended up with the French Foreign Legion for five years. He returned to civilian life in Marsaille and later in 1970 took French nationality.

So Paul Sarkozy and Andrée Mallah settled in the 17th arrondissement in Paris and had three sons: Guillaume, born in 1951, who is an entrepreneur in the textile industry, Nicolas, born in 1955 and François, born in 1957 (an MBA and manager of a healthcare consultancy company ). In 1959 Paul Sarkozy left his wife and his three children. He later remarried twice and had two more children with his second wife.

Nicholas our man in the presidency was really brought up by the mother's father who was a jew. now it is up to you to tell me whether he is a Sayan or not init?

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Bush Republicans & Hmmmmm

If Ugandan incumbant president uses any dirty tricks to win an election then the west and the educated people of the world start howling foul play. But have a look at this little article.

"Since they left the White House in 2001, Bill and Hillary Clinton -- as the former President and First Lady -- have been under the protection of the Secret Service, a branch of the Treasury Department. Records are maintained showing where they go and, to an extent, whom they meet.

Ordinarily, those records are kept as closely held secrets, but theoretically at least, President George W. Bush -- with his expansive view of his powers as "unitary executive" -- could gain access to them, either formally or informally.

His father did much the same when his subordinates scoured the passport files of then-Arkansas Gov. Clinton in 1992, looking for a "silver bullet" that would kill off the Democratic nominee's presidential hopes."

And this:

""This stuff of Republicans trying to jam phone lines, or telling people to vote on Wednesday, is un-American," he said, referring to tactics used by the GOP partisans in New Hampshire in 2002 and in Ohio in 2004. "Chris LaCivita, who did the Swift Boats against Kerry, and New Hampshire, is in Virginia. We will be watching him.""

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pak Red Button

Hey we are in good hands now as the US claims to hold the red button in Pakistan.

"Pakistan's nuclear weapons are already under American control even as analysts are working themselves into a lather on the subject, a well-regarded intelligence journal has said.

In a stunning disclosure certain to stir up things in Washington's (and in Islamabad and New Delhi's) strategic community, the journal Stratfor reported on Monday that the "United States delivered a very clear ultimatum to Musharraf in the wake of 9/11: Unless Pakistan allowed US forces to take control of Pakistani nuclear facilities, the United States would be left with no choice but to destroy those facilities, possibly with India's help.""

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

War Criminals, Human Rights & Terrorists

Every one who can see through the mist created by main media outlets knows that Cheney, Bush etc are war criminals. If it was a poor country the other rich countries will have their balls. Here is some more interesting news about our fair and democratic country US. Note that a republic cannot be a democracy.

"More than 1,000 people from 85 countries who are accused of such crimes as rape, killings, torture and genocide are living in the United States, according to Department of Homeland Security figures."

From: "Senator: U.S. has become haven for war criminals"

Hee Ho Ho Hee.

"The United States on Friday renewed criticism of the UN Human Rights Council, arguing it had shown a misplaced focus on Israel while giving a free pass to countries with poor human rights records."

From: "US attacks UN Human Rights Council"

To prove this point lets have a look at some news which comes out of the horse's mouth eh?

"One posed for a photo as she scrubbed a Palestinian corpse. Another stripped a man to his underwear and then beat him. A third helped cover up the abuse of a young boy.

The six Israeli women who feature in the documentary "To See If I'm Smiling" each wrestle with memories of their compulsory military service that they would rather erase."

From: Israeli women soldiers recount army trauma in film

Then again it is a fact of life in the US to do these vile things as they got the biggest lot of WMDs. Hey lets put some terrorists into the pot for fun!

"Since April, an accused terrorist mastermind has walked free in the streets of Miami, Florida while U.S. officials have refused to allow his extradition to Venezuela. That is, until the subject was finally broached this week on Capitol Hill."

From: "Accused Terrorist May Yet Face Justice"

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Suicides in armed forces

12:46 18/11/2007

The Blogger is off action today?

Now, the mighty US military machine have been caught hiding facts from the population. Well, this is not new, as it is an established habit to keep things secret in every nation in the world by their governments.

"The Pentagon has been concealing the true number of American casualties in the Iraq War. The real number exceeds 15,000 and CBS News can prove it.

CBS’s Investigative Unit wanted to do a report on the number of suicides in the military and “submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Defense”. After 4 months they received a document which showed--that between 1995 and 2007--there were 2,200 suicides among “active duty” soldiers.

The Pentagon was covering up the real magnitude of the “suicide epidemic”. Following an exhaustive investigation of veterans’ suicide data collected from 45 states; CBS discovered that in 2005 alone “THERE WERE AT LEAST 6,256 AMONG THOSE WHO SERVED IN THE ARMED FORCES. THAT’S 120 EACH AND EVERY WEEK IN JUST ONE YEAR.”

That is not a typo. Active and retired military personnel, mostly young veterans between the ages of 20 to 24, are returning from combat and killing themselves in record numbers. We can assume that "multiple-tours of duty" in a war-zone have precipitated a mental health crisis of which the public is entirely unaware and which the Pentagon is in total denial.

If we add the 6,256 suicide victims from 2005 to the “official” 3,865 reported combat casualties; we get a sum of 10,121. Even a low-ball estimate of similar 2004 and 2006 suicide figures, would mean that the total number of US casualties from the Iraq war now exceed 15,000."

From: Pentagon Cover Up

But the US government says that it is under the national average.

So I went to see what our own boffins are doing here in UK.

"The number of troops who have committed suicide after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan is equivalent to 10 per cent of deaths suffered on operations."

Says "Growing suicide toll among troops"

But it also states that:

"There are also fears that the number of suicides among troops who have recently left the Armed Forces could be significantly higher than 17. However, no records are kept once they leave the Services.

Unless the problem is quickly addressed then the military could experience the neglect suffered by Falklands veterans where the estimated 300 suicides from the 1982 conflict far outstrips the 258 killed in action."

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Climate change,

Remember I was writing about carbon emmissions and how I feel about it? What I said was that I cannot go passionately trying to talk about the mess we are making as I believe that I am nature and what is happening is nature itself. But I must not be greedy and abuse the energy supplies I get at home and outside eg. transport etc. Any way it is too expensive. But look at this for an eye opener.

"But it is the enormous carbon footprint of Southern Company - among the largest financiers of Republican Party politicians - which has raised eyebrows. Southern’s employees handed George Bush $217,047 to help him get elected, and they and the company have contributed an extraordinary $6.2m to Republican campaigns since 1990.

A single Southern Company plant in Juliette, Georgia already emits more carbon dioxide annually that Brazil’s entire power sector. The company is in the top two of America’s dirtiest utility polluters and sixth worst in the world."

From: "US Power Company Linked to Bush Is Named in Database As a Top Polluter"

There are 1,754 power plants in UK. Out of that 374 are emitting more CO2 than they should. Totally in UK we emit 212 million tons of CO2 to get 362 million MWh of energy.

Facts from: "Highest CO2 Emitting Power Plants in the World"

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Britsh Spy, nothing & Nothing

Listening to Newsnight I learned that the British Spy system (MI5 & MI6 Etc.) in 1959 tried to put a mine on the ship carrying the Russian delegation with Kruschev, The Russian Precident, on board in Bournmouth; but the British spy who tried to put the mine was killed by a Russian spy. Everything came out when this retiring Russian Spy came out publicly about it now. He says they gave me a Red Star for the action but told me to keep quiet about it.

Are we doing it now?

Just follow my thoughts if you please.

In a small place everyone knows everyone.

If that place is ruled by am outside agent then there is a problem of security.

Now can you see the problem?

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Revolutionary Guard Corps, Roadside bombs

"On November 9, just two weeks after Washington announced new sanctions against the Revolutionary Guard Corps, U.S. forces released nine Iranian prisoners being held in Iraq, including two accused of membership in the Guards’ elite Quds Force (WashPost)"

US made the RGC of Iran a terrorist organisation and then they release the terrorists out. Hmmmmmm

And then this:

"In November 8 conference call, Rear Admiral Gregory Smith, spokesman for the U.S.military in Iraq, told Iran appears to have kept its promise to stop the flow of Iranian made roadside bombs into Iraq."

All this rhetoric from US saying "They are killing our boys", is a fantacy init?

From: Reading the Tea Leaves on Iran

Young soldier in the first world war front line, "THEY ARE BOMBING SIR".

Captain, "Be silent Lewis."

Young Lewis, "They are ombing sir."

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Monday, November 12, 2007

US Dollar, Chinese Submarine & Money-sucking

I like this guy. He explains what I have concluded better than I can. Hmmm....

"This is from Bloomberg News:

“As the dollar tumbles, concern is growing that its weakness may augur the end of the U.S. currency's 62-year reign as the world's specie of choice for trade, financial transactions and central-bank reserves…..The dollar owes its position as the world's premier international currency to its status as a haven during times of turmoil, the absence of a suitable rival, weak domestic demand in other countries and plain old inertia. Geopolitics also play a role.”

Nonsense. Who believes this rubbish? The dollar is the so-called “international currency” because the Federal Reserve and its well-heeled patrons are the directors of the US-Euro-Japan banking cabal which is at the center of the global Fiat money scam. There’s nothing more to it than that. Notice the recent “unilateral” clamp-down on Iran by the US-led banking syndicate. The action was initiated without UN approval for the simple reason that the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO and thousands of NGOs are just more of the Central Banks’ prime properties. Don’t expect the father to ask the child for permission to punish one of his errant children. The banks are the one’s who really call the shots and—behind the curtain of feigned respectability---they are the driving force behind the endless wars

Read all about it. And check the comments for down below.

"Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, at least 60,000 U.S. service members have been wounded or become mentally ill from their battlefield experiences."

Hell that's really bad. Wonder how many we got in Britain?


"American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese submarine popping up at the heart of a recent Pacific exercise and close to the vast U.S.S. Kitty Hawk - a 1,000ft supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board.

By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier.

According to senior Nato officials the incident caused consternation in the U.S. Navy."

Some better news today. Predictions are getting better.

"Tony Blair has been accused of "gold-digging" and "money-sucking" after he reportedly charged £240,000 for giving a speech in China."

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Iraqi Government to UN: 'Don't Extend Mandate for Bush's Occupation'

I am reading about Iraq's law makers. Law makers are the elected parliamentary people. So in Iraq there are two types of lawmakers called The Nationalists and The Separatists. The nationalists are the people who want to keep Iraq as a whole. The separatists are backed by US and Britain and want to divide Iraq into ethnic areas.

The administration of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose government is dominated by Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish separatists. That is the cabinet. They want to make three autonomous regions with strong local governments and weak central government. Then they want to privotise the oil and gas industry and decentralise operations and distribution of petroleum.

The rest of the parliament is from the nationalists block with Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish lawmakers. They do not want any of these to happen. But the problem here is US and Britain do not like these lawmakers. They have been trying to get the US and UK to partcipate in a dialogue but US and UK are not playing that game.

As I read this:

"A sovereign and unified Iraq, free of sectarian violence, is what George Bush and Tony Blair claim they want most. The most likely reason that the United States and Britain have rebuffed those Iraqi nationalists who share those goals is that the nationalists oppose permanent basing rights and the privatization of Iraq's oil sector. The administration, along with their allies in Big Oil, has pressed the Iraqi government to adopt an oil law that would give foreign multinationals a much higher rate of return than they enjoy in other major oil producing countries and would lock in their control over what George Bush called Iraq's "patrimony" for decades.

Al-Shammari said this week: "We're afraid the U.S. will make us pass this new oil law through intimidation and threatening. We don't want it to pass, and we know it'll make things worse, but we're afraid to rise up and block it, because we don't want to be bombed and arrested the next day." In the Basrah province, where his Al-Fadhila party dominates the local government, Al-Shammari's fellow nationalists have been attacked repeatedly by separatists for weeks, while British troops in the area remained in their barracks."

This stands to reason as the rich people in the community are educated in rich foreign countries and pay homage to those countries and the poor people have to tag along to them or get killed if they protest. This goes on in most of the "civilised" world. We in UK are not excluded in this club. This means that the rich will rule over the poor whatever the circumstantces.. Sorry I went into phylosophosing again!!!!

So on 8th of May this year the Iraqi Parliament passed a bill with more than half the members for the foreign troups to be out of the country. They got 144 out of 275 members. But that was not binding. On June the 5th the lawmakers passed a binding resolution that will guarantee lawmakers an opportunity to block the extension of the U.N. mandate under which coalition troops now remain in Iraq when it comes up for renewal in December. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose cabinet is dominated by Iraqi separatists, may veto the measure. They want conditions put into the UN mandate like the timetable for withdrawal of foreign troups when it comes for renewal in December. This is correct as 92% of the people who were asked wanted foreign troups out, in 2004.

In "Iraqi Lawmakers Pass Resolution That May Force End to Occupation" it says:

"Iraqi lawmaker Jabir Habib (a Shia closely aligned with the al-Sadrist Movement) said in an interview last fall that the Iraqi Assembly had been poised to vote on the issue. "We spent the last months discussing the conditions we wanted to add to the mandate," he said, "and the majority of the parliament decided on three major conditions. These conditions included pulling the coalition forces out of the cities and transferring responsibility for security to the Iraqi government, giving Iraqis the right to recruit, train, equip and command the Iraqi security forces, and requiring that the U.N. mandate expire and be reviewed every six months instead of every 12 months."

Lawmakers said that while they likely had enough support to require a timetable for withdrawal as a condition of the mandate's renewal last year, they were sidelined by al-Maliki when the prime minister sent a letter to the U.N. Security Council requesting an extension without consulting members of parliament. The move outraged lawmakers. "

Now in November Bush and co are trying to block the UN mandate which the majority of Iraqs want for their country.

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Lynch, Ian and Tony

"The family of a young mother stabbed and killed by her estranged partner today slammed the decision to fine two officers who were found guilty of misconduct over their handling of the case.

Pcs Charlotte Hall and Theresa Cottingham, of Warwickshire Police, were ruled to have breached the code of conduct by failing to perform their duties "conscientiously and diligently" when they were called to the home of Colette Lynch on February 1 2005.

The two "blinkered" officers treated the attack on mother-of-three Ms Lynch's home as criminal damage and not domestic violence. Despite her pleas they refused to arrest her psychotic former partner, Percy Wright.

Two days later Wright returned to the house in Rugby where he stabbed and killed Ms Lynch.

Relatives of Ms Lynch stormed out the Warwickshire disciplinary hearing when it was announced the two constables would be docked five days pay after being found guilty of misconduct"

I am not surprised when you see Ian Blair getting away by saying that he was. is and will be doing a world of godd for the Police Force. Hmmmmm so dod Tony Blaidr as well. GRBR Good Riddens of Bad Rubbish huh?

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Thursday, November 08, 2007


"Af­ter we make a ques­tion­a­ble choice, we of­ten think up—or make up—new rea­sons to be­lieve it was right af­ter all. The pro­cess is called ra­t­ional­iz­a­tion; and al­though it seems point­less and sil­ly, it does some­times help us feel bet­ter about our­selves.

Now, re­search­ers have found that mon­keys do it, too. That raises the pos­si­bil­ity that the pro­cess is ev­o­lu­tion­arily much old­er, and per­haps more au­to­mat­ic, than was pre­vi­ously be­lieved, ac­cord­ing to the sci­en­tists."

Hey my belief that all the senses we have is found in all the other beings going down to single celled ones, and we are so stupid we cannot understand them. Of course science have to prove it to believe it. I am not a scientists hmmm...

From: "Even monkeys rationalize, study finds"

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Gentrifiers, penguin dance, & Nuclear myths

"10/28/07 "AP" -- -- WASHINGTON: The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said Sunday he had no evidence Iran was working actively to build nuclear weapons and expressed concern that escalating rhetoric from the U.S. could bring disaster."

I don't know whome to beleave in, man. If I think of the past the same institute said that there is no WMD in Iraq. Now what is the problem. Is there something wrong with the media? Last night I saw the Spooks and the end is, that Iran has got nucleor bomb capability. I was a bit taken back as I was thinking of this article which was last weeks. Hmmmm.....

From: No Evidence Iran Building Nuclear Weapons : Mohamed ElBaradei

(gentrify)verb: renovate so as to make it conform to middle-class aspirations (Example: "Gentrify a row of old houses")

Nice word. I Like it.

"The plots of haunted house films frequently portray gentrifiers as innocent victims and the people they have displaced as monsters."


"Haunted-house escapism allows us to evade two fundamental truths: that on some level we participate in the displacement of others, and that we ourselves are vulnerable to displacement and homelessness. At the same time, the stigmatization of the homeless in media and in governmental policy has become so extreme that "we" equate the homeless with monsters. When you lose your home, you lose your membership in the human community. You become something else: a ghost, a monster."

If you like horror flicks look at "Haunted House Films Are Really About the Nightmares of Gentrification"

I am watching a tv documentary about penguins. The penguins take time out to eat at sea. When they change over they do a dance. The commentator said that he does not know why they do it. But when I was watching I thought that it is like the bees doing the bee dance. The penguin who comes out of the sea tells the other penguin where the best food is available. Hmmm....

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Karma,Tai Chi and A&E

11:25 06/11/2007

It is your karma, as the past and the future, you believe in?

Logically I can say it is wrong.

Your logic is unique.

That says the lot

I did say earlier I have started a free course in Tai Chi. I got the first exercise called "Lifting Water". It is good and I felt a difference in my walking immediately. My posture must have been not very good.

The exercise itself is raising my arms up and down to shoulder level with breathing in and out. I felt when I raise my arms and inhale I am letting it go and then when I lower my arms and exhale I am pushing something out. It being something which I am not sure about. I think I should do it as a continuous movement without jerks or sudden moves. Sure if I can do this, with the whole of my life as such, will be a comfort for my body and mind. I will let you know as I proceed with the rest. I ave done the next exercise but not sure about it at the moment.

I had an accident on the 15th last month. I am surprised I did not finger the story here.

It was early evening. My friends Fagan and Kai came to viisit me about half gone eight or so with a bottle of vodkha. We had a few capfuls may two by the time I wanted to have something to eat. So we telephone-ordered three meals from the Somali place in Ashley Road junction. About 9 I went to collect it. I carried the two bags in my two hands and came down the small hill at a brisk pace. All of a sudden I went flying forword in my face as if something took my feet off the pavement. I found myself very shaken lieing on the pavement. I checked I have not injured my face or head. But my right elbow and the left shoulder was screaming with pain. Then I got up. As I was getting up I noticed that the two bags of food were intact but crushed and the carrier bags were twisted at the handles. So you can see I must have flapped my arms when I flew downwords - funny init? Then I found that my ribs on the left side started to throb with pain.

I looked around to see whether someone has put a wire across the pavement for a laugh. But nothing of the sort; I found a metal cover for CCTV jutting out slightly off the pavement. I went home with anger rushing in me. I found I 'ad lost the house keys in the action. So went back and found it bloody right. Got more food and got nicely drunk after. Good night though with pain.

Next day I found that aches and paiin was tolerable enough and decided to grin and bare it. Evening after I had a evening meal about half eight and about 9 settled down to watch Heros in the box. Hey don't tell me I am watching Merican rubbish but I pay the bloody licence and leave me be. I started getting bit of breathless. It is a funny feeling at first. Then I realised that I have severe pain on my left side of the chest and every time I breath pain goes up by a lot more than you can imagine. So after about 10 minutes of this I started panicking. I phoned the local GP's number. The gentleman on the other end listened to me for a few seconds and when I got to chest pain and breathing problems adviced me to call the 999 and cut me off. The panic state went up by 10 fold. I was gasping by now. Got through to the 999. The lady said ambulance crew are on the way keep the front door open and wait. She even said she can stay with me until they arrive. But as those people are too busy I thanked her and said goodbye to her.

They arrived within minutes. The crew was three people one man and two women. The man asked for the toilet and went away. I still don;t know who he was. Send me an email if you know. Sorry I was pre-occupied with my trauma. Straight away put an oxygen mask on. The breathing and the pain went down from about 8 to 4 or 5. Then they got me rigged up to the electrocardio machine and checked me heart. It was OK. Boom Boom my whole being went I remember. Nothing like the fear of death. Was I afraid about death? I could not really remember thinking about dieing at all. I remember other people telling how painful heart attacks can be. That is the only thing which came to my mind. When I realsed after the checking that the breathing difficulty is due to my bruised ribs I was OK. They took me off to the hospital. I thought the guy who wanted to use my toilet was in the Ambulance but he was not there. I only remembered it afterwords. I was in the A&E for 5 hours or so and they checked me heart again and the xrayed my chest. This was done with the oxygen mask on all the time. Boring 5 hours. The Docter said I was alright but got a badly bruised rib and to go home and rest. Then he takes my oxy mask off and the pain started getting worse. I was gasping when I left there. Man what a night.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Donald Rumsfeld & Torture

10:54 29/10/2007

Somethings do not get into the news at all. Did you hear about former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld going to France and the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights and the Paris-based International Federation of Human Rights, charging him for torture? Sorry if it was in the news as I was not in this world on Friday night and saturday due to partying.

Then another one I missed was; on the 10th of October BBC2 screened a film called "Taxi to the Dark Side".

It is a horrifying story documentary which will leave you thinking,'This cannot be happening!'. You be the judge. Please don't be the jury and the executioner.

From: No Place To Hide

Updated: 30.10.07:
"Anti-torture protesters in France believe that the defense secretary fled over the open border to Germany, where a war crimes case against Rumsfeld was dismissed by a federal court. "

From: Rumsfeld Flees France, Fearing Arrest

This is from the past and more or less the same as then secretary of state was Kissinger; you can see what a monster he was at that time. It does not change init. I now has no respect for any of these rich countries and thier governments. When you really think about the whole world there are no governments who are really good and righteous.

Check: Torture, Then And Now

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Iran, Israel and the Warplanes

This is needs a bit of explaning I think.

First "Russia confirms all commitments under Bushehr contract". This article says that Russia has agreed to finish construction of Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant.

Russian presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko told Itar-Tass,"Russia confirmed its commitment to all contractual obligations regarding Bushehr and it is determined to honor them. Naturally, there has to be the understanding that all those obligations are known to the IAEA and fully comply with the rules of that organization, and the Bushehr project itself has been implemented under the control of that international organization from the very outset"

Then in "PM tells London Jews: Russia won't supply nuclear fuel to Iran", it brings out a bit of doubt into the situation. It says:

"Speaking to Jewish group in London on Tuesday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert revealed that at his meeting last week in Moscow with the Russian president, he learned that "Russia has decided not to supply nuclear fuel to Iran.""
It gets better.

In "Iran acquiring fighter jets based on Israeli technology", it says this:

"Iran has signed a deal with China to purchase 24 J-10 fighter jets between 2008 and 2010, Russian news agency Novosti reported. The jets were developed based on the technology of Israel's Lavi fighter jet, whose technology was sold to China against the wishes of the US.

Novosti stated that the J-10 has a range of 2,940 kilometers, bringing it within range of Israel. Iran's current MiG-29 jets have a range of 2,100 kilometers."

Who is the Daddy?

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Open Office, Cricket and unwanted opinions

13:24 25/10/2007

I am putting a copy of Open Office in me puter. Will try to write about it in ere as we go along.

21:00 24/10/2007

When we go to a place like the sea side, with a few people, I find some of us already want to be back home by the time we reach The sea side. See how many people ask the question what time we getting back, and there is a theory I like to put forword to myself.

If there are three people, if one person is not 'avin it but just tagging alone, due to something did not please the person, and one of the other two is not decided but enjoyement and boredom is 50%, the other one is 'aving it but will not argue going back bit, then the chances of you lot going early is very high.

This is about me joining my firend Steve with his parents to go and watch a Somerset play Middlesex in Taunton Cricket grounds. The day started Steve and me having breakfast together getting excited about the day. Got picked up about 9.30 by Steve's dad. I heard that his mum was visiting a relative in distress. Steve was not happy about that.

Anyway got to Taunton and by the time we parked the car I fouhd that Steve's dad Mat is not happy either, without his missus. We all had a good day. I loved it with the sun soaring across the sky without any clouds and cricket in front of me. It was a one day match. Somerset got all out for 100 something and the locals were not happy. Steve was worse and was nagging Mat to go home. I kept out of it as I was the visitor to there game. Any way we got out of the grounds with 5 overs to spare and by the time we got to the car another wicket was down and they needed 30 or so to win. Steve asked me whether I enjoyed the day. I said ofcourse I did but I didn't like being dragged out when the things were hotting up. He says you should have told us. But what he does not know is I already knew it would happen. Is it nice to be proven right even though you have to suffer?

15:54 23/10/2007

Kai is saying:

"A slight word of advice i would like people to know which i discovered through self analysis would be, " the majority of times you find yourself asking others for advice on whether you should do something or not. You all ready know the answer. What you are actually doing is arguing what you would like to do against what you feel you should do. It's a lot easier to just decide if the risk is to great for yourself there and then." Asking someone elses opinion is just a way to share the blame! Then you can say " Well so and so said they thought i should. ""
That is my mate Kai. Well his first blog he says.

19:28 22/10/2007

When I think about the Global Heating I feel that part of me want to believe in Nature which I am part of. It changes and the better or worse is not my problem. I will have to adjust. The other part says be very passionate about it and take some action. So I thought no stress, just think energy costs more. Be reasonable but try to make it cheaper by reducing it.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Clinton, Pot And Tai chi

15:49 20/10/2007

"The US arms industry is backing Hillary Clinton for President and has all but abandoned its traditional allies in the Republican party. Mrs Clinton has also emerged as Wall Street's favourite. Investment bankers have opened their wallets in unprecedented numbers for the New York senator over the past three months and, in the process, dumped their earlier favourite, Barack Obama.

Mrs Clinton's wooing of the defence industry is all the more remarkable given the frosty relations between Bill Clinton and the military during his presidency. An analysis of campaign contributions shows senior defence industry employees are pouring money into her war chest in the belief that their generosity will be repaid many times over with future defence contracts."

That is something I been trying to get some info about. I been to other blogsites like, Rose Covered Glasses by Ken (Ta for the comments). How much the Industrial Military Complex have muscle in the democratic elections of US. May be we in UK got a similar system.

"After her election to the Senate, she became the first New York senator on the armed services committee, where she revealed her hawkish tendencies by supporting the invasion of Iraq. Although she now favours a withdrawal of US troops, her position on Iran is among the most warlike of all the candidates – Democrat or Republican.

This week, she said that, if elected president, she would not rule out military strikes to destroy Tehran's nuclear weapons facilities. While on the armed services committee, Mrs Clinton has befriended key generals and has won the endorsement of General Wesley Clarke, who ran Nato's war in Kosovo. A former presidential candidate himself, he is spoken of as a potential vice-presidential running mate."

Proof is there but need more info?


Clinton bucks the trend and rakes in cash from the US weapons industry

And at the same time in NY Blair is talking war. The question is how much he is getting now or in the future from the IMC (Industrial Military Complex)? During the time he spent in Irish problems which side he made friends with? As this speech I read was delivered at a Charity dinner in front of New York's political and Catholic elite, which was held in honour of Al Smith, the former governor of New York who was the first Catholic to be nominated by a major political party to run for US president.

The annual event has gained a reputation as a major social gathering in election years, when organisers traditionally invite the presidential candidates to speak (from source).

15:35 20/10/2007

"According to the latest data from federal Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS), more individuals are, in fact, enrolled in drug treatment for pot than ever before. However, this increase is a direct result of the fact that more Americans are being arrested for pot than ever before. (For example, a new study published in the online journal BMC Public Health reports among the 27,000+ adults entered into Texas drug treatment clinics between 2000 and 2005, a whopping 70 percent of them were diverted to treatment as a condition of sentencing, parole, or probation.) Faced with the choice of jail or attending drug treatment, most offenders -- not surprisingly -- choose treatment, whether they need it (most don't) or not."

'Pot 2.0': Where Can I Get Some?

22:11 19/10/2007

In QI the tv series they were talking about Syphillis which I was talking about a few days back. So the QI boffins say that the Dutch call it Portugese desease and the Portugese call it the Dutch desease. So if the Spanish and the rest of the Europeans say that they got it from natives of the land called America, it must have come from Europe init?

21:53 19/10/2007

What is Tai chi ?

At the moment I am trying out ths exercise. Say I srand with my feet about shoulder width and keep the knees slack with the arms out stretched but not rigid. Feel all the muscles of the body and tense them while pushing against any painful areas.

11:36 18/10/2007

"Statistics UK

Worrying rise of self-inflicted deaths in prison

INQUEST is concerned about the worrying number of self-inflicted deaths in prison to the end of September this year. Already the number of self-inflicted deaths has overtaken the total for 2006. INQUEST believes these deaths must be seen in the context of the overuse of prison and overcrowding which reduces the Prison Service's ability to carry out its duty of care.

Deaths in prison 2007

Classification Number

Self-Inflicted 70

Non-Self-Inflicted 68

Homicide 2

Awaiting Classification 2

Deaths in police custody 2007

Type Number

Custody 19

Pursuit 8

Road Traffic Accidents 5

Shooting 4

Source: INQUEST casework and monitoring"

12:37 14/10/2007

Now as I am living in a flat I got a chance to finger my words into this blog everyday! So there will be a proper organisation of various points I am crazy about. Most of the current news stuff I put here will be taken out after a while; leaving my own musings and life style I am leading. Then I have the issue with the LABELS in this blog I have to master; which will be done as we go along.

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Uk Sporting Scene

08:53 22/10/2007

Black weekend for the sporting fans of UK. First our beloved Rugby team lost the World Championship to the bloody South Africans. Good lord they were good so nothing to despair that much but to grin and say "Oh! they played fine and lost huh?".

Then came the Grand Prix and my man Lewis lost the World Championship by a point. Man that was pure bad management on the side of the engineering team going upto the big boss. They fucked it up in China keeping him too long on the track with those tires. And in St Paulo they did a bloody three pit stops. Good idea to put the intermediate tires in the mid session for him to pass the slackers, why the hell did they not put enough fuel in to last the race after the second stop. Very unproffesional; hope they have a reason. I tried googling but it is too early I suppose for the analysis to be thorough. One thing I came across was Lewis Hamilton was West Indian descent to start with and then became British then English then British and now I think he will have to be sent back to where he comes from Init?

Last straw was when my man Ronne lost to the Chinese Marco at Snooker. After losing 3/1 to Marco he came back with 4/3 to Ronne at the first session. Then he got to 5/3 and then lost the next 2 and only manage to win one. Ended up with 9/6 to Marco and the Trophy went to China. Hope next week brings out something nice.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lots Of Different Bits of News and all

22:42 12/10/2007

Where did Syphilis started?

According to wikipedia which is not 100% authority in any subject - nor are the others:

"“ . . . syphilis probably cannot be "blamed"—as it often is—on any geographical area or specific race. The evidence suggests that the disease existed in both hemispheres from prehistoric times. It is only coincidental with the Columbus expeditions that the syphilis previously thought of as "lepra" flared into virulence at the end of the fifteenth century.[7] ”

Owsley noted that a Chinese medical case recorded in 2637 B.C.E. seems to be describing a case of syphilis, and that a European writer who recorded an outbreak of "lepra" in 1303 C.E. is clearly describing syphilis.[7]"


11:33 11/10/2007

"Overall the volume of traffic on the area’s roads has grown by 21% over the last 10 years compared to 16% nationally. As a result of a successful economy and new development the average speed in Bristol’s urban area is 15 miles per hour during peak periods, the lowest in England outside London."

This is from the Bristol City Council's website. It is called"Our Future Transport
West of England Sub Region".

18:47 09/10/2007

"The authorities in Germany have decided not to seek the extradition of 13 US citizens suspected of being involved in the abduction and rendition of German citizen Khaled el-Masri. The 13 includes at least 10 operatives of the CIA."

Looks bad for the UN!

From:Rendition - CIA impunity again goes unchallenged

And then:

"Seven months after a major investigation spelt out Europe's involvement in a murky U.S. torture and kidnapping programme, the EU's governments have claimed they are powerless to prevent such human rights abuses in the future."

From:RIGHTS-EUROPE: Torture Flights Could Land Again

18:40 09/10/2007

"He said Russia and China have drafted an international declaration on the non-deployment of weapons in space and sent it to the UN.

"It is necessary to establish the rules of the game in space," he said, adding that the deployment of weapons in space could have unpredictable consequences, since such weapons are "very complex systems."

"A sizable war could break out," the commander said.

He said space must not be the sphere of interests of any one country.

"We do not want to fight in space, and we do not want to call the shots there either, but we will not permit any other country to do so," he said.

Popovkin also said that Russia has an integrated missile attack warning system, covering the country's entire territory."

Hello US who is the bad boy then? And at the same time Russia puts its bloody flag in the Arctic? Who is the .....

From:Russia promises retaliation if weapons deployed in space

18:20 09/10/2007

"Speaking in February 2003, a month before the invasion, Mr Bush told his Spanish counterpart that US forces would be in Baghdad by the end of March regardless of whether the United Nations authorised the use of force.

He also talked about punishing countries that failed to support a UN resolution backing the war and outlined an offer by Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader, to go into exile in return for $1bn, which he said the US would reject."

It is coming out little by little. I will give them five more years and then we can see what the world is going to do. You and me hopefully will be here to see it.

From:New light cast on Bush's plans for Iraq war

17:46 09/10/2007

"According to press reports, about 34 per cent of the budget the US government initially allocated for the reconstruction of Iraq has been diverted to private security firms."

That is a lot of reconstruction, like killing off the local population by degrees as we saw in Baghdad with the Blackwater lot.

From:'We'll revoke Al-Maliki's licence first'

17:12 09/10/2007

This all-purpose epithet of opprobrium is designed to conflate Israel with World Jewry, thereby implying that to attack one means to attack the other. In truth, the term is meaningless, as I wrote in an earlier essay: “Strictly speaking, ‘semitic’ is a linguistic term denoting a family of Afro-Asiatic languages, of which we have today Arabic, Hebrew, Maltese, and the South Arabic languages of northern Ethiopia. Ancient semitic languages included Akkadian, Canaanite, Amorite, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Punic, Aramaic, as well as ancient Hebrew and Syriac.”"

Bloody good definition init?

War As Freedom, And Fraud As Fact

17:04 09/10/2007

"Afrah Sattar, 27, was on a bus approaching the square when she saw the guards fire on the white car. She and her mother, Ghania Hussein, were headed to the Certificate of Identification Office in Baghdad to pick up proof of Sattar’s Iraqi citizenship for an upcoming trip to a religious shrine in Iran.

When she saw the gunmen turn toward the bus, Sattar looked at her mother in fear. “They’re going to shoot at us, Mama,” she said. Her mother hugged her close. Moments later, a bullet pierced her mother’s skull and another struck her shoulder, Sattar recalled.

As her mother’s body went limp, blood dripped onto Sattar’s head, still cradled in her mother’s arms.

“Mother, mother,” she called out. No answer. She hugged her mother’s body and kissed her lips and began to pray, “We belong to God and we return to God.” The bus emptied, and Sattar sat alone at the back, with her mother’s bleeding body.

“I’m lost now, I’m lost,” she said days later in her simple two-bedroom home. Ten people lived there; now there are nine.

“They are killers,” she said of the Blackwater guards. “I swear to God, not one bullet was shot at them. Why did they shoot us? My mother didn’t carry a weapon.”

Downstairs, her father, Sattar Ghafil Slom al Kaabi, 67, sat beneath a smiling picture of his wife and recalled their 40-year love story and how they raised eight children together. On the way to the holy city of Najaf to bury her, he’d stopped his car, with her coffin strapped to the top. He got out and stood beside the coffin. He wanted to be with her a little longer.

“I loved her more than anything,” he said, his voice wavering. “Now that she is dead, I love her more.”"

Make up your own mind, mine is already wired.

From:Blackwater Guards Killed 16 as US Touted Progress

10:57 09/10/2007

"According to Petras, a sociologist at Binghamton University, New York, the pro-Zionist "power configuration" is not just the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee(AIPAC). The Zionist lobby is so powerful, Petras argues, it "calls the shots" and "supports the escalation of the Iraq war and the savaging of Palestine, Somalia and Afghanistan.""

I can understand why Israel is fucked up about Palestine, but what the hell they have to do with Afghanistan and Somalia? Bind Moggles man!

19:39 08/10/2007

When I watched the news clip, about the judge who died in a fireball, my thoughts about nature got simplified .

17:00 07/10/2007

Sorry for regurgitatimg old news but this article is interesting, if you be interested in the middle East.

"In an article entitled “The Next Act” published last November, Hersh wrote: “In the past six months, Israel and the United States have also been working together in support of a Kurdish resistance group known as the Party for Free Life [PJAK] in Kurdistan. The group has been conducting clandestine cross-border forays into Iran, I was told by a government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon civilian leadership, as ‘part of an effort to explore alternative means of applying pressure on Iran.’ (The Pentagon has established covert relationships with Kurdish, Azeri and Baluchi tribesmen, and has encouraged their efforts to undermine the regime’s authority in northern and southeastern Iran.) The government consultant said that Israel is giving the Kurdish group ‘equipment and training.’ The group has also been given ‘a list of targets inside Iran of interest to the US’.”"

From:Washington’s proxy war inside Kurdish Iran

15:24 07/10/2007

"US military snipers operating in Iraq are "baiting" Iraqis by scattering items like detonation cord, plastic explosives and ammunition, and then ambushing and killing those who pick them up, The Washington Post reported today.

The newspaper said the classified program was described in investigative documents related to recently filed murder charges against three snipers accused of planting evidence on Iraqis they killed."

Well this happens downtown in Bristol too. They put an unlocked car with the keys in the ignition, and keep an eye on it. And you guess the rest orrct. US system coppied by UK. Now admired by Iraqis!

From:US snipers baiting Iraqis - report

14:08 07/10/2007

Blackwater fans listen:

"The great irony is that while our nation is engrossed in a campaign to disband militias funded by Syria and Iran, it is doing so with our own private militias – some 180 or more of them operating in the Iraq theatre. Their strength in Iraq is estimated at from 20,000 to 50,000 contract soldiers, although the numbers and their mission are kept from the scrutiny of Congress. How many and what they are doing is a matter of guesswork for those whom we have elected to represent us."

I think that comes as the fourth step towords Fascism init?

From:Is Blackwater A Black Hole?

17:08 05/10/2007

"Amnesty notes that Texas, which operates America’s busiest execution chamber, has banned one of the chemicals involved for use in euthanising pets, because it does not effectively mask pain."

Americans are crazy!

From:Amnesty Lists Horrors of US Executions

13:05 05/10/2007

Bit of US history during Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Clinton. Good article if you are brave!

As Hillary Runs for the White House, Consider Bill's Refusal to Explore Bush I Scandals

11:47 05/10/2007

Here we go again with the Sunni population of Iraq. What they say is Al Quaeda never existed in Iraq before the US invation. Majority of the Sunnis do not like the Al Quaeda Iraq (AQI). They say moment US leaves Iraq they will get rid of AQI. No place for Bush & co is it?

"Several sources we reached in the Sunni community agreed that AQI, a predominantly Sunni insurgent group that did not exist prior to the U.S. invasion -- it started in 2005 -- will not exist for long after coalition forces depart. AQI is universally detested by large majorities of Iraqis of all ethnic and sectarian backgrounds because of its fundamentalist interpretation of religious law and efforts to set up a separate Sunni state, and its only support -- and it obviously does enjoy some support -- is based solely on its opposition to the deeply unpopular U.S.-led occupation of Iraq."

Remember Nicaragua? AQI according to the local Sunnis are put there by the occupying US. US wants to drag this war for some other reason than democracy in the region. I wonder?

"In July, three of the most prominent Sunni insurgent groups agreed to join forces in a concerted effort to end the occupation. Abd al Rahman al Zubeidy, a spokesman for one of the groups, told the Guardian: "Resistance isn't just about killing Americans without aims or goals. Our people have come to hate Al Qaeda, which gives the impression to the outside world that the resistance in Iraq are terrorists. We are against indiscriminate killing, fighting should be concentrated only on the enemy." He added that "a great gap has opened up between Sunni and Shia under the occupation and Al Qaeda has contributed to that … Most of Al Qaeda's members are Iraqis but its leaders are mostly foreigners. The Americans magnify their role, even though they are responsible for a minority of resistance operations.""

Only a U.S. Withdrawal Will Stop Al Qaeda in Iraq

Iraq Poll September 2007

The Iraqi Public on the US Presence and the Future of Iraq

Most Iraqis Want U.S. Troops Out Within a Year

11:26 05/10/2007

In the world there are 7,000 languages spoken today. More than half of them does not have a written form. 96% of the world's languages are spoken by just 4% of the population. Half of the world's languages are spoken in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Only 4% of the world's languages come from Europe. A language dies every 14 days.

Listen to this man!

"The hot spots list­ed at Tues­day’s brief­ing:

· North­ern Aus­tral­ia, 153 lan­guages. The re­search­ers said ab­o­rig­i­nal Aus­tral­ia holds some of the world’s most en­dan­gered lan­guages, in part be­cause ab­o­rig­i­nal groups splin­tered dur­ing con­flicts with white set­tlers. Re­search­ers have doc­u­mented such small lan­guage com­mun­i­ties as the three known speak­ers of Ma­g­ati Ke, the three Yawuru speak­ers and the lone speak­er of Amurdag.

· ­Cen­tral South Amer­i­ca in­clud­ing Ec­ua­dor, Co­lom­bia, Pe­ru, Bra­zil and Bo­liv­ia — 113 lan­guages. The ar­ea has ex­tremely high di­vers­ity, very lit­tle doc­u­menta­t­ion and sev­er­al im­me­di­ate threats. Small and so­cially less-valued in­dig­e­nous lan­guages are be­ing knocked out by Span­ish or more dom­i­nant in­dig­e­nous lan­guages in most of the re­gion, and by Por­tu­guese in Bra­zil.

· North­west Pa­cif­ic Plat­eau, in­clud­ing Brit­ish Co­lum­bia in Can­a­da and the states of Wash­ing­ton and Or­e­gon in the U.S., 54 lan­guages. Every lan­guage in the Amer­i­can part of this hotspot is en­dan­gered or mor­i­bund, mean­ing the youngest speak­er is over age 60. An ex­tremely en­dan­gered lan­guage, with just one speak­er, is Siletz Dee-ni, the last of 27 lan­guages once spo­ken on the Siletz re­serva­t­ion in Or­e­gon.

· East­ern Si­be­ri­an Rus­sia, Chi­na, Ja­pan — 23 lan­guages. Go­vernment poli­cies in the re­gion have forced speak­ers of mi­nor­ity lan­guages to use the na­t­ional and re­gional lan­guages and, as a re­sult, some have only a few eld­erly speak­ers.

· Ok­la­ho­ma, Tex­as and New Mex­i­co — 40 lan­guages. Ok­la­ho­ma has one of the high­est dens­i­ties of in­dig­e­nous lan­guages in the Un­ited States. A mor­i­bund lan­guage of the ar­ea is Yuchi, which may be un­re­lat­ed to any oth­er lan­guage in the world. As of 2005, only five eld­erly mem­bers of the Yuchi tribe were flu­ent."

FRom: A language dies every two weeks, researchers say:


Global Language Hotspots

10:20 05/10/2007

I am not afraid of death as I am sitting here and writing this. But I am concerned about the things they going to dicover after I am gone. But at the same time when I read articles like the link below, I am not that sorry to die before!

Arctic ice disappearing:

08:38 02/10/2007

MEK What are they?

08:28 02/10/2007

Ha ha ha tee hee:
At an art exhibition there was a painting 3 very naked, and very black men, sitting on a bench. What was unusual was that the men on both ends of the bench had black penises, but the man in the middle had a very pink penis. The picture was titled "Home for Lunch."
Two women were standing there, staring at the picture, scratching their heads and trying to figure this out.
The artist walked by and noticed the women's confusion. "Can I help you with this painting?" he asked.
"Well, yes!!" said the one woman. "We were curious about the picture of black men on the bench! Why does the guy in the middle of the three have a pink penis?"
"Oh," said the artist. "I'm afraid you've mis-understood the painting. The three men are not africans, they're coal miners, and the fellow in the middle went home for lunch."

10:50 01/10/2007

Today I am moving out of Saly Army Hostel. It was a good time, different. I cannot say I enjoyed the stay here; but it was god send compared to the state I was in. Thank you Saly Army.

That been two years since I did not have my own place. It is going to be trying times to come. What with utilities bills and cooking and looking after a flat?

I cannot say I am happy as the bloody social has taken my Incapacity off again. That is the fourth time in ten years they questioned my madical state. I have a feeling there is some bugger in the DHSS office who does not like me. I have half a mind to sue them; wonder whether there is any grounds. Do you know a good Lawyer?

18:07 29/09/2007

"An outbreak of cholera in Iraq has spread with new cases confirmed in Baghdad, Basra and for the first time the northern districts of Tikrit, Mosul and Dahuk, the World Health Organization said Tuesday.

This takes to 2,116 the number of confirmed cases of cholera in Iraq, and 11 deaths from the disease, WHO said."

Hope US soldiers get a dose of this shit and take it back ome init? Not very nice thought but what the hell worse thoughts are thought.

18:05 29/09/2007

"The plan, drawn up with former Carter administration foreign policy expert Leslie Gelb, would provide for a federal system as permitted by Iraq's constitution, stop Iraq from becoming a failed state and:

- Separate Iraq into Kurdish, Shiite and Sunni entities, with a federal government in Baghdad in charge of border security and oil revenues.

- Aim to defuse sectarian violence by offering Sunnis a share of oil revenues.

- Boost reconstruction aid and debt relief.

- Launch an international diplomatic effort to rally the world's great powers and Iraq's neighbors to the new federation's cause."

New plans to divide Iraq and control by the US senate:

17:57 29/09/2007

"President Bush’s transportation secretary, Mary Peters, with White House approval, personally directed a lobbying campaign to urge governors and two dozen House members to block California’s first-in-the-nation limits on greenhouse gases from cars and trucks, according to e-mails obtained by Congress."

From:How the White House Worked to Scuttle California’s Climate Law

12:38 29/09/2007

This is specialy for my own reference:

There is no evidence to suggest at this moment there are any Iranian or Lebonese instructers in Iraq; according to this:

Bush's 'proxy war' claim over Iran exposed

12:29 29/09/2007

For any one interested in what Gen. Petraeus wrote when he came back from the first stint in Iraq, Goto:

U.S. Military Counterinsurgency Manual, December 2006

11:55 29/09/2007

"But IBM's Hollerith punch card technology did exist. Aided by the company's custom-designed and constantly updated Hollerith systems, Hitler was able to automate his persecution of the Jews. Historians have always been amazed at the speed and accuracy with which the Nazis were able to identify and locate European Jewry. Until now, the pieces of this puzzle have never been fully assembled. The fact is, IBM technology was used to organize nearly everything in Germany and then Nazi Europe, from the identification of the Jews in censuses, registrations, and ancestral tracing programs to the running of railroads and organizing of concentration camp slave labor.

IBM and its German subsidiary custom-designed complex solutions, one by one, anticipating the Reich's needs. They did not merely sell the machines and walk away. Instead, IBM leased these machines for high fees and became the sole source of the billions of punch cards Hitler needed."

Another part of the puzzle falls into place. See this in a book: "IBM and the Holocaust"

Review: IBM and the Holocaust

Talking about fascism have a look at this:

Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

"1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

2. Create a gulag

3. Develop a thug caste

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

5. Harass citizens' groups

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

7. Target key individuals

8. Control the press

9. Dissent equals treason

10. Suspend the rule of law"

And check this:

Spy Satellites Turned on the U.S.

Me I am not surprised. In 1933 the elite in US tried to overthrow Roosvelt in a coup which failed. And in the article I found this:

" 'You know the American people will swallow that. We have got the newspapers. We will start a campaign that the President's health is failing. Everyone can tell that by looking at him, and the dumb American people will fall for it in a second…' The businessmen also promised that money was no object: Clark told Butler that he would spend half his $60 million fortune to save the other half.

And what type of government would replace Roosevelt's New Deal? MacGuire was perfectly candid to Paul French, a reporter friend of General Butler's: 'We need a fascist government in this country… to save the nation from the communists who want to tear it down and wreck all that we have built in America. The only men who have the patriotism to do it are the soldiers, and Smedley Butler is the ideal leader. He could organize a million men overnight.'"

Not much different nowadays init? US people I mean.

And then:

"Americans today would be appalled to learn of the many famous millionaires back then who initially admired Hitler and Mussolini: Henry Ford (who is shown being idolized by Hitler), John D. Rockefeller, John and Allen Dulles (who, besides being millionaires, would later become Eisenhower's Secretary of State and CIA Director, respectively), and, of course, everyone on the above list. They disavowed Hitler and Mussolini only after their atrocities grew to indefensible levels.

The plot fell apart when Butler went public. The general revealed the details of the coup before the McCormack-Dickstein Committee, which would later become the notorious House Un-American Activities Committee. The Committee heard the testimony of Butler and French, but failed to call in any of the coup plotters for questioning, other than MacGuire. In fact, the Committee whitewashed the public version of its final report, deleting the names of powerful businessmen whose reputations they sought to protect. The most likely reason for this response is that Wall Street had undue influence in Congress also. Even more alarming, the elite-controlled media failed to pick up on the story, and even today the incident remains little known. The elite managed to spin the story as nothing more than the rumors and hearsay of Butler and French, even though Butler was a Quaker of unimpeachable honesty and integrity. Butler, appalled by the cover-up, went on national radio to denounce it, but with little success.
Butler was not vindicated until 1967, when journalist John Spivak uncovered the Committee's internal, secret report. It clearly confirmed Butler's story:. "

From:The Failed Conspiracy to Overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt

11:45 29/09/2007

"Jena became a nationwide symbol for racism in the criminal justice system when six black students faced life sentences on attempted murder charges after a schoolyard fight that injured a white student. Outcry around the case grew when it was revealed that the fight occurred in the context of rising racial tensions at the school, where nooses were found hanging from a tree in the schoolyard after black students attempted to sit in the traditionally all-white area. When the first defendant was found guilty of second-degree battery and conspiracy by an all-white jury, Thursday’s protest was planned to coincide with his sentencing hearing. The case has become a symbol of racial bias in criminal justice system around the country."

Black students attempted to sit in the traditionally all-white area. What? In the 21st century? I don't be;ieve it! But check this website for it and you and I will have to believe it.

FRom:In Historic March, Tens of Thousands Gather from Across Nation to Demand Justice for Jena Six

11:34 29/09/2007

"On the border between Iraq and Iran, privately owned Apache helicopters deliver US special forces to a covert operation."

What the hell the US Army using mercenaries to transports themselves. The Mericans are crazy!

"None of the estimated 48,000 private military operatives in Iraq has been convicted of a crime and no one knows how many Iraqis have been killed by private military forces, because the US does not keep records.

According to some estimates, more than 800 private military employees have been killed in the war so far, and as many as 3,300 wounded.

These numbers are greater than the losses suffered by any single US army division and larger than the casualties suffered by the rest of the coalition put together.

A high-ranking US military commander in Iraq said: "These guys run loose in this country and do stupid stuff. There's no authority over them, so you can't come down on them hard when they escalate force. They shoot people.""

From:Making a killing: how private armies became a $120bn global industry

11:30 29/09/2007

"LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has amassed a stockpile of more than 100 metric tons of plutonium -- enough for 17,000 bombs of the size that flattened Japan's Nagasaki in 1945, a report from the country's top science institution said on Friday.

The toxic stockpile, which has doubled in the last decade, comes mainly from reprocessing of spent uranium fuel from the country's nuclear power plants, so to stop it growing the practice must end, the Royal Society said."

From:Britain has plutonium for 17,000 Nagasaki bombs

10:18 29/09/2007

In Iraq the Shia population seems to have three different camps; Al-Sistani, Mahdi Army militia loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and the Badr Brigade militia linked to the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council. They are all fighting for supremacy in Iraq. Let the best pcamp win!

From:Killings of 2 al-Sistani aides suggest worsening Shiite-Shiite feuding

18:27 27/09/2007

Chinese person emits 6,5 Cubic tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per year. US citizen does 20 CT per year. Wonder how muh we do?

11:13 27/09/2007

Love this one!

"What Would I Do If I Was A Terrorist?

By Dominic Jermano

22 September, 2007

Hi my name is Mohammad Abullaabullabulla. I live in Afghanistan and my brother Mohassammanmama lives in Iraq. We are terrorists. We are going to win the war on terror. And we want to get the bomb to protect ourselves.

This is what my brother is doing. It is said that America has pounded our countries with tons of DU known as Depleted Uranium. We have it everywhere, and people are saying we are dying from it. But I think I can use it for our own bombs.

I ordered a nice metal detector from the internet. It is being shipped soon to us£¬although I don¡¯t need it, because shrapnel and metal is everywhere to include blown up tanks and shells and casings. And what we really like are the DU tips found from your expended munitions.

The cruise missiles are especially cool. Although a little beat up, my brother said I can use them to grind up into powder and make our own DU bombs. I found some bags lying in the streets, you know the ones they put over the heads of our brothers; and I use them to collect my metal parts.

I put a scarf over my mouth and I found an old pair of glasses blown off some guys face in a car bombing. I had to wipe away the dried blood, but they are pretty useful to protect my eyes when I do the grinding. It¡¯s a little blurry but they work ok. I know that I am becoming contaminated with DU; but I don¡¯t mind. I can stay alive long enough to make more good missiles.

In fact we are planning to sell DU dust to Osama. They can put the dust in the rocket held shoulder missiles called stingers. Or maybe we can do some smelting and make a real good DU tip and fasten it to our stingers. You know these stingers are pretty good. They stopped the Russians. Now we are going to see about stopping you.

We¡¯re especially happy that you will continue to use DU Depleted Uranium munitions against us, to keep us well supplied. We use all the metal parts to grind into dust and using other scientific methods can keep our production costs much lower I suspect than yours. We are very happy about these developments. Again thank you, and see you on the battle field! Yippee hi ho!

Can you imagine that; look what Bush has done! He has given the stuff to terrorists? They don't care if they become contaminated because they would die anyway from their conventional TNT bombs.

They can scavenge tanks, and dig up shrapnel that is loaded with radioactive material to put in stingers. They will use it against the USA.

And the funny thing about it is the USA will fire more at them, so they can go out to dig up more expended rounds. Here Shrub spends all this money on the war for munitions, and it costs the terrorists nothing to make them. Just go out their front door, and get it.

Pretty pathetic what Bush has done. In fact he is fired. He needs to pack his gear and get out of the White House. He is done OUT OF TOWN. He needs to face criminal charges. The War is over. American people are not going to allow this war to go on any longer. It is done. We need to help clean up Iraq and Afghanistan before they get more of the DU material. We need to ban DU munitions, and foremost end the idea of War. War is Terror.

This will expose MIC once and for all. I am trying to stop this war. It is clear the terrorist are winning with Bush. This can be used in a court of Law against the Military Industrial Complex, to make them ban the use of DU Depleted Uranium for munitions."

What Would I Do If I Was A Terrorist

11:01 27/09/2007

This is funny. This is supposed to have happened in 2005 and now after the bloody murder done by Blackwater thugs in Iraq, they are investigating it. Hmmmm can you smell the .....

"Federal prosecutors are investigating whether staff from controversial US security company Blackwater smuggled weapons to Iraq, according to reports."

From:Blackwater ‘Arms Smuggling Probe’

10:53 27/09/2007

Best news I heard for a long time mate:

"The generals acted independently, coming in their own ways to the agonizing decision to defy military tradition and publicly criticize the Bush administration over its conduct of the war in Iraq.

What might be called The Revolt of the Generals has rarely happened in the nation’s history.

In op-ed pieces, interviews and TV ads, more than 20 retired U.S. generals have broken ranks with the culture of salute and keep it in the family. Instead, they are criticizing the commander in chief and other top civilian leaders who led the nation into what the generals believe is a misbegotten and tragic war."

From:Generals Opposing Iraq War Break with Military Tradition

10:50 27/09/2007

Continueing the saga of IAF bombing Syrian desert sites>

"Israel's decision to attack Syria on Sept. 6, bombing a suspected nuclear site set up in apparent collaboration with North Korea, came after Israel shared intelligence with President Bush this summer indicating that North Korean nuclear personnel were in Syria, U.S. government sources said."

FRom:Israel, U.S. Shared Data On Suspected Nuclear Site

10:41 27/09/2007

First Italy now Germany; lets see who comes next. Any bets?

"FRANKFURT, Germany --U.S. authorities have told Germany that they will not extradite 13 purported CIA agents sought in the alleged kidnapping of a German citizen, an official said Saturday"

From:Germany: U.S. won't send kidnap suspects

10:22 27/09/2007

Tony Bens Diaries Funny bits:

"At about 20 to three Tony Blair walked on to the platform with Cherie. I could see exactly where the teleprompters, the glass panels he reads from, are.

I've just got such a yearning one year to put a cushion on each of them, so that it would destroy the speech.

He launched into a totally unreconstructed case for the war against Iraq. "Support me, and even if you don't, I'll go to war." Very over-confident. It was a managing director's speech. There was no participative sense in it at all."

"Monday, November 11

Tonight Blair made his Mansion House speech. Seeing him in a white tie, guarded by policemen with sub-machine guns and snipers, was ridiculous.

He gave a grave warning about terrorist attacks when he himself is just about to bomb Iraq and kill a lot of innocent people. I thought it was utterly disgusting."

"Friday, January 31

IRAQ. I was met in Amman by one of the officials from the Iraqi Embassy, and we were in time for the connection to Baghdad.

In the morning, as the dawn broke, it was beautiful, the light slowly coming up, red; we crossed the River Tigris and arrived in Baghdad at 7am.

At six o'clock I was met and taken to the home of Tariq Aziz [Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister]. We sat in his sitting room, and his wife later came and brought some tea. He has eight grandchildren. He's a nice guy.

He told me that he had been a poet and a writer and a painter, and he'd come into politics in 1958. It was a three-hour meeting, very friendly, lots of laughter and jokes, and philosophical and serious.

Phoned Lissie and told her I was okay. Funnily enough, after I'd spoken to her, I picked up the phone again and I heard a recording of my entire conversation so there's no doubt it was all being recorded.

That happened when I was a minister, so it doesn't surprise me."

"The whole interview, including interpretation, took about an hour and ten minutes, and then we had a final talk. He was uncomfortably friendly! He said: "Oh, I wish you'd come more often." Thank God the cameras were off by then.

He said "Come back" and so on.

A lot of people will be absolutely disgusted to hear that he was so friendly, and disgusted that I was friendly to him, but for God's sake, it was to stop a war!

Channel 4 News had a bit about my return home. Nothing in the BBC bulletin. Josh thought Alastair Campbell has probably warned the media to keep off it."

"Tuesday, March 18

Clare Short withdrew her resignation. I never thought she'd stick to it. The argument is that she's the best person to supervise the reconstruction of Iraq, but of course that requires Iraq to be destroyed first, so she's going along with the destruction so that she can help with the reconstruction."

"Monday, April 7

The Tory candidate for Eastleigh at the last election came up to me tonight.

He said he'd been to a party, last November I think, at which Lady Thatcher was present with Norman Tebbit, and he'd gone up to her and asked her what she regarded as her greatest achievement, and she replied: 'New Labour.' That says it all really."

"Tuesday, May 6

George Galloway was suspended from the Labour Party by the General Secretary today - quite incredible really. That's the nature of the Labour Party - no free speech in Blair's Labour Party.

The fact that Galloway, who spoke against the war, would be bringing the Party into disrepute when Blair, who took us into the war, wasn't bringing it into disrepute is quite extraordinary."

"Then he talked about David Blunkett [Home Secretary] and Blunkett's famous speech as our education spokesman that under Labour there will be no selection - "Watch my lips, no selection." And of course there was selection!

Hattersley heard later that Blunkett had said: "Oh, what a fool Roy is! Doesn't he realise I am a politician?" That was devastating"

"Monday, June 23

A comedian dressed as Osama Bin Laden broke into Windsor Castle for Prince William's 21st birthday party; it has been treated so seriously, you'd hardly believe it.

Also, the Government is about to sign an extradition agreement with America, whereby America expects the UK to hand over anybody without a court hearing in Britain. Blunkett is an impossible man.

Wednesday, July 16

Had a lovely anonymous letter from someone in Tring. "Dear A***hole, Saw you on the Politics Show. It's time you buggered off and lived with Saddam Hussein, or die like your ghastly wife."

So at least I haven't sold out."

Not a bad Man init?

20:49 26/09/2007

"In Haiti, for instance, workers are paid 11 cents an hour by corporate giants such as Disney, Wal-Mart, and J.C. Penny. The United States is one of the few countries that has refused to sign an international convention for the abolition of child labor and forced labor. This position stems from the child labor practices of U.S. corporations throughout the Third World and within the United States itself, where children as young as 12 suffer high rates of injuries and fatalities, and are often paid less than the minimum wage."


"In 1990, shoes made by Indonesian children working twelve-hour days for 13 cents an hour, cost only $2.60 but still sold for $100 or more in the United States."

Sick init?

"Q: What are the greatest threats to local water supplies?

Maude Barlow: First of all, we are creating an ecological crisis by not taking care of our water supplies. Surface waters are being polluted, and we are mining our groundwater at unsustainable rates. At the very time when corporations are privatizing everything, our governments are allowing corporations to move in and take over the ownership of essential resources like water.

So we have a double whammy: Our governments are allowing corporations to pollute our water, and then they are signing contracts with corporations to bring in clean-up technology and make billions of dollars cleaning it up. The very sector of society that is polluting our water is turning around and selling our water back to us. And this is going to be more and more of an issue in the future. We'll be increasingly drinking water that has been polluted by corporations, then cleaned up by corporations, then bottled and sold to us by corporations."

From:World's Water Supply at Risk

So how does it work:

First the World Bank (WB) lends money to say Haiti. Then Haiti has to pay back the money plus a hefty interest on it. For some reason if Haiti cannot pay the interest then H has to borrow the money from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The thing is IMF will not just lend money, they ask the government of H to do something called Structural Adjustment Program (SAP).

This SAP is to do with changing laws of the country. It has to grant tax breaks to transnational corporations, reduce wages, reduce the protection of local enterprises from foreign imports and foreign takeovers and privertize the countries economies eg. selling at a scandalously low prices their state owned mines, railroads and utilities like water, gas, and electrics to private corporations. On top of that H will have to open out the forests to clear for strip mining, transportation networks for the mines without due regard to the ecological damage. The health, education, transportation and food in the country suffers from cutbacks to save money for the IMF and WB loans and interests.

When the foreign imports glut the market the local produce has no competition. As the iMF rules that the government of H cannot give subsudies to the local farmers and countries like US gives it's farmers 70% subcidies the products which are imported cost far less money than the local products, eg. Ghana and its rice vs American rice. So the local farmers have to look for work elsewhere and migrate to the towns and cities. On top of the legal reduction of wages there is a work force hungry for work and the multinational corporations make use of this without mercy.

For the US companies like Disney, Wal-Mart, and J.C. Penny get a tax concessions and relocation expenses at the cost to the tax payers in US. And US has refused to sign the international convention for the abolition of child labor and forced labor helping these money grabbers, to use children as young as 12 years who work long hours and without insuarence against injuries, with impunity. Well that is how I understand it. It is so simple I cannot understand people like Blair and Brown does not do anything about it. Ofcourse the rich countries get richer from this process and I should not complain as my benefits come from that shit!

From:Mystery: How Wealth Creates Poverty in the World

20:36 26/09/2007

News just in ... ha ha....relly I found this about the Blackwater shooting in Iraq - which the main media did not mention about. So far 28 people have died.

First point the explosion of a road side bomb went off not in the vicinity as Blackwater determined but far away.

"The reports we got from members of the public, Iraqi security personnel and government officials, as well as our own research, leads to a markedly different scenario than the American version. There was a bomb blast. But it was too far away to pose any danger to the Blackwater guards, and their State Department charges. We have found no Iraqi present at the scene who saw or heard sniper fire.

Witnesses say the first victims of the shootings were a couple with their child, the mother and infant meeting horrific deaths, their bodies fused together by heat after their car caught fire. The contractors, according to this account, also shot Iraqi soldiers and police and Blackwater then called in an attack helicopter from its private air force which inflicted further casualties."

Then Blackwater says there were insurgents shooting at them. This is not correct according to the people who got shot at.

"Those on the receiving end tell another story. Mr Salman said he had turned into Nisoor Square behind the Blackwater convoy when the shooting began. He recalled: "There were eight foreigners in four utility vehicles, I heard an explosion in the distance and then the foreigners started shouting and signalling for us to go back. I turned the car around and must have driven about a hundred feet when they started shooting. My car was hit with 12 bullets it turned over. Four bullets hit me in the back and another in the arm. Why they opened fire? I do not know. No one, I repeat no one, had fired at them. The foreigners had asked us to go back and I was going back in my car, so there was no reason for them to shoot."

Muhammed Hussein, whose brother was killed in the shooting, said: "My brother was driving and we saw a black convoy ahead of us. Then I saw my brother suddenly slump in the car. I dragged him out of the car and saw he had been shot in the chest. I tried to hide us both from the firing, but then I realised he was already dead."

Jawad Karim Ali was on his way to pick up his aunt from Yarmukh Hospital when shooting started and the windscreen exploded cutting his face. " Then I was hit on my left shoulder by bullets, two of them another one went past my face. Now my aunt is out of hospital and I am sitting here. There was a big bang further away but no shots before the security people fired, and they just kept firing.""


"Sunday's shooting happened at Mansour, once one of the most fashionable districts of Baghdad, with roads flanked by shops selling expensive goods, restaurants and art galleries. In the height of the sectarian bloodletting between Shias and Sunnis earlier this year dead bodies would be regularly strewn in the streets. A semblance of safety has returned since, and Mansour was held up as an example of how the US military "surge" was cutting the violence.

We were in Mansour on Sunday when we heard the sound of a deafening explosion just after midday. Black plumes of smoke rose from a half-blasted National Guard (army) post near a mosque. Five or six minutes afterwards there was the sound of prolonged shooting towards the south.

Police Captain Ali Ibrahim, who was on duty near Nisoor Square, said: " We heard the bomb go off, it was very loud, but it wasn't at the square. The police were, in fact, trying to clear the way for the contractors when they became agitated, they opened fire. No one was shooting at them."

Asked about the witness accounts, Ali al-Dabbagh, an Iraqi government spokesman, confirmed: "The traffic policemen were trying to open the road for them. It was a crowded square and one small car did not stop, it was moving very slowly. They started shooting randomly, there was a couple and their child inside the car and they were hit.""

Here is the original link make up your own mind, mine is already fucked!
The real story of Baghdad's Bloody Sunday

20:20 26/09/2007

"By one estimate, Baghdad was once 65 per cent Sunni; today it is 75 per cent Shia."

I like that. Bush does not like Iran who is Shia and makes Iraq full of Shia.

A common fact now but you don't get this the main media like BBC, ITV, C4, C5. Sorry I don't read newspapers. One time I heard that all the paper annually used by Bangladesh as a country, is equal to, all the paper used in the production of Wall Street Journal in a week - mind not printing.

20:05 26/09/2007

Terrible Police state news from the US:

"The Bush Administration has been collecting detailed records on the travel habits of Americans headed overseas, whether you fly, drive or take cruises abroad -- not simply your method of transit but the personal items you carry with you and the people you stay with, according to documents and statements obtained by the Washington Post."

FROM:Massive Surveillance Net Keeps Track of Americans' Travel -- Even the Size of Hotel Beds

13:51 26/09/2007

"While the U.S. State Department has placed the PKK -- a Kurdish rebel movement in Turkey -- on its list of terrorist organizations, Pejak, the PKK's Iranian branch, is not on the list and its leaders even visit the U.S"


"In 2003, as Trita Parsi's Treacherous Alliance shows, there was enough common ground for a deal. In May 2003, the Iranian authorities sent a proposal through the Swiss ambassador in Tehran, Tim Guldimann, for negotiations on a package deal in which Iran would freeze its nuclear program in exchange for an end to U.S. hostility. The Iranian paper offered "full transparency for security that there are no Iranian endeavors to develop or possess WMD [and] full cooperation with the IAEA based on Iranian adoption of all relevant instruments." The Iranians also offered support for "the establishment of democratic institutions and a non-religious government" in Iraq; full cooperation against terrorists (including "above all, al-Qaeda"); and an end to material support to Palestinian groups like Hamas. In return, the Iranians asked that their country not be on the terrorism list or designated part of the "axis of evil"; that all sanctions end; that the US support Iran's claims for reparations for the Iran-Iraq War as part of the overall settlement of the Iraqi debt; that they have access to peaceful nuclear technology; and that the US pursue anti-Iranian terrorists, including "above all" the MEK. MEK members should, the Iranians said, be repatriated to Iran.

Basking in the glory of "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq, the Bush administration dismissed the Iranian offer and criticized Guldimann for even presenting it. Several years later, the Bush administration's abrupt rejection of the Iranian offer began to look blatantly foolish and the administration moved to suppress the story."

Further on it says:

"U.S. pre-war intelligence on Iraq was horrifically wrong on the key question of Iraq's possession of WMDs, and President Bush ignored the intelligence to assert falsely a connection between Saddam Hussein and September 11. This alone is sufficient reason to be skeptical of the Bush administration's statements on Iran.

Some of the administration's charges against Iran defy common sense. In his Reno speech, President Bush accused Iran of arming the Taliban in Afghanistan while his administration has, at various times, accused Iran of giving weapons to both Sunni and Shiite insurgents in Iraq. The Taliban are Salafi jihadis, Sunni fundamentalists who consider Shiites apostates deserving of death. In power, the Taliban brutally repressed Afghanistan's Shiites and nearly provoked a war with Iran when they murdered Iranian diplomats inside the Iranian consulate in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. Iraq's Sunni insurgents are either Salafi jihadis or Baathists, the political party that started the Iran-Iraq War."

FROM:Iraq Sets the Stage for Possible U.S. War with Iran

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!