Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chris Sealy Of Bristol & Great Rift Africas Wild Heart Fire

I watched this program and I found something lacking. Yeah "Moan and moan about it but do not do anything".

The commentator was explaining about the vultures in Africa who track a kill of a Zebra by a Lion, but did not show where the Vulturs got the kill to themselves, by chacing the lions. I did not know the amount of the carcass, the vultures manage to get. All of a sudden there is no lion, and lots of vultures; then he went into talking about the heirachy of lions. Bring back Attenborough, or teach them to educate us better. Ranting again after the demise of a man I knew.

Went to a funeral of this 'friend' of mine. I have known him for sometime. First it was as a punk lad who wanted to change the world. Then it was vey finely divided; I never understood him. We might pass each other without saying OK to eachother. Then again we might bump into each other and have and argument over nothing really.

After the service we all moved out and people started going to the burial place. I lost my friend, who drove me there, and was in the car park, most propubly suspected as a car criminal. Then this guy who was well dressed in a very not ordinary way, walked up to me and asked me, "Who was that funeral about, someone famous." "Famous? No. Poupular yeah man, this is not even 'alf of the people he knew, that came for the funeral." I shall not forget that.

That is not all I remember of Chris. After a big party at the Love Mountain, I went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea in the morning. I was very much on the tripped way as it has been in those parties. He was holding a baby in his arms and said, This is my son, don't he fucking look like me." The look on his eyes were; I do not like to explain as there are nothing. Frigging proud or what? I felt so bloody close to him, I wept.

Later I heard there was a death during that party and I made up my mind. It is animal feelings and there are no words to express it here or any other time, I mean the feelings of what he had to carry through. Man! he will be a big loss to this Bristol City, but people who has not seen each other for a very long time forgot their differences and were there together; all except me I suppose. But then it is another long, long and stupid strory.

I am a selfish person.

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The Day After Tomorrow

The name of the city of Bristol will have to go back to it's original name; Bristow or even before. Tell them, the foreign bastards to go and fuck themselves. I am not a fascist or any crede. Like Bombay turned into Mombai. And Burma turned into Mynamar. what does it tell you about the foreigners who went? They could not pronounce "M" properly. Ahh the future changes! I loves it!

I am a selfish person.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Seeing Colours

I am a selfish person.

Do you understand of being selfish? Or is it not right to ask that question? Is it right to ask a question like that? Who is you? And what it is to be selfish? How do you know you are selfish? If you judge yourself selfish, is that true? Who judges any one being selfish? I it is not yourself who is judging whome, selfish? Does the selfish know that the vselfish is selfish? If so how do the selfish see others? Now we see the full spetrum.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Iraq Inquiry

I listened to the Jeff Hoon's (then Defence Minister) statement and questioning by the panel. I thought, " Hang on! he is on Defence, and why is he involved in attacking another country, and the reconstruction of that country?" Bit of a mix match or what. I need someone who reads this to tell me what the heck this is about.

I am a selfish person.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Neanderthal Man & Present Man

I heard from a friend of mine that the archeologists have discovered the burial of the last Neanderthal man.

My friend rightfully questions, who buried the last Neanderthal man? Another Neanderthal man/woman?

So he has this theory that Neanderthal & present human had sex with eachother and got mixed...gradually the Neanderthal dna units got covered over by those of present day human, as more present day women went for Neanderthal men. And then we all came around with a few Neanderthal living amongst us. Not bad init?

I am a selfish person.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Diary Of anne Frank

They the BBC started showing the "Diary of Anne Frank". Cor blimey they going to bomb the Palestinians again. Crazy Zionists are at it again soon. Well if they do not I will just think thats a bit of space to think about other zionist astrocacies.

I am a selfish person.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

i am reading about that xmas day plane bombing attack...man! they all knew about it let it happen...their intension is to attack yemen as there is oil tanker choke point between yemen and djaborti...the yemen president is losing his grip and us & uk are going to lose the red sea transport system...next war is plsnned for yemn and somaia...

But there are other agents on this issue. Dick frigging Cheyney who is a sadist, could not kill, maim, or torture himself has still got srings attached into the Security systems in US. That bugger should be exterminated with his family and all. I am not violent person but the feelings I have against the man is hmmmm ....there are no words to express them.

If this episode is to be examined seriously, the question must be asked: What would have happened had Northwest Flight 253 been destroyed?

There is no question but that such a catastrophe would have had immense repercussions both internationally and within the United States. It would have seriously destabilized the Obama administration, politically strengthened the most extreme right-wing sections of the ruling class, and cleared the way for an even more massive expansion of military-intelligence operations overseas and a drastic curtailing of democratic rights at home.

Even the failed attempt has touched off a firestorm of criticism by the Republican right of the Obama administration’s supposed laxity in the face of terrorism.

This found its distilled expression in a statement released Wednesday by former Vice President Dick Cheney.

“We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe,” said Cheney. The former vice president and de facto leader of the “war on terror” in the Bush administration condemned Obama for proposing to close down the Guantánamo prison camp and try some of those held there in normal federal courts. He also denounced the US president for jettisoning the words “war on terror” in describing Washington’s continuing wars abroad and attacks on democratic rights at home.

The statements from Cheney—who was at the center of a secret government for eight years, has the closest ties to the military-intelligence apparatus, and is a ruthless advocate of torture, assassinations and a sweeping curtailment of democratic rights—shed light on the political calculations that may have encouraged elements within the CIA and related agencies to keep the “dots” separated and, thereby, facilitate a terrorist action.

Increasingly, the failure to identify Abdulmutallab and alert other government agencies to the threat revealed in Nigeria and Yemen has been attributed to the CIA. How many of the key figures in this agency had close connections to Cheney?

The key to this event may well lie in bitter struggles over policy taking place within the ruling establishment and the state. Despite all that Obama has done to continue the policies of the Bush administration, both in terms of aggressive war abroad and the buildup of police state powers at home, there are elements who want to go much further.

From: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2009/dec2009/pers-d31.shtml

I am a selfish person.

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