Monday, September 21, 2009

Innovation: Patent applied

There was a time when I thought I am not capable of good money making thoughts. I saw this advert on the normal Macdonald TV; and was about pricing of cars. If you see a car in the street, you can put the reg number into the website form and it comes out with all the details. So I thought of starting a new Firm, Clone & Co.

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Friday, September 18, 2009


Schiz­o­phre­nia is a rel­a­tively com­mon men­tal ill­ness that typ­ic­ally causes a marked loss of tou­ch with real­ity. It af­fects about 1 per­cent of the world popula­t­ion, ac­cord­ing to the U.S. Na­tional Men­tal Health As­socia­t­ion. Thats a lot of people...I am feeling uneasy about it. I will have to emigrate to another world. Tricky!

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Shower Or Not

I always loved my bath. Now I have a shower and no bath. It is nice according to my friends who visit me. "Ahhhh a walk in shower", they say. What people do not realise is the shower head can get infested with My­co­bac­te­r­ium avium, a germ linked to lung dis­ease that most of­ten in­fects peo­ple with weak­ened im­mune sys­tems but oc­ca­sion­ally al­so the healthy. The sci­en­tists found that some M. avi­um and re­lat­ed path­o­gens were clumped to­geth­er in slimy “biofilms” that clung to the in­side of show­er­heads at more than 100 times the nor­mal lev­els in mu­nic­i­pal wa­ter. Nice one, slimy and all.

Symp­toms of lung dis­ease caused by M. avi­um can in­clude tired­ness, a per­sist­ent, dry cough, short­ness of breath, weak­ness and “gen­erally feel­ing bad,” said Pa­ce. Immune-compromised peo­ple like preg­nant wom­en, the eld­erly and those who are fight­ing off oth­er dis­eases are more vul­ner­able, said Pa­ce, a pro­fes­sor in the mo­lec­u­lar, cel­lu­lar and de­vel­op­men­tal bi­ol­o­gy de­part­ment at the un­ivers­ity.

The researchers bleach-cleaned one show­erhead from Den­ver in at­tempt to kill its pro­fu­sion of the My­co­bac­te­ri­um gor­donae bac­teria, said Pa­ce. Tests on the show­erhead sev­er­al months lat­er showed the bleach treat­ment iron­ic­ally caused a three-fold in­crease in the germ, in­di­cat­ing a gen­er­al re­sist­ance of myco­bac­te­ria spe­cies to chlo­rine, he noted.

So is it dan­ger­ous to take show­ers? “Probably not, if your im­mune sys­tem is not com­pro­mised,” said Pa­ce. “But it’s like an­y­thing else—there is a risk.” Pace said since plas­tic show­er­heads ap­pear to “load up” with more path­o­gen-enriched bio­films, met­al show­er­heads may be bet­ter.

I am a selfish person.
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Everton v AEK Something Or .....

Wicked watching this foot ball match where Everton played bloody good and had 3 goals to 0 at the end of the half time. It was like watching The Bankers taking money out of The Tax Payers. Bloody marvellous!

Second half was as boring as The Tax Payers paying money back to The Bankers, except the fans of AEK, wickedly marvellous as they were losing 0/3.

What is NFLUK? Dyslesic person trying to say IFUCK I think.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Watching this documentary on BBC I saw these people living in a very remote place in Papua New Guinnea, were dieing of malaria. They have been living with malaria for thousands of years. Why are they dieing now. What is the catalist?

I think that we have been giving them anti-biotics and the malaria is fighting back and the locals are not immune to the new strain. I do hope I am right on this. Just a thought.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

To Vaccine Or Not When You Live With A Swine

Swine flu virus is not what we think it is according to some scientists. They are very confused when they analysed the flu in their labs to find that the flu virus contains, the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. This looks like the flu virus is genetically engineered by some scientists. I read a lot about this, as I felt when it came out the Big Pharma was looking for a new income and I started reading about it more. Here are the links:

A good book written about the US Military & Navy vaccinations and the health risks can be found in this free downloadable book:

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shot Of Vodhka Or Not

I just went to get myself a shot of vodhka, then I remembered while I was getting the bottle out of the Frizer, that I promised myself that I will not drink any more. I, for a while, dithered; as to take another shot or not. Then I thought, "What the fuck?".

Then when I was returning to the seat where I was sitting, I thought, "When you dither like I did, it makes a quilty conscience after". If I didnt and just did it; I would not have the the guilty bit later.

Shit i am at the same place I was before now!

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Person, City, & The Country

I think that as a person has a body, a consience etc. the cities and countries have similar.

I read an article in the Science website ( ), and it explains the brain part of it. Man am I over the moon.

It is like, I get a certain muse which says that such and such, but I have no way of proving it. But when some boffins somewhere do some experimenting and get the logic right, and publish it for me to read then I am very happy. Am I alone?

I am a selfish person.
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