Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bin Laden, Bush & Phylosophy

I like basic phylosophy. This guy is "Slavoj Zizek, Slovenian philosopher, psychoanalyst and cultural theorist. He is author of more than fifty books, including the forthcoming In Defense of Lost Causes."

Remember when I was on about Bin Laden long time ago?

Here I was talking about how Bin Laden said before the Afghanistan war that he will bankrupt North America by tying them into war which will never end.

Here I sited an article which appeared in here about the interaction of Bin Laden And Bush.

So now this Slovenian philosopher is saying what is apparent to most of us. He says:

"I recently interviewed Slavoj Zizek here in the firehouse studio, just before he spoke at the Left Forum in New York. I began by asking Slavoj Zizek to talk about how he saw the dynamic between President Bush and Osama bin Laden.

SLAVOJ ZIZEK: I think that this is a deeper problem, in the sense that, of course, it would be easy to say they need each other, and I agree, at some level of ideological functioning. If you were to ask me to do a simple caricature for a journal, I would do it—you know that famous Escher paradoxical drawing of one hand drawing—two hands drawing each other? Know? One hand is drawing another person whose hand is again drawing—I think there definitely is, in this sense of a relationship between the two of them, in a way structurally they, the two, need each other."

Is that the reason why Bush never authorise the capture of Bin Laden>

This man talks simple things like Clinton is too political and she will not be able to do any difference from the present regime, But Barack is new and he might do something unexpected like recognize Cuba. Its dagerous policy but he explains that as in the past Nixon went to China to the horror of everyone in the ruling classes, but it worked. "......it’s that a true act creates the conditions of its own possibility. That is to say, it appears impossible, you do it, and the whole field changes: it’s possible."

Talking about Israel Jes and the Palestinians he says:

"First, of course, I have all my sympathies for Palestinians and so on, and maybe what the American public—because I visited Ramallah and all those places—doesn’t know enough is, you know, you only get news here of terror and so on.

You know what was for me the most devastating, frustrating thing? Not the big terror. There, one has to admit it. OK, they have their dirty side, but I mean, let’s face it: Israelis, they are not Nazis. It’s ridiculous. I mean, no, it’s—all this idea, a new holocaust, it’s ridiculous. Israelis are nonetheless relatively civilized and so on. These comparisons are tasteless. But what is really breathtaking—again, if you really visit ordinary Arab villages on the West Bank—it’s these—how should I call it?—micro-political everyday, legal and other annoyances to make life difficult.

Just to give you an example, do you know that if you are a farmer, Jewish or Palestinian, on the West Bank, as a Palestinian farmer, you are allowed to dig a hole for water only three inches deep—if you are Jewish, you can do whatever you want—claiming the—I don’t know what’s even the idea, that you will dig some tunnels for terrorists or whatever? Or you know that on the West Bank the big problem is water. As a Jewish farmer, you get seven times more water per capita, because this has to be distributed to [inaudible]. So this is so frustrating about Palestinians. They admit it, my god. This is not Nazism. They are not just picking us up on the street and shooting, but they’re trying on this micro level to make things so frustrating, impossible to live."

Nicely put. Subtle or what? Then he talkes about real problems we all go through. For the first time I realised racism as a problem which is just tolarated by people. What is there to tolerate... you are racist or not. Here are his words:

"We can show where the problem—for example, maybe you know it. I’ll briefly repeat it, my ultimate example: Racism. Racism, and so on, sexism, this is a problem. But are we aware that it’s not self-evident? The way we approach today this problem, we automatically read it, interpret it as a problem of tolerance. Wait a minute. Racism is not in itself a problem of tolerance. I [inaudible]—look at Martin Luther King’s speeches, you know? He almost doesn’t use the term “tolerance.” For him, racism is a problem of legislation, laws, economic exploitation, and so on and so on. I mean, it would be ridiculous for his dignity of Martin Luther King to say “We blacks want more tolerance from the whites,” in the same way as—you know this as a woman—it would be a ridiculous [inaudible] thing to say “We women want more tolerance from men,” or whatever. It’s not that.

So where we can enter, philosophers, is to say, “Wait a minute. Racism is a real problem, or sexism or whatever. Why? Why do we treat it as a problem of tolerance?” And here, I have an answer, old-fashioned Marxist one. It has to do with this breakdown of this great leftist politics, social welfare, and so on. We live in, what I’m tempted to claim, post-political universe, where politics is more and more a matter of expert administration and so on. So all conflicts which remain are then translated into cultural problems, problems of lifestyle, and so on, but then all that remains is to play the problem of tolerance and so on."

Taken fromIf you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Rice prices rising despite record world crop

""World paddy production in 2008 could grow by about 2.3 percent, reaching a new record level of 666 million tonnes, according to our preliminary forecasts," FAO rice expert Concepcion Calpe said in a statement.

"For the first time, paddy production in Asia may surpass the 600 million tonne benchmark this year, amounting to 605 million tonnes," Calpe said.

In Africa, rice output is forecast to grow 3.6 percent to 23.2 million tonnes in 2008, while output in Latin America and the Caribbean is seen rising 7.4 percent to 26.2 million tonnes, the FAO said."

It is clear now the wheat and rice had a bumper harvest last year. Wall street is it? Someone left a comment saying that Chicago Stock Market do not trade in commodities. But how the hell do I know? No seriously within the time limit I have I am looking into this subject of commodities and stock markets. Time I educated meself on the subject. Thanks for the comment.

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It simply was not Hezbollah fighting the government forves as all the western media said. It was the Hezbollah supporting the Government forces to attack a US backed Opposition group who tried to take over the government by a Coup.

"Hezbollah Foiled US Coup Bid In Lebanon - Report"

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New Zealand student debt levels reach $10 billion mark

"Last month, a national “day of action” was held in New Zealand to mark a new milestone: New Zealand’s collective student debt has reached $NZ10 billion. Demonstrations and other events took place in many of the country’s main centres and on tertiary campuses.

Student debt has sharply escalated under the Labour government. The most recent NZUSA Student Income & Expenditure Survey (2007) identified significant increases in students’ living costs and indebtedness, with average debt rising 54 percent since the survey was last conducted in 2004, and now topping $28,838 per person."

I hope someone got the money? What money...its a debt...to have a debt you do not need money. It is sheer lack of it I presume. Or am I daft?

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More than 20 killed as tornadoes strike the southern US

"More than 20 people were killed this weekend when at least 77 tornadoes touched down across the southern and southwestern United States. The storms claimed lives in Oklahoma, Georgia, and Missouri, while causing considerable damage in several other states. The latest wave of storms has helped to make 2008 the deadliest tornado season in a decade and the seventh deadliest since 1950, when such records first began being kept."

Yep 20 people dead not 20,000 init? Wonder whether this was created by US HAARP organisation. US,UK, Russians, Chinese; they all know how to create certain types of weather; if certain conditions can be predicted then it can be easier and heavier. Burmese Yyphoon was predicted 48hours earlier. Then there is no ground communications like we have here. Reason is decades of sanctions. Yeah I am noton the side of the fucking Burmese generals and the fucking army. Who put them there and keep them there. China? Chevron? hmmm

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The Dreams Come True

In early late 1990's I was telling me mates that if I won the lottery in the range of over 26 million I will buy a air craft carrier, medium size. Convert it into a communal ship by taking all the war mongering shite out. Then few thousand likely minded families live there and call it a sovereign country. No laws except what you feel at that time. No taxes... currency is equal to what ever the other currency we are working with. Everone is an ambassodor...even little babies. Every one represent something or another in your own age range.

Aha they are doing it. The Voyager has been launched and the first voyage been done. The bigger one to live on called Freedom something or another is already designed. Hope I win the lottery man

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Things I Feel, I Am; And Feel, Am I?

One of the weird things I remeber happening to me was; I was rushing down the railway path in Easton to get to the Doctor's. A freind of mine came across and said, "Hi Shariff How Are You?". I said "I am excellant, going to see my GP."

And that was that.

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