Friday, September 03, 2010

plants acting Funny?

as you know if you have read any of my posts that I am a believer in understanding more and simplifying facts of life. If I get attacked by someone bigger than me I always call the Police. what will a Tobacco plant do? Ha Ha.

according to this article, when the tobacco plant find itself attacked by a caterpillar it gives out a chemical called green leaf volatiles, or GLVs. If you’ve smelled freshly cut grass, you’ve smelled GLVs.

It is very unlikely the tobacco plant has labs to do tests to find out. So the boffins are at it.

The rest of it here

I am a selfish person.If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

How To Be An early Riser

Ahhh the life long problem I have lived with. Boom Boom lazyness. I wake up around 6 to 7 AM as my body says take your bloody pain killers. I dutefully take them, go for a leak and, hai karamba I am in snoozyland. I tried and tried in vain to get up and get along with something interesting to do.

I came across this simple 5 ways to get up and go. I will do it next few weeks and will write about what I discover. Boy will I stay in bed with the woman below or not?

1) Choose to get up before you go to sleep. You’re not very good at making decisions when you’ve just woken up. This is not the time to be making decisions about whether or not you should stay in bed! If you want to be a consistently early riser, try making your decision to rise at a specific time before you go to sleep the night before.

2.)Have a plan for your extra time. Let’s say you’ve actually made it out of bed 2 hours before you normally would. If you don’t have something planned to do with your extra time, you risk falling for the temptation of a “morning nap” that wipes out all the work you put into getting up.

3.)Make rising early a social activity. Wouldn’t it be great to join an early breakfast club, running group, or play chess in the park at 5 AM?

4.)Don’t use an alarm that makes you angry. If we’re all wired differently, why do we all insist on torturing ourselves with the same sort of alarm each morning? Experiment a bit and see what works best for you. Light, sound, smells, temperature, or even some contraption that dumps water on you might be more pleasant than your old alarm clock.

5.)Get your blood flowing right after waking. It doesn’t take much to get your blood flowing and chase the sleep from your head. Just pick something you don’t mind doing and go through the motions until your heart rate is up. Jumping rope, push-ups, crunches, or a few minutes of yoga are typically enough to do the trick.

From this article

I am a selfish person.If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!