Friday, April 03, 2009


I am a selfish person.

I bin thinking about me. I dicide what to do any specific moment. At that time I have only the experience of the past and am trying to manupilate the future for myself. Though I have infinite avenues to take after the next instance, I only know a fraction and I am quite sure that I can take any of the avenues in the fuiture I can take, and take one of them. And after that instance I realise the next and carry on after, the same way.

Now I started to think about A Country in the World with comparison with me. I feel that there is no difference the action taken by me and the action taken by a country. Because that country's representative has been elected by the population's majority. There might be a simple solution to this thought than what I try to make you believe.

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!