Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Money Making Simplified

In a country like Lebannon or Sri Lanka, it is very easy to make money by selling armaments to rival factions. Say three countries A, B and C. Countries A and B create two factions in country C. Then make them fight each other. Then countries A and B sell armaments to the two rival factions and make a profit. Then there is a bank which lends the money or owns the armament factory shares. Bank makes the best out of the lot by lending all parties A and B and the two rival factions of C. You see the money is owned by the banks, we just borrow it and spend.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Something to think and plonder

I remember one time circa 1980s, I could not be alone when I was awake. Those days I lived in so many places. I used to go to my friends' places with some alcohol and some hash or anything I have, properly stashed in my person expecting the, always needed, policeman to hassle me. If the person is not there I go to another, and another or a pub. That is how I think I made so many friends. Then I, about 1990s stayed in at my own -rented ofcourse- place not even thinking about the pub that much. If I go anywhere - pre-mobile era - I leave a message on the door. Yeah reminds me; a friend said that I am saying, "I am not home burgle my house." Good one. But I didn't give a shit. Anyway I evolved from the man who needed company to a man who controls the company. I noticed this while staying in the Saly Army place in Wade Street, when I realise that I am controlling it in a more severe way than before. Here I cannot bring a friend in to my room. The people who live in the place are wanting help themselves. So the environement I created for myself is, where I control a bit more than before. What a difference it makes in your thoughts, when you 'ave a lump of dope to eat and a wee drink in a quiet place.

Does any of you guys remember a jazz track with the lyrics:
"All I need is a tight pussy and a worm place to shit"?

I think the West or the judo/christian (or is it ?zionist/neoconservative ) block are afraid to think that the other countries have a better democracies in their own land than they can ever imagine or realise (eg. Argentina).

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