Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Are We Here And Now At Any Time?

I have been trying to practice to be here and now, as much of my life as possible. Reason for this was because I found out that my time is going faster as I grow older.
So I debated and the reason is; when I was a child I experienced a lots of things and the day seems to be longer. Then as I grew up I took most of the things for granted and new things I experienced become smaller and smaller. So the day is shorter by comparison.

Though there is another reason which propt up in the debate; say for instance the way we measure time from atoms, the time we measure from stars, and the time we measure from plant cells are mutually associated and the time is actually going faster.

So I came across this article about the same subject Here and Now. What the authour says is that we have so many gadgets when we are travelling or doing something like walking the park we are doing something else as well. Like in the bus how many people are on the phone, texting or emailing and not in the bus at all. Going for a walk some people listening to music. Are they acually there at all is what the man is saying.

"This morning on a crowded bus I counted six people within my immediate view, texting, talking on the cell phone, checking e-mail, listening to iPods. In other words, they were trying to keep the bus from being their only space, their only reality. And what was I doing? I recorded what I observed in my laptop, of course."

And then:

"As a result Buddhist teachings on mindfulness could very well be on the retreat. How can we be fully "here and now," how do we keep our ego in check, when we keep ogling the electronic mirror and watching ourselves gavotte? In our deep yearning to be noticed, and to reach some kind of immortality, we are increasingly making fools of ourselves."

Go on have a read.

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