Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Tiger Who WAs Never There....

I think I did write about this last year. Hmmm one day I will connect them together.

But Listen to this Program:

The UK Government is seeking to rid itself of a billion pounds worth of unwanted swine flu vaccine -- because the “deadly” H1N1 epidemic never materialized. Major drug companies may have pushed the World Health Organization (WHO) to warn that swine flu could be a worldwide 'pandemic' killing tens of millions.

But even more shocking is the fact that the scandalous waste of public money, and the wild overreaction which gave rise to it, were both entirely predictable. It has long been clear that governments all over the world, led by the WHO, were in the grip of a hysterical panic over swine flu.

In the early days of the panic, the BBC Today program brought in a WHO 'expert' to predict that 40 percent of Britons would catch swine flu, while citing another unnamed 'expert' as predicting that up to 1.2 million could die.

Yet eight months later it was being reported by scientists that swine flue is only a tenth as virulent as ordinary flu, and only one 100th as virulent as that Spanish flu at the end of World War I.

In other words, swine flu -- just like the bird flu which a senior WHO official said in 2005 was going to kill 150 million people worldwide (the true death toll turned out to be barely 200) -- has predictably turned out to be yet another example of that all-too-familiar and very dangerous disease of our time, the 'scare phenomenon.'

These scares consistently follow an identifiable pattern.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

I n the meantime....

"Ok he said, what if you put everything into one, what about that one?"

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Stutus Of Celebrity

All my little life I have bin watching TV, I have collected bits and pieces of information. I do not know whether you have noticed this fact: All of a sudden one celebrity is pushed up by the TV in all channels. I mean my feeling is; how much back handers go to others in the TV as a media.

And then this woman walks into the pub with a steering wheel between in her legs. I heard the barman go, "Ere missus you got a steering wheel stuck between your legs." And she screams. "Yeah gissa big gin and tonic, this one is driving me nuts."

Now seriously, there is a good dish called Balti chicken dahl something. I tell you it is something..... Ok you know what?

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Monday, February 15, 2010


Since I was born I am associated in paranoia, I mean personal wise. If any one else says to the contrairy I will have to meet the person to person to talk about it.

But the question I ask is; we all question anything at that moment of time. I for one always question one and all. Some of my friends tell me I moan too much. But the problem is associated with the paranoia I have and questioning everything I confront. Is it a very fine area of grey or we as a latin orientated people have been mind washed not to question anything which our fore fathers have put down as facts. And have problems with people who question.

Remeber facts, tell you why. I as a human and is at least 8 billion years old. Why because when I was very young I was told and believed that the universe was 5 billion years old, now they say it was 13 or so billion years old, and I believed. If I still believe that then I have grown 8 billion and 33 years in age. That is a fact which I was told and is been told by the boffins, as they call them facts, when they themselves belive that they are not so. I hope that one day, they say that this is a fact but with the limited knowledge we assume that the universe is 13 or so billion years old.

So these facts change, and as we grow older we question them more and more. Now I can very easily prove to you, my ladies and gentlemen, that as we grow older we get paranoid more often than that when we were young. Thank you.

I am a moderately stupid & selfish person.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am watching or is it? I am going to watch this match Italy v England, in a bit. This is a commentary as I watch. England is supposed to win. Common England.

Shite the game rules have changed so much now a days I lost it now.....It must be good for the game...(sorry back watching the game...shite my man couldn't kick the ball inside the poles again, shit Ity v Eng 3-3)....or it makes for old fogeys like me to follow.

OK now I know, Ity's are trying a kicking game where they think they are good at it. But the problem for English commentators is the England is playing a kicking game. Mind England is supposed to be better than the Itys, as Itys got thrashed by Ireland last week.

Yep England tallied it up at 6 all, damn what a relief, we could of be 12 to 6 if Wilkinson didn't get the two easy ones, yeah it is such.

I feel great,had a few vodhys and a pipe or two. I like the way all the commentators go about the last half and say how better the commentator would of done when that happened. I would more appreciate if they show more of the frigging highlights. Then we get hypped up for the next half init?

Frigging heck a Try by Eng at last, damn Wikls missed it again.

Ah now now....a phone call from Ireland...they are partying...hee hee Englaaand you are no good.
17/12 for England, expected 20 something to less than 8. That would do; not in the top of the bloody group are we?

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Question Without An Answer

I have a story to tell you. You will think that I is stupid n ole.

I red the bible n i thout...... how can one persen b three?

Mo i thuot aboot it mo.... sory i fogot wat i b saing.

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I feel strange. I had a few shots of vodhy and I alooking forword to a pipe load of fine ganja, grown local and delivered by a local mini gealer. I am not going to correct any thing I have typed. So here it goes :

Forgive me as I is watching the contest between two mighty giants in Rugby. Fucf I just anderstnd the frigging game as. Shite & Shitolo. Inini? Here we go Here we go etc etc. Sorry about the people who do not understant ther stupid game. But I am in front I knows everthing. I lost the gasme, while typing this shite, whales have a penalty. Shi...oops he lost the goal and all. Is it nice to know all that whilst typing this shite is ....... fuck lets have that pipe huh huh?

And then here I am folding a bit of ganja into the pipe. Hey viola the pipe is lit.


You have imagination?.... yeah a bit I think. Not the one I have you bet?

Another time m8 Blues are good?????

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Friday, February 12, 2010

In The Good Old Days

In the early days of television, people who bought them thought that TVs weigh heavier when they are switched on. Because on the back of the TV it says"Please switch off the TV before you move it". Hmmm how stupid we were!

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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Slavery In USA Still Exists

1% of total population of US are in prison. All prisoners have to work. If they do not they are put in solitary cofinement. They do not gat paid. Near 100% of army helmats are MADE IN Prison(USA)

And the slaves are predominantly Black(10.4% of young males between ages 25-29) and Hispanic(10.4%). Don't call me racist but the facts show there are only 1.3% of the whites of the same age. Mr bloody Obama can talk about a frigging black man in the Whitey House. I feel that he is white than most of us realise. Hmmm a coconut in slang terms.

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MP's On Expenses

The exploitation of someone else's money is fun. Nudge nudge and a giggle. We all do it in some time in our puny lifes. But the Politicians when they do it; it is a crime against humanity. The money could have been used to save someone's life.

According to Dante in 'The Inferno'

Bolgia 5: Corrupt politicians (barrators) are immersed in a lake of boiling pitch, guarded by devils, the Malebranche ("Evil Claws").


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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Cheating In In Games

I am just concerned about in the amount of cheating which goes in the games on TV. Forget about me in the stands watching them, and I dream of those days. But the games, Cricket, Footie, Rugby etc etc have got on fine with cheating. Even the bloody commentatators are going on about the the cheating, as if it is a matter of fact. For me to watch it, even it is my favourite team, is nauseating. Good luck to the mass media. Hopefully oneday, as one of the snooker commentators said, "It is nice when the player who made the foul, says he did it, even though the ref has not seen it". I seen it happen in some cricket games, but not that offen as I see it should be. May be I am going old and the young think that cheating is good

Recently cheating in national examinations have gone up by a lot of %. Hmmmmm now I see the connection. Hope the Boffins cotton on to it soonish.

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Colours In Dinosaurs Are Not Grey Anymore

Yeah the boffins have discovered Melanosomes, the colour bearing cells. Have a butcher:

A re­con­struc­tion of Si­no­saur­op­ter­yx. (Pho­to © Chu­ang Zhao and Li­da Xing)

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Monday, February 01, 2010


IED's are let off by remote contral. That is radio waves. Wht can't the UK & US make a gadget which can send the harmonics of all the radio frequencies. Sort of span it and all the IED will frigging blow up init? Well sub-humans do not get these brain waves matey.

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