Saturday, July 26, 2008

Visit of Obama

I am a selfish person.

After watching the live performance of the great black releaf worker Obama what I gathered was that in one of the questions he answered about Iraq and Afghani war. He said that we UK and US are spending lots of billions on war effort but at the moment back in US the price of food and petrol going up insanely and foreclosures of homes are going up. That wasted money can be used to sort everything out.

But do any of these Western media took that as a major talk the two people Obama and Brown did earlier. I have a lot of respect for Dopey Brown. He will not make a stand on anything but will listen to the people and change the course of the Gov. Very few have seen this small effective way of democracy yet?

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Why I Don't Beleave Aliens Visiting Earth

I am a selfish person.

Simply if the whole universe started from the "Big Bang (BB)", as the creationists say, then all the beings in the universe, aliens and all, started from one point. Since then we have been drifting away from the rest at a speed, which was the same as the speed of light at the "beginning", and reduced to the speed we have now, according to the laws of physics. So for an alien to come to Earth first he/she will have to exist outside this solar system, second to contact us they will have to have evolved a hell of a lot faster, than us as this argument.

“To im­age Earth in a si­m­i­lar fash­ion, an al­ien civ­il­iz­a­tion would need tech­nol­o­gy far be­yond what Earth­lings can even dream of,” said Sara Sea­ger, a plan­etary the­o­rist at the Mas­sa­chu­setts In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy and co-in­ves­ti­ga­tor on the ex­tend­ed mis­sion. While seem­ingly huge, the dis­tance to the craft dur­ing its film­ing was ti­ny in cos­mic terms: less than one-hundredth the dis­tance to the fur­thest plan­ets in our own so­lar sys­tem, let alone oth­ers.

Yet “s­pace tele­scopes un­der study by NASA would be able to ob­serve an Earth twin as a sin­gle point of light—a point whose to­tal bright­ness changes with time as dif­fer­ent land mass­es and oceans ro­tate in and out of view,” Sea­ger said. “The vi­deo will help us con­nect a var­y­ing point of plan­etary light with un­der­ly­ing oceans, con­ti­nents, and cloud­s—and find­ing oceans on ex­tra­so­lar plan­ets means iden­ti­fy­ing po­ten­tially habita­ble worlds.”

“Our vi­deo shows some spe­cif­ic fea­tures that are im­por­tant for ob­serva­t­ions of Earth-like plan­ets or­bit­ing oth­er stars,” said Drake Dem­ing of the agen­cy’s God­dard Space Flight Cen­ter in Green­belt, Md., dep­u­ty prin­ci­pal in­ves­ti­ga­tor for EPOXI.

“A ‘sun glint’ can be seen in the mov­ie, caused by light re­flected from Earth’s oceans, and si­m­i­lar glints to be ob­served from ex­tra­so­lar plan­ets could in­di­cate al­ien oceans. Al­so, we used in­fra­red light in­stead of the nor­mal red light to make the col­or com­pos­ite im­ages, and that makes the land mass­es much more vis­i­ble.” That hap­pens be­cause plants re­flect more strongly in near-in­fra­red light, a type of light with slightly less en­er­gy than the type vis­i­ble to the na­ked eye, Dem­ing ex­plained.

The Uni­ver­s­ity of Mar­y­land leads the over­all EPOXI mis­sion, while NASA God­dard leads the extra­so­lar plan­et ob­serva­t­ions."

From "Earth filmed as “alien” world"

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The Earth, The Moon & The Sun

I am a selfish person.

Do you know which way The Moon goes round The Earth? Is it the same way as The Earth rotates or the opposite? Yeah and is the speed the moon going round the earth greater than the Earth rotation speed?

Hmmmm have a look at this taken by the NASA’s Deep Im­pact space­craft. This is the space craft which chased the comet to take a close up look and do a few experiments. And it has taken a video of The Moon eclipsing The Earth from 31 mil­lion miles (50 mil­lion km) away.

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