Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Food I Eat

For a while I been thinking and working towords a proper diet for myself. First I should not have any tabboos. And I should not have my favourtes. Those are mind made. If I listen to my body with an analytical mind then decide what to eat everyday then I should be alright.

"The human digestive tract has about the same number of neurons as the spinal column."

Why did I start this rant?

"Paul Rozin is a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, and I call him the psychoanalyst of our eating disorder in America. He's done wonderfully creative experiments like conducting word/image association tests with different cultures. For example, he showed a picture of a slice of chocolate cake to an American audience and a French audience. The Americans look at it and their response is "guilt" or "calories," and that seems very understandable to us until you realize that there's another way to look at that. When he shows it to a French audience, their first response is "celebration." How much healthier is that?

We have this very narrow lens through which we're looking at our food, and I think it's robbing us of pleasure. Perhaps it would be worth looking at food in this guilt/health way if it actually made us healthier, but there is no evidence that worrying about your nutritional health makes you any healthier. In fact, we are the great food worriers of the world, and our nutritional health is really very poor. Why is that? I think a lot of our obsession with nutrients ends up becoming just another license for eating badly. When all those products became no-fat, people felt they could eat as much of them as possible, and we ended up getting very fat on that low-fat diet."

I went off butter due to my lazyness. I forget to put the bugger in the fridge and rancid butter is a vomit facter in the morning when you come into the kitchen to make your first cup of coffee. So I still buy the bloody marge init? It has become a thing I cannot control at the moment.

"In fact, when the government decided to tell people to stop eating fat or cut down on saturated fat, the science was very thin then. But the net result of that public health campaign was to essentially get people off of saturated fat or try to get them onto trans fats, and we've since learned that that was really bad advice because the link between trans fats and heart disease is the strongest link we have of any fat to heart disease. They told us butter is evil and margarine is good, and it turned out to be the opposite."

Do you like eating weeds? That is what our man says in this article I am reading. Because if we take care of everything for the plant to survive, it stops producing some of the ingredients it normally has. Now these ingredients are the ones which we need to absorb into our bodies as nutritional stuff. So if we do not stress the tomato plant by not giving it enough water it tastes better. How cruel? Bloody farmers init?

Hang on there is something funny here. Farmer tend to the plants and waters them regular and he produces say some tomatoes which have less nutrients. Now as the tomatoes have less nutrients we have to eat more tomatoes to get the same amount of nutrients. No wonder we got a problem of obesity?

Read this for more.

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Study links heavy cell phone use to cancer

Sci­en­tists claim to have found a link be­tween heavy cell phone us­age and can­cer of the sal­i­vary gland. The re­search­ers sug­gest peo­ple use hands-free cell phones to avoid a risk...........................

Read it at the link

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