Friday, October 05, 2012

Psychiatry And Political Influence In Nazi Germany

It is about time someone did a serious study of this quite frankly unbelievable happenings.

I found one which can be construed to be biased.
Auther is Rael D Strous
Author Affiliations:
Department of Psychiatry, Beer Yaakov Mental Health Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
This is what he says as the background:
During the Nazi era, for the first time in history, psychiatrists sought to systematically exterminate their patients. It has been acknowledged that the medical profession was profoundly involved in crimes against humanity during this period, with various publications describing this malevolent period of medical history. It is less known, however, that psychiatrists were among the worst transgressors. At each stage of the descent of the profession into the depths of criminal and genocidal clinical practice lay a series of unethical decisions and immoral professional judgments. Furthermore, very little has been published on lessons that may be learned from this dark period in the history of psychiatry and on ethical principles that may be extrapolated for the future practice of clinical and research psychiatry and for inclusion in educational programs. This paper reviews the role of psychiatrists in the Nazi era and analyzes the underlying misconceptions that led to the aberrant behavior. Finally, some recommendations for inclusion of the study of this period in ethics training are presented
Here is the link to this publication. He has sited his own work, which the reader has to pay to read....bloody money grabbers init?  He goes on and on saying that the Nazi regime used psychiatrist to kill people, but does not show any proof. Right lets see what Wikipedia says on the subject.

Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring (In US)

Inacted in 14th July 1933, active in Jan 1934, this law of sterilisation has these basic provisions.

1) Any person suffering from a hereditary disease may be rendered incapable of procreation by means of a surgical operation (sterilization), if the experience of medical science shows that it is highly probable that his descendants would suffer from some serious physical or mental hereditary defect.
(2) For the purposes of this law, any person will be considered as hereditarily diseased who is suffering from any one of the following diseases: –
(1) Congenital Mental Deficiency,
(2) Schizophrenia,
(3) Manic-Depressive Insanity,
(4) Hereditary Epilepsy,
(5) Hereditary Chorea (Huntington’s),
(6) Hereditary Blindness,
(7) Hereditary Deafness,
(8) Any severe hereditary deformity.

(3) Any person suffering from severe alcoholism may be also rendered incapable of procreation.
And the article says this:

The law applied to anyone in the general population, making its scope significantly larger than the compulsory sterilisation laws in the United States, which generally were only applicable on people in psychiatric hospitals or prisons.

 Lots of other countries were doing the same. I am not saying that Nazi regime did not do it, but there were others who were at it. Now let us be sensible and see who are responsible for this kind of popular acts.

We have to go all the way to Charles Darwin, Joseph Fisher, Herbert Spencer,Thomas Malthus, and Francis Galton. Darwin published his major works on evolution.

In 1798, Thomas Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population, in which he wrote:

The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear, and with one mighty blow levels the population with the food of the world.

—Malthus T.R. 1798. An essay on the principle of population. Chapter VII, p61[1]

The passion between the sexes has appeared in every age to be so nearly the same that it may always be considered, in algebraic language, as a given quantity. The great law of necessity which prevents population from increasing in any country beyond the food which it can either produce or acquire, is a law so open to our view...that we cannot for a moment doubt it. The different modes which nature takes to prevent or repress a redundant population do not appear, indeed, to us so certain and regular, but though we cannot always predict the mode we may with certainty predict the fact.

—Malthus, 1798, Chapter IV.

Although at that time people started to read this understood the problem and acted upon it, now UN has found that the population is decreasing and the food production is rising. You can read the article here.

Now this work which was written from 1798 to 1830 has been read by lots of people including psychiatrists in the west. Things get a bit murky around this time as to who said what and what the hell it means like. There was guy called Herbert Spencer who began advocating about natural selection in animals, and compatred it to the biology of nations. This is from Wikipedia pages

Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher, biologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist of the Victorian era.
Spencer developed an all-embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies. He was "an enthusiastic exponent of evolution" and even "wrote about evolution before Darwin did." As a polymath, he contributed to a wide range of subjects, including ethics, religion, anthropology, economics, political theory, philosophy, biology, sociology, and psychology. During his lifetime he achieved tremendous authority, mainly in English-speaking academia. "The only other English philosopher to have achieved anything like such widespread popularity was Bertrand Russell, and that was in the 20th century." Spencer was "the single most famous European intellectual in the closing decades of the nineteenth century" but his influence declined sharply after 1900; "Who now reads Spencer?" asked Talcott Parsons in 1937.
Spencer is best known for coining the concept "survival of the fittest", which he did in Principles of Biology (1864), after reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. This term strongly suggests natural selection, yet as Spencer extended evolution into realms of sociology and ethics, he also made use of Lamarckism.

Charles Darwin in the mean time published the well known book On the Origin of Species, and First Principles was printed in 1860. To muddy the waters further Darwin's cousin wrote a few books as well. His cousin Francis Galton, started on eugenics. He theorised in 1865 and 1869 that, social welfare institutions and insane asylums  were making it easier for the 'inferior' humans to survive and reproduce faster than the ''superors". Yeah I can see the argument (do not agree with it). So by and by we get a society of poor and idiots. So Darwin read his cousins work and discussed it in a whole section in his 'Descent of man' bit boring but excellant book.

I read this in Wikipedia and put it here for you to understand the basics. Here is the Link.

So this is not something which happened when the Nazi's took over Germany. Lets look at from the 20th century.

Would anyone beleave that Sr Winston Churchill was a rascist? No. I heard about this from my dad when I was a kid. But I had my doubts about it. As I grew older other people were of the same thought. We did not have any proof as it was a ling time ago, and the politicians and the governing hieracy of UK know how to supress adverse material. I have heard so many quotations by Churchill - bless his soul - but never have I seen this:

Quote from Churchill: “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.”

(To the Peel Commission 1937)
And from this article:

“By the standards of today — and possibly even of his own time — Winston Churchill was a convinced racist. For all his public pronouncements on the ‘Brotherhood of Man’ he was an unrepentant white — not to say Anglo-Saxon — supremacist. For such a zealous child of the Empire, anything else would have been astonishing. Part of the British Empire’s raison d’ etre was its assumption of racial superiority. . . . Neither were Churchill’s assumptions about human worth confined to ethnicity. He dabbled in eugenics. . . .

“For Churchill, Negroes were ‘niggers,’ Chinese were ‘chinks’ or ‘pigtails,’ and other black races were ‘baboons’ or ‘Hottentots.’ Italians were ‘mere organ-grinders.’ and when an Egyptian crowd attempted to burn down Shepherd’s Hotel in 1952, he described them in a memorandum to [Anthony] Eden as ‘lower than the most degraded savages now known.’”

But even before that he was a bigot, rascist etc. etc. he proposed a bill of eugenics.

When he was Home Secretary (February 1910-October 1911) Churchill was in favor of the confinement, segregation, and sterilization of a class of persons contemporarily described as the "feeble minded." The most significant letter Churchill wrote in support of eugenics was not, however, deliberately left out of the official biography by Randolph Churchill for reasons of embarrassment, but simply through oversight. -Ted Hutchinson

 That is from all the psychiatric world ever thought at that time, of course there were exceptions. There are lots and lots of material in the internet which shows that before Nazi's extremely vile acts, other European country elites were in favour of them, but could not do it, due to the democratic pressure. But this is not all. US has been involved in the psychiatry world in a big way too.



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Sunday, September 02, 2012


How many times have you and me get angry, when your power supply stops supplying the computer; you have not saved the work in it. Yes work on a software program for hours and you are a piece of chit on the floor crying like a baby. Has happened to me only a few months ago. Flash went my computer and came alive again and had to boot the bugger. Why the hell did I not use the UPS, which was there in the attic. I found this via a friend who came back from the Far East. Very interesting I tell you all.

So according to the abstract, what I understand is; for a cooling sytem you do not want the power supply either to go down or stop abruptly for a long period of time. But at the same time this system cotrols  at least one cooling fan and see to the adjusment of the temparature needed. Well in other words it runs the whole system. My my I never thought about all the bloody different implications you come across. I remember the UPS I used for the computer had a multi switch which could operate the printer etc, as long as they are connected to the blessed thing. Yes this one is similar. But dirrerent environment.

so I think you are lucky enough to have a peek here to see the whole explanation. My fingers are tired. But I am going to read it as a whole. Education I thought.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012


Treatment of people with mental problems, is not easy to understand. The word Psyche comes from Ancient Greek, for soul or butterfly. Wicked init? Ancient Greeks must have had few  hilarious conversations with this "Man's soul flew to the heavans". "How many butterflies did he have?"

Now be serious and see what this psychiatry means huh? In the western civilisation (Greek, Roman)the so called psychotic people were supposed to have had this problem originated from supernatural.

In the 4th century BCE, Hippocrates theorized that physiological abnormalities may be the root of mental disorders.Religious leaders often turned to versions of exorcism to treat mental disorders often utilizing cruel and barbaric methods.[1]

According to old texts Indians were far more advanced in treatments for mental disorders. But they also started thinking that the problems were supernatural at the start, as in the ancient Indian scripture, Atharva-Veda. Ramayana and the Mahabharata has incidences of various disorders and how to cope with them.

Then in the 3rd and 4th century AD a guy called Sushruta, an Indian doctyor published a book called Sushrata Samhita.

The Sushruta Samhita contains 184 chapters and description of 1120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, a detailed study on Anatomy, 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources. It is the main reference book for ayurvedic surgeons. Sushshruta is considered as a great surgeon of ancient times.[2]

The diagnostic system based on four; cause (nidana), premonitary indications (purva-rupa), symptoms (rupa), therapeutic tests (upashaya)  and natural history of the developement of the disease ( samprapti).  the physician (chikitshak), The drug (dravya), the attendants or the nursing personal (upasthata) and the patient (rogi) are the four pillars on which the success of the therapy. Sushrata's manuscripts were translated to Arabic in the 8th century and infiltrated into Europe gradually.  He even wrote about plastic surgery.

I will put the links to the articles i read and wrote this blog at  the bottom, huh? I do not know whether anyone else has noted the fact that, in most of the present day medical people do not make any citations to the old Indian or any other civilisation's medicle discoveries they copied. Funny huh? Everything I learnt from the articles i read cannot be easily explained here. now don't be a lazy sloth, read the following.

I read this, this  and this

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Thursday, August 09, 2012

Khalid Mashal

Now this person is not someone I have come across in the news that much. But it does not mean he is not important as people who struggle to find a way to make his own kith and kin escape the wrath of powerful nations in the world. Respect. My man has gone through the mill. Salute.

Wikipedia as usual piece of info  read thus;

Khaled Mashal was born in the village of Silwad, north of Ramallah, then ruled by Jordan. Mashal attended Silwad Elementary School until the 1967 Six-Day War and the occupation of the West Bank by Israel. His father moved the family to Kuwait afterward for financial reasons. Mashal holds a bachelor of science degree in Physics from Kuwait University. Mashal joined the Muslim Brotherhood in 1971.
While at Kuwait University, Mashal headed the Islamic Justice (qa’imat al-haq al-islamiyya) list in the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) elections in 1977. The basis for the Islamic Justice list was the Palestinian Islamic movement, as part of the Muslim Brotherhood. After the cancellation of the GUPS elections, Mashal established the Islamic League for Palestinian Students (al-rabita al-islamiyya li talabat filastin) in 1980.[2] Mashal taught in the Kuwait schools from 1978 to 1984. He was married in 1980 and is the father of three daughters and four sons.

In 1983, the Palestinian Islamic movement convened an internal, closed conference in an Arab state. It included delegates from the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Palestinian refugees from the Arab states. It was an important milestone as it laid the foundation for the creation of Hamas. Mashal was part of the leadership of the project to build a Palestinian Islamic movement from its inception, after 1984 Mashal devoted himself to the project on a full-time basis. During this period Mashal remained in Kuwait.
Mashal lived in Kuwait until the 1991 Gulf War. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, Mashal moved to Jordan and began working directly with Hamas. He has been a member of Hamas' Political Bureau since its inception and became its chairman in 1996.

And then about the fact that he did go through death experience thanks to the Zionist. Look boss I do not have any problem with the Jewish nation. Wish them luck. But I have a problem of understanding the policies of the Jewish Zionist block. Cool sire, you can call me anti zionisyt. At the momemt of my thinking I have no problems with that. Anyway read the rest here.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Conun etc Aardvark With Physolopher

This happened in the savannas in South America. I think everyone knows what an aardvark is. If you like I can stop here, untill you find out.
He the aarvark has a habbit of walking in the savanna on hot sunny afternoon, and this was one of those times. Nice breeze was blowing. He watched couple of local birds chirping and fighting over a worm. And knowingly he shook his head.
At this precise time a phylosopher who was staying in a near by hotel had a problem to solve. He realised that the inside of the hotel is as hot as the outside, as long as you stayed in the shade.
He saw the aardvark. What did the aardvark say to the phylosopher?'

Send me your reply ...send it to ur other freiends and keep a record  of their replies

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Farmers In Uk Circa 1970's

I know I am a boring blogger who comes here in his own fancy times and leave some scroodle. Scroodle down my back yard is the toppest and unadultarated rubbish. If you can scroooodle it out, nice and even not too thick and etc etc; you can survive in me backyard.

So I want you to know something very important, but silly. About the farmers in Briton in the last century. Not very exciting I tell you but, in 1978 the government boffins had this to say," By 1978 britain has been self sufficient in temperate foodstuff. and not since the 1760's, has this happened."

So "Bravo, my dear farmers", I said very loud so everyone in the flat can hear. Good thing there was no one about.

And then a farmer tells me, "When my father came here 100 years ago there were 26 diary farms. But now we are the last one.". What an exploding industry?

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Thursday, July 26, 2012


Sin is what is described here.

In Abrahamic contexts, "a sin" is an act that violates God's will. Sin can also be viewed as anything within a person that violates the ideal relationship between them and God.

Or otherwise it is the National Insuarance Number according to some governments in the world. The moment you become 16 you have SIN. You should be proud of ourselves to be awarded such a accolade.

I can go on but lets think about it. strange tale I will tell you.

There he was going to buy some groceries and comes across, a wretched sight. A woman tied to a post and people gathering around her with stones in their hands. Big and small they were. I mean the stones. He stops and thinks about it while looking around. He says " He/she who has no sins throw the first stone". People stopped and thought about it and did not throw any stones.  And he goes to buy his groceries. As we all know this is what really happened to Jesus.

Now Jesus is one of these people who got enlightened. He must have realised that we all do not have any sins. That story was made up by the religious bigots to make it appear as, that we all have sins; yeah to make money for themselves.

OK lets start with you. When you are doing something you are doing the right and the best at that point of time. So, since you have been born, you have been doin the right thing at the right time to be here right now, reading this. O! how can thou sin.

Look about you. You have to wake up and find that you are nature and you cannot sin. This is one of the arguments I have against religion. They subjugate you. Enslave you. Free yourself from sin. Guilt. Karma. Do not wait until you are old.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Minerva Institute andTerrorism

Have you any idea what this Minerva Institute and Terrtorism? I researched a bit into this Minerva thingy. It is difficult to explain a lot, but I will keep on piling link after link as I understand the thingy about Minerva

To start with you can get cheap side certificates in the US for education in terrorism. Can you believe it? Well coming from a more secluded environment like me, No. As the man said "I don't believe it". But here is the link, but please I am not advertising and the link will offer no further links I hope. But of course, if you end up in shits from the above link, bugger me from a distance, NOT.

Now the whole scene of worldwide usage of Minerva comes from bloody ingenious imaginary contraption initiated by a demi-god from UK, who wrote the Harrry Potter books; owl called Minerva. I can bring a few links here:

Just as our military forces could not effectively operate without understanding the physical terrain and environment, detection of radical actors and regime disruptions is limited by our understanding of the cultural and political environments where those threats develop. The Minerva Research Initiative, initiated by former Secretary Gates in 2009 and now supported by Secretary Leon Panetta, seeks to build deeper understanding of the social, cultural, and political dynamics that shape regions of strategic interest around the world.

Deeper understanding of global populations and their variance as provided by Minerva-funded research will yield more effective strategic and operational policy decisions. Minerva scholars have already briefed valuable, warfighter-relevant insights to senior officials such as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, decision makers in the defense policy community, and on the ground to our combatant commands.

As the nascent program continues to grow, university-driven Minerva research will further enable critical social and cultural understanding to help decision makers effectively address today's known and tomorrow's unknown challenges
Above is from the Minerva Research Initiative.

The Minerva Steering Committee in the Office of the Secretary of Defence has selected ten proposals for 2012 award. Proposals were solicited through a 2011 Broad Agency Announcement – the second in the program’s history – was extremely competitive. The Department solicited proposals in seven topics of strategic importance and received a total of 330 white papers and 55 full proposals. The total amount of the awards is expected to be as much as $12 million over three years. Based on the proposals selected competition, more than 17 academic institutions, including two non-U.S. institutions, are expected to participate in the ten research efforts.

US gov is spending money to research into
Harvard UniversityHeidi EllisIdentifying and countering early risk factors for violent extremism among Somali refugee communities resettled in North America

University of Michigan Philip Potter Terrorist Alliances: Causes, Dynamics, and Consequences

Arizona State University Mark Woodward Finding Allies for the War of Words: Mapping the Diffusion and Influence of Counter-Radical Muslim Discourse

Princeton University Jacob Shapiro Terrorism, Governance, and Development

Stephen Shellman (College of William and Mary), Remco Chang (University of North Carolina- Charlotte), Michael Covington (University of Georgia), Joseph Young (Southern Illinois University - Carbondale), Michael Findley (Brigham Young University)Terror, Conflict Processes, Organisations, and Ideologies: Completing the Picture

Martha Crenshaw (Stanford University)Mapping Terrorist Organisations

Robert Powell (University of California - Berkeley)Fighting and Bargaining over Political Power in Weak States

Eli Berman (University of California - San Diego)Workshop on the Political Economy of Terrorism and Insurgency

Above from the Minerva Institute. So far we understand that the US leading an attack the terrorists with the aid of academics into various anthropological ways and means. But if you resad this article in a blog, you will see that using academics in similar situations in the past has not worked. In fact it has done more harm than a cure. Do not forget these so called boffins have their own agenda. Please read this.

If you like to see how much the boffins are trying to make it difficult for the likes of you and me; please go to this. After all we the people who live in our countries are supposed to be dumb. On;y the politicians whome we elected are very intelligent. They think as leaders not representatives elected by us. Damn. Where the hell did we go wrong. Did you know the German government passed an important law on the eve of the soccer match against the Italians, Same thing happens in UK. Wonder it happens in your country.

Minerva, not the owl, but a dragen raised its head in UK, but got slashed up. You have to go here to read it.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2012


In the financial world this term LIBOR has made head lines. So I wanted to see whether I can make it simple for me and other simpletons.

Banks lend money to each other. Say for instance at the end of the day Bank A finds that more customers are withdrawn than deposits. So Bank A borrows money from a Bank B, who at the end of the day finds a surplus. There is an interest added for these transactions.
The average rate of interest paid by the banks in such interbank lending is called the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor).

Way to calculate the Libor is very easy. In London 18 banks submit their interest rates to the British Banker's Association. The highest four and the lowest four are ignored and the average of the otherr eight is taken as the Libor. The same system exists in Europe called Euribor.

What the boffins say is that the health of the financial state of the country can be easily derived from this. Hmmmmmm......

Added on 05/07/12:  After the credit crunch the major banks did not have any money to lend; and all the banks closed their doors for lending to others. We all knew about it back in 2008 or so. But the problem was that Libor was issued by the British Bankers Association and Euribor in Europe during that period upto now. You decide whether this is legal or not.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


These bacteria has evolved for 3 or so billion years on earth according to fossil records. These are the little buggers who are responsible, to have made the earth habitable by producing oxygen into the atmosphere. They erxist singularly or in blooms anywhere on earth, water, soil rock etc.. The ability fix nitrogen as a gas makes them ideal plant food rich in nitrates etc.. As I noted earlier they have a habit of using sunlight and water to produce oxygen. THe carbon dioxide is converted into carbohydrates. boffins beleave that chloroplasts in plants evolved from these bacteria. Many Proterozoic oil deposits are attributed to the activity of cyanobacteria.

Thanks to Wikipedia and webpage.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Digital Being

All living beings are digital. Why?

If I feel thirsty I have a drink. The decision whether to drink or not is either yes or no. There are no if's nor but's. Even if we but a if and a but we have to decide yes or no to put the if or the but. No one can escape this.

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My Religion

I am do not have faith in any of the religions in this world. I think all religions started by someone who had revolutionary ideas. After the death of the original person who started it, a gang of power hungry people started it as a religion. Religion is the best way to control people. Every religion wants you to have faith in something outside of yourself. The religion wants you to follow a certain dogma and you lose your own free thinking potentials. As St Ignatius puts it, " Give yourself to God, be like a piece of wood floating in a stream."

So I decided to practice what Buddha, Jesus and Mohamed did. They all went without food. Buddha stayed under a tree eating only one ball of rice for 49 days. Jesus went to the desert and spent 30 days without food. Mohamed did 30 days without food. So what happens when a person go without food. As Maze prison hunger strikers found out, the person halucinates. I did not fancy going without food as I was scared of death. But there are certain drugs I could take to halucinate. Acid, mushrooms etc etc.

After a few religious trips I found out that where ever I am I am there. I cannot escape myself ever. And the realisation of how I came to be. I got rid of the power of other people over me. I am the god of me. That does not mean I am a God who has power over all; but all which affects me. 

Then I concidered the religious explanations of sin, karma etc etc. I found out that the religions make these beliefs to enslave me in a very serious psychological way. If I feel guilty of anything I suffer and that can affect me psychologically more than you can imagine. I have met people who had gone 'mad' due to this. I realise that everytime I do something I do the best at that moment. Only after the event has happened do I realise that I did something wrong. I know I have done certain things in the past, where whilst that event is happening I have doubts. But I carried on doing it. Certain times I had guilty pleasure at that instant. I cried after. I suffered after of guilt. But if I think that I am responsible for all that affects me good or bad, I must give the same way of thinking to other people. When I get hurt by someone I use to put the blame on that person without any thoughts. Now I get angry for a moment and then I take the responcibility for being affected. That way I forgive that person. And forget it. The same way if someoone gets hurt by me while I am about something without any pre-planning, and intent, that person has to take the responsibility of the effect which affected that person. Hopefully if that person thinks like me I will be forgiven and that incidence will be forgotton.

Concider this. Jesus said something like, "He who has no sins cast the stone". This is how it is explained in some Bible study:

The "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" incident is one of the most well-known lessons of the Bible. A woman, who had been caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus Christ by the scribes and Pharisees as a test to see if the Messiah was a liberal in matters of the Law of God. In response to their deceitful query, He didn't condemn the woman, not because He was a liberal, not because He condoned her sin, but because the men who brought the woman to Him were Hypocrites. He was the only person there that day who was free of sin, the only one who had the right to "cast the first stone." He didn't stone her (or her accusers), but instead forgave her and told her to "sin no more." Otherwise, the day is coming when she, if she didn't thereafter repent, won't be stoned, but will be burned - along with the hypocrites who brought her to Him that day, if they didn't thereafter repent of their sin:

Of course he has no sins, not because he is the son of God, but he has found out what sin means. The whole story was twisted to merit what the church says about sin. Look at it this way. He realised that we all have no sins, as I did. As I said; I do what is the best and the right at every event. So if I did a wrong thing in my life I will be doing something else instead of typing this. So every action I took in my life was the right thing at the right time to be here right now.

But when you realise that you cannot do anything to harm anyone. It is easy to talk about it but to live that life it took me more that 20 years. I do not suffer from guilt anymore than a few seconds everytime a cringe thought comes from the past. I live a very religious life. Sometimes I think more than so called religious people. I call this religion Unism as there is a unit which is concerned you the person. As a digital being I am a unit whose beliefs are these.

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Brookings Institute

About in it's own website says:

The Brookings Institution is a non profit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals:

1 Strengthen American democracy;

2 Foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans; and
3 Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system.

Brookings is proud to be consistently ranked as the most influential, most quoted and most trusted think tank.

But is it true?

In fact, it's a corporate financed imperial tool. It serves wealth and power. It deplores democracy, social welfare, and equal opportunity. It supports Washington's longstanding Syria and Iran regime change agenda. Doing so ignores rule of law principles.

Writes Stephen Lendman about the subject.

And further more I see in this forum:

Take the Brookings Institution. For many years, its senior expert on the Middle East was William B. Quandt, a former National Security Council official with a well-deserved reputation for even-handedness. Today, Brookings’s coverage is conducted through the Saban Center for Middle East Studies, which is financed by Haim Saban, an Israeli-American businessman and ardent Zionist. The centre’s director is the ubiquitous Martin Indyk. What was once a non-partisan policy institute is now part of the pro-Israel chorus.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

US the Puppy of Israel Lobby

I am not a racist but an anti-Zionist (Nazi). I am not a muslim or any other religious bore. I hate any gangs bullying innocent other people because they are different. It goes for Nazis etc etc. I do not like them. They are boring farts who live in the god damned past. So here is something I liked in the internet.

Why has the US been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of another state?

Yep why?

US has given Israel aid since the war in Oct 1973.  Well that is over 150 billion dollars. They get 3 billion every year that is about $500 a year for every Israeli. Other recipients of aid gets quarterly instalments and all the aid money has to be spent in US. But Israel do not. They spend only 75% of the aid. The rest is spent on various activities eg. illegal settlement building in West Bank.

Since 1982 Us has vetoed all the Security Council resolutions criticle of Israel. Every move by the rest of the world to get Israel into the IAEA's forum jhas been blocked by the US.  One American participant at Camp David in 2000 later said: ‘Far too often, we functioned . . . as Israel’s lawyer.’

And is it true that giving more than 2 billion dollars as emergency funds for the Oct war made the Opec to go crazy and made the whole world to go bankrupt due to the oil prices?

Is it true that Israel transferred military technology to China? Or am I uner the influence of fantasia?

How about one J Pollard who gave classified doo dah to the Soviets so that Soviet Jews can get out of the all mighty grasp of USSR?

Ache.... then we get a certain Mr Larry Franklin who devised a way of putting mama against papa and managed to pass some important classified bits and pieces to his mummy's spy masters in Israel, which most of the bloody Americans forgot about.

Now if you can understand all that I wrote good, if not go down where I bin Inhere

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


All my life I lived with this word even in my sleep. Nightmares were made of this in my dreams. Time to wake up.

As one always seeks in the matter of knowledge these enlightened days, I went to wikipedia first. This is the intro of the subject. ( comment: Now when you read wikipedia you have to understand that it is a bit biased towords the Zionist, not because the wiki body itself is controlled by the Zionist block, but more Zionists are involved in objections to any facts brought forword.) 

Jihad is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and frequently in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid; the plural is mujahideen. Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims. A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status. In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.

Again we have to dig a bit deeper and arrive in BBC website. Yep came out in Google.

The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war.
Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle:
•A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible
•The struggle to build a good Muslim society
•Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary
Many modern writers claim that the main meaning of Jihad is the internal spiritual struggle, and this is accepted by many Muslims.
However there are so many references to Jihad as a military struggle in Islamic writings that it is incorrect to claim that the interpretation of Jihad as holy war is wrong.

When I read the article further on I seems to understand this a basic way. Prophet Mohamed - may he lie in peace - said there is jihad which means the struggle within yourself to live with others according to the faith. But after he went to war he corrected it to mean the struggle to defend Islam and your kith and kin. i do understand the problem for the late writers of Islam about this duality. If I am an enlightened person I do not have to go to war. My question here is: why the war?

Then again I find this in the wiki page about the origin in Palestine.

Possibly formed in early 1983 and reportedly led by Imad Mughniyah, a former Lebanese Shiite member of Palestinian Fatah’s Force 17, the IJO was not a militia but rather a typical underground urban guerrilla organization. Based at Baalbek in the Beqaa valley, the group aligned 200 Lebanese Shiite militants financed by Iran and trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ contingent previously sent by Ayatollah Khomeini to fight the June 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Whether this Islamic Jihad was a nom de guerre used by Hezbollah or a separate organization, is disputed.

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Basics Of Islam

This is from Islam 101

1. The Basics
a. The Five Pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam constitute the most basic tenets of the religion. They are:
1. Faith (iman) in the oneness of Allah and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad (indicated by the declaration [the Shahadah] that, "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"). 2. Keeping of the five scheduled daily prayers (salah).
3. Almsgiving (zakat).
4. Fasting (sawm).
5. Pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca for those who are able.

The five pillars in and of themselves do not tell us a lot about the faith or what a Muslim is supposed to believe or how he should act. The second through fifth pillars -- prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage -- are aspects shared by many religions. The finality of the prophethood of Muhammad, however, is unique to Islam. To understand Islam and what it means to be a Muslim, we must come to understand Muhammad as well as the revelations given through him by Allah, which make up the Quran.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

US in 2012

Few facts I found out from a web article. as I publish it here I am not sure about accuracy of them.

An ideology based on inequality, injustice, exploitation, militarism, and imperial wars eventually self-destructs or gets pushed.

This is real in the West, and we all know it.

On May 4, the Labor Department reported 115,000 new jobs. It way overstated the true number. Official figures belie the dire state of things. At most, two-thirds the headline total were created. Even that's in doubt.

For over 300 million American citizens 115,000 new jobs. Yes may be people living around the 1 million or so rich people in US got some jobs init? cheeky!

Most were low-pay, part-time, or temp positions with few or no benefits. Decades ago, workers would have avoided them. Today, there's no choice.
land of happiness.

At 63.6%, America's labor force hit its lowest level since September 1981. Since then, population totals grew from 229 million to about 312 million today. The state of the nation today reflects lots of people facing few jobs, and no policy to create them.

The employment/population ratio stands at 58.4%. Alone, it represents a shocking testimony to failure. So do other data. Long-term unemployment remains near record levels. Credit deleveraging continues. Housing's in its worst ever depression. Prices keep falling. Inventories of unsold homes are huge. Foreclosures are at epidemic levels.
 and further on:

As Fed chairman for nearly two decades (1987 - 2006), he engineered today's crisis. Some call him the Maestro of Misery for good reason. Those benefitting most sing his praises. In 2008, he had second thoughts.

A longtime Ayn Rand disciple, he strayed noticeably in October 2008 House testimony. Her libertarian views influenced his. She championed regulatory free markets. So did Greenspan. He practiced what she preached.

 Long live Greenspan! Ouch Ayn!

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Saturday, May 12, 2012


Did you know that when someone lies they look right and look left when they are not.

What the boffins say is; when you are inventing you look right and when you are remembering you look left. Hmmm I mean your own left and right. So simply as an interrogator I must look at it in the reverse way.. Blimey! being an interrogator is hard stuff init? Ha ha.....

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Saturday, April 14, 2012


Alawi and also called by these other names, viz. Alawi Shias, Alawites, Nusayris and Ansaris. They are predominantly live in Syria, but there are kno populations in Lebanon about 40,000 to 120,000 and Turkey estmated population 400 000, but this is not certain. The four Alawi confederations, each divided into tribes, are Kalbiyah, Khaiyatin, Haddadin, and Matawirah. Their religion, though known to be Shia, is very secretive, and contains mixture of extreme Shi'a (Ghulat), ancient pagan, gnostic and Christian elements.  i will try to find who is who as we go about. I can understand their stand on more liberal and leftish attitudes. But read on.

Alawis are not very favourable with the other Islamic people. they beleave in incarnation. they have 'Ali as the incarnation of God in flesh. now we in the normal world can dispute this. According to

The first is the belief in incarnation - the idea that God can be made flesh, for example in the case of Ali. Ali is believed to have created Muhammad, who in turn created Salman, an early Shi'ite saint. These three form a Trinity.

Thus, Ali is the "Meaning"; Muhammad, whom Ali created of his own light, is the "Name"; and Salman is the "Gate." Alawi catechesis is expressed in the formula: "I turn to the Gate; I bow before the Name; I adore the Meaning."
It is like the Buddhist belifs of Baddha, Sanga and Dharma. Is it coincidence that  they all look at a trinity. I got so confused i went out for a wee smoke.

Just like the Jews, North Americans etc, who think they are persecuted by others, they think they are the only one's who have seen the light. Ha ha init?

One famed trail of this sect is that they are good fighters. The French when they ruled that area used Alawi people in top positions in the military. So we can see how they have organised into control of Syria. They had a strong power base in Lebanon one time but their power has been weaned out. If you are "an input maniac" you can go to this for more feeding.

Another good form of intelligent information can be gathered in this article.

There are so many confusing accounts of this sect, I am not very happy writing this. OK now I will point you in the direction of another person Daniel Pipes.  I have heard good, bad and ugly of this person, but I reserve judgement and let you the reader absorb the material he has forwarded on Alawi sect and how they come to power in Syria..

There is a reasonable debate over the assumption that Alawi sect has been down trodden by various conquerers and they managed to salvage a minority rule. Aha haha says the man in here, when he postulates thus:

For centuries, the Alawis constituted Syria's most repressed and exploited minority. Most were indentured servants and tenant farmers or sharecroppers working for Sunni landowners. However, after Alawi President Assad and his retinue came to power in 1970, the well being of the Alawis improved considerably.

For me I find Alawis as  a sect of people who has ben modulated by various outside super powers then and now. But they did allow that to happen. politics huh?

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Monday, April 09, 2012


According to Wikipedia:

Bahrain (i /bɑːˈreɪn/, Arabic: ‏البحرين‎‎ Al Baḥrayn), officially the Kingdom of Bahrain (Arabic: مملكة البحرين‎ Mamlakat al Baḥrayn Arabic pronunciation (help·info), English: Kingdom of the Two Seas), is a small island country near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. It is ruled by the Al Khalifa royal family. The population in 2010 stood at 1,214,705, including 235,108 non-nationals.[1]

Bahrain is an archipelago of 33 islands, the largest being Bahrain Island, at 55 km (34 mi) long by 18 km (11 mi) wide. Saudi Arabia lies to the west and is connected to Bahrain by the King Fahd Causeway. Qatar is to the southeast across the Gulf of Bahrain. The planned Qatar Bahrain Causeway will link Bahrain and Qatar and become the world's longest marine causeway.[8]

The country has been ruled by  Khalifah family, members of the Bani Utbah tribe, who are Sunnis. But majority of the country population is Shia. From 1861 to 1971 the country was a British colony. Oops "protectorate" I stand corrected.

In 2001 the new Emir made the country into a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament and an independant judicary. In 2002 they had elections and out of 40 Council Of Deputies 12 were Shia.

For years country prospered with new freedom of speech etc and Human Rights groups were satisfied. but in 2011 Shia community thought we had enough and started demonstration with vigour, after Tunisia and Eigypt. Emir got the Saudi and Qatar military to help quell the disturbance. Torture and murder is been reported right through last year. The medical teams who helped the injured and tortured demonstrators, were arrested, tortured and imprisoned by a military court.

Some of the above facts were taken from BBC country report.

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This place is inhabited in ancient times and has a strategic port in the area. Bahrain means "Two Seas". Sumerians thought that the wise and the brave go to Bahrain for eternal life. Nice. I think I will wait until I get wiser but not brave huh?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Babies: Feeding On Demand

I do understand in a basic way what feeding on demand means, but I wondered how the mother know the baby's way the demand is and interpreted. Now here is what the Babycenter says:

Feeding on demand simply means feeding your baby whenever he signals that he's hungry — usually by crying or sucking on his hands — rather than according to a set schedule. The terms "on cue" or "ad lib" are a better way to describe feeding according to your baby's needs than "demand" feeding. The latter can mislead people into thinking that feeding a baby whenever he's hungry will turn him into a demanding little tyrant!

During the early weeks of breastfeeding, you may feel as though you're nursing your baby constantly, and wonder if your baby really needs all that nursing. Keep in mind that young babies have tiny stomachs — about the size of a walnut. Easily digested breast milk quickly fills their little stomach and is absorbed, so it's no wonder they need to eat again relatively soon.

If your baby seems hungry soon after eating (fussy, sucking on his fist, or rooting at your breast), go ahead and feed him again. Keep in mind, too, that babies are just hungrier on some days than on other days and will want to eat more than usual. These days are called "frequency days" and are thought to precede growth spurts.
If you are going to have a baby or have one, please do go to the original article and read it through. There are comments in there which might be helpful to you.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

75 River Community Center Latest News

According to the latest news, the judge has cleared the two defendants, Alex Darocy and Bradley Stuart Allen, of the felony charges of  vandalism, but the still are facing the charge of trspassing. How can a journalist be charged of trespassing. He is there to record what is happening during the said 'trespassing' by others who are annonymous. most probably the US gov wants him to take photos outside and write some stupid stuff like the main media. Has he got any rights at all. Hmmmm....1st Amendment for instance.

Then I found another publication by The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA), who has sent a “Letter Brief“ to the courts. Nicely done I hear you say.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

75 River Community Center

recent news on this subject comes from

This was news on Wed, 2011-11-30 in anarchist news. And we were all happy for them.
Santa Cruz, CA, U.S.A.- November 30, 2011.

The formerly vacant building at 75 River St. is being repurposed by an autonomous group, in solidarity with Occupy Santa Cruz. Formerly a big bank, it was bought out by Wells Fargo. Subsequently, the building closed, and has remained vacant for nearly three years. Today this group has, without breaking & entering, taken the building with intentions of using the space in a productive way that benefits the community of Santa Cruz . The property will no longer be left open by big development companies as a sign of the economic despair in this county, but will rather be used to enrich and teach the local community.

While the middle class quickly falls toward the poverty line, the big banks and the extremely wealthy continue to get rich at the expense of all. Across the United States 1.05 million properties were seized by banks in the year 2010. In Santa Cruz County alone 1,594 homes were auctioned off between November 2010 and October 2011. The foreclosed and vacant buildings in this country serve as a reminder of the ever-growing gap between the 'rich' and the 'poor'. As people are left without shelter and social space due to foreclosures and a declining economy; big banks and developing companies buy out space to simply leave empty.

An existing time-honored U.S. and California law allows for the transfer of a property title when a property is occupied and taken care of by an alternative party for an extended period of time. This law is called adverse possession. The law was born out of the belief that society's best interests are met when land and property are utilized productively rather than sitting vacant. Today, the building at 75 River St. has been adversely possessed. No longer will the property exist only as an empty parking lot and a vacant building with a sign re-directing people to Wells Fargo across the street. It will be repurposed and used to benefit the community instead of Cassidy Turley, the large-scale commercial real estate company currently leasing the building, and Wells Fargo bank.

Instead of an empty space, there will be a space for community teach-ins, an open library, and discussion forums. The space will be offered to Occupy Santa Cruz as an opportunity to have a roof over its head and allow for more organization to take place. The space will be safe, non-violent, non-destructive and welcoming. The building will be a forum for individuals in the community to learn from one another, and help the Occupy movement grow.

There is a hope to see community support for the reclamation of property and space from the very wealthy, the 1%, back into the hands and benefit of the community.

This action was not decided on by the General Assembly of Occupy Santa Cruz. This press release is not from the Occupy Santa Cruz media team.

Then on the 3rd Dec a meeting was convened inside the occupied building at 75 River St. in Santa Cruz. At the meeting, a two page handwritten letter was composed, addressed to the Santa Cruz Police Department from The 75 River Street Community Center. The letter was left on a table for the police to find when they enter the building.

Below is the transcribed text, along with photographs of the original handwritten letter.

Hello SCPD,

This letter is to contest the notion that vacant, unused private property should be ethically or legally seen as the equivalent of an occupied home. The basis for [City Manager] Martin Bernal's criticism of our efforts to reclaim 75 River Street for the community was that this goes against existing property laws, and that the needs of this community's poor - notably the homeless - can be met through more traditional methods, such as voting procedures, or by continuing to protest extreme social inequality without breaking the law. This argument suffers from numerous deficiencies, and as it's been used to justify aggressive behavior towards us it's worth scrutinizing.

With regard to voting, it should be amply clear from the two major political parties' decision-making these past three decades that the interests of the masses, the 99%, are not the driving force in political change. Money, corporate interest groups, and international capital have been. As there is currently no political group with poor and homeless peoples' needs in mind, and the "mainstream" political system is funded to work against these interests, it is entirely understandable that many in our community and others like it are skeptical of voting. This space has been occupied to meet urgent, concrete needs that can't wait for election time to be met: food, shelter, bathrooms, safety from abuse, and many more.

A related argument that's been used against us is that positive social change can occur through forms of protest that obey the law. This of course ignores the question: How is it possible to effectively protest our system of laws, while at the same time fully obeying them? Perhaps an answer would be: through mobilizing public opinion. We certainly do believe in ethically mobilizing public opinion, but the issue remains of what to mobilize it for. As stated above, we have no interest in participating in a structurally corrupt voting system dominated by two massively corporate-funded political parties - so a traditional "get out the vote" effort is not the primary goal of what we are doing. We want the public to take direct action and actually join us in solidarity - and if they cannot join us here, to do it by occupying neglected spaces in their own city. As you know, this building occupation has become an object of national, and increasingly international, interest. For people who value human life over private property, it will doubtless serve as an inspiration.

To conclude, we would like to share one very important thought: whether or not this building occupation is shut down, others will spring up. You, the police, have taken a stand against the 99% in the service of an obsolete 1%. In these times of rapid change, it is guaranteed you will lose what support you have by continuing to protect the commodities of the super-elite at the expense of people's health, well-being, and sense of community. Please begin thinking and acting conscientiously, by joining the 99%!


The 75 River Street

Community Center

About 75 River from their own website.

75River was a community space in Santa Cruz, California, that existed between Nov. 30 and Dec. 3, 2011. The occupation began to establish a variety of community projects in the space until occupiers left the evening of the 3rd.

The occupation was set up in the former Coast Commercial Bank, a quite useful building held vacant by Wells Fargo since 2008.

Please help occupations inspire more of its kind by spreading the word! Send your links, art, and support to
And then suddenly I heard that they are closing down. Well here is what they say.

Last night, the occupiers of 75 River Community Center chose to end their occupation. Just after 9pm the building was left vacant, just as it has been since 2008. Before leaving, signs were hung from every office and conference room door with suggestions for a future community center. Servicess such as free childcare, free drug counseling, homeless outreach and senior speed-dating are just a few examples of what could have been available at 75 River, which aspired to become a community center for the residents of Santa Cruz.

This effort was disrupted and distorted by the Santa Cruz Police, the City Council, and Wells Fargo Bank. The occupiers chose to exit the building since it became clear that police were targeting a small group of individuals not directly involved with the occupation. Besides being a further testament to the ineptitude of the Santa Cruz Police Department, this targeting shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the Occupy organizing model. These targeted individuals acted as observers and monitors of the occupation and communicated to police and media, but were in no way central to the occupation. The Occupy movement has neither leaders nor central individuals.

The violence that occurred at 75 River was entirely initiated by the police. At least four individuals were brutalized by police, one of whom was hospitalized due to their injuries. The appropriation of tax funds for intimidation and unprovoked violence was a waste of money that could be used to fund public services, rather than to disrupt individuals autonomously providing those resources.

The police and some media have focused on Wells Fargo as the “victim” in this scenario. This logic is exactly the problem. Wells Fargo has foreclosed countless families out of their homes (not to mention investing in heinous ICE detention centers, engaging in predatory lending, and yielding profits of over $12 Billion last year). The reclamation and re-purposing of a vacant building valued at $3.5 million is an injustice to no person and no institution. The real injustice is people being pillaged out of homes they spent years working legitimately to obtain, by an objectively greedy and inherently predatory legal entity.

Within the occupied space, a sense of togetherness was created that many had never felt elsewhere. Many also found safety within the building. These are not trivial things for people forced into living on the streets, but rather powerful and beautiful experiences that will remain with those who participated in the bank occupation for the rest of their lives.

It was inevitable that an occupation like the River St. one would spring up, as winter approaches and the core members of Occupy, many of whom are homeless, find themselves needing shelter from the elements (not to mention a place to fall asleep without concern that one is committing an illegal act). Future occupations across the country are similarly inevitable. Marginalized members of this society are beginning to discover their power. Beyond their overwhelming numerical superiority, the people have a vision of society that is compelling and profoundly fairer than the current way of things. Every day we struggle together is a
a day closer to this vision.

We’ll be back.

Nice one they occupied it for 74 hours and peacefully removed themselves out of the place, but the olice were targeting few people who were Journalists and observers/ monitors. Check this one for more info .

On the 4th Po-lice of santa cruz put this in blog  .

75 River Street - Takeover Has Ended

On late Saturday night, after over 72 hours of difficult negotiations, Occupy Santa Cruz ended their takeover of a vacant bank building at 75 River Street. Our goal was to have a peaceful resolution to this illegal and unproductive action and we were successful in that endeavor. Thankfully, the group was able to show the maturity that had been lacking in the first three days of the takeover.

It is our intent to work with the District Attorney's Office to identify those that are responsible and hold them accountable for the trespass. In addition, we will be reviewing the costs associated with the takeover to see if there is any way we can recoup some of the public funds that were spent during the last few days. Clearly, as chief, I would prefer our resources be dedicated to more pressing issues than people that blatantly disregard reason, property rights and common sense. I can't make it clearer that no one has a First Amendment right to break into someone's property, commit acts of felony vandalism and ignore the law. Their actions were senseless and childish and diverted our limited resources. In addition, it placed our officers in needless danger; something that I find completely unbelievable.

We had worked hard to develop a Plan B to protect people and property and were fortunate that we were able to end this through the skilled work of our negotiators. It was difficult, especially given the lack of a central figure in the group to negotiate and their initial greeting of expletives and slurs about police; not exactly the best basis for friendly negotiation. Within hours, they stopped answering phone calls on the cell phone we provided and continually provided us with unreasonable desires and no time horizon for vacating a space they had no right to be in. The sense of entitlement and disregard for the law is appalling. To say the least, it detracts from whatever their initial message was to have such an escalation of action. Some were quoted in media outlets showing their willingness to be arrested and their lack of interest in negotiation. Others were shown harassing the media or police that were there to speak to them. No longer can we trust that their intentions are purely political protest or other reasonably protected First Amendment actions. We witnessed anarchists, like those involved in the May Day riots, openly participating in the initial takeover and saw some quoted that were willing to face any sort of police action in order to defend their "right" to illegal takeover of the building.

We cannot thank the community enough for their support during this time and their calls of encouragement of how we handled the takeover. I personally share the frustrations of many that this was a completely unacceptable and over the top way to garner attention to their vague cause. I plan to continue the conversation about these issues with the community in the coming week.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Kevin Vogel

Chief of Police

Then on the 6th the Santa Cruz Po-lice Department put some pictures on their website asking people to recognize them and grass on them. Then they had an update on 28th of dec Thus:

Update on Takeover of 75 River Street

Throughout the past 4-weeks, Santa Cruz Police Department investigators have worked tirelessly to identify those responsible for the takeover and vandalism of the vacant building located at 75 River Street on Wednesday November 30, 2011. Much of the information regarding the identity of those responsible for the illegal entry and takeover was the direct result of information provided to SCPD by concerned community members after viewing photographs of the individuals responsible for participating in this incident.
Thus far, Santa Cruz Police Investigators have identified 13 individuals who are suspected of being responsible for planning, organizing and participating in these unlawful acts. The names and other identifying information for these 13 people have been submitted to the Santa Cruz County District Attorney’s Office and arrest warrants have been requested in conjunction with this case. We expect to begin making arrests as soon as the warrants are issued. This is the first wave of names that have been submitted for arrest warrants. As this investigation progresses, we expect to identify additional individuals who are responsible and we intend to hold them accountable for their unlawful actions as well.

The Santa Cruz Police Department would like to thank the community for their assistance in helping identify those responsible for this illegal takeover. We would also like to encourage anyone who has information on the identity or whereabouts of anyone who was involved in this incident to contact Santa Cruz Police Investigations at (831) 420-5820. You may leave an anonymous tip at (831) 420-5995. You may also submit a tip using our iPhone app, or via our website by clicking here.

Kevin Vogel

Chief of Police

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Posted by OccupyAdmin Feb. 8, 2012 75 River St. Charges & Arrests

All of the following are named on Case No. F22196, Superior Court Complaint,

Charged with felonies, except for Gabriella with a third misdemeanor charge of delaying an officer.

If they go to the courthouse to get a court date, they will not have to be arrested or post bail. Becky Johnson was arrested, handcuffed and taken from her home with pancakes burning on the stove around 10 am today. She is now in jail with $5000 bail needed, and David Silva for whom she is caretaking is alone at her house. Clearly the police don’t know who the #75River occupiers were, or they are targeting people they don’t like, including the media.

It is believed that Desiree and Brent were also arrested.




BRADLEY STUART ALLEN................................. see my page

ALEX GEORGE DAROCY  ..................................  see my page






 On the 9th Santa Cruz Sentinal published an article with statements from two attorneys.

Two men facing charges in connection with the takeover of a former bank are slated for a preliminary hearing Tuesday. Their attorneys say the men are photojournalists and were working in that capacity when the alleged violations took place.

Alex Darocy, Bradley Stuart Allen and nine other people are charged with two felony counts of vandalism and conspiracy, and two misdemeanor counts of trespassing. The charges stem from the takeover of the building at 75 River St. late last year. In that incident, a group claiming to be acting "anonymously and autonomously" but in solidarity with Occupy Santa Cruz remained in the building for nearly three days before leaving peacefully.

Darocy and Allen, who pleaded not guilty to the charges last month, are photojournalists who have done work for a number of outlets, including Santa Cruz Indymedia, according to defense attorneys George Gigarjian and Ben Rice.

I follow quite a lot of legal issues in and around the Indymedia outlets. sometimes the tactics by US gov and the Po-lice are deplorable to say the least. Most of the cases get thrown out of court after spending millions in court costs etc. Freedom country they say loud and clear.

See here for the latest.

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Alex Darocy

This is from his own website

Alex Darocy is based in the Bay Area near Santa Cruz, where he has lived since he was three. He has been taking pictures since he was ten years old, when he taught himself the fundamentals of 35mm film photography with the help of a book he found at a local used shop. His medium of choice is color film photography, but he rabidly shoots digital as well. His favorite subjects to shoot are toys and other objects of mass production, and he has also been working on a long-term street photography project.

Alex Darocy received a B.A. in History of Art and Visual Culture from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

For a list of Alex's past exhibitions, and his resume, click: here


With the exception of the alt processes page, all of the photos on this site were single exposures taken with a medium format film camera, and they were originally printed on color photographic paper in the dark room (C-prints). Limited edition prints by Alex are available for purchase in a variety of photo sizes. For information on print prices and ordering or commissioning an artwork, email Alex at

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Bradley Stuart Allen

From his own website .

Bradley Stuart Allen is a photographer, Indymedia volunteer and website developer living in Santa Cruz, California.

Since 2001, Bradley has been contributing coverage to Indymedia websites. Most of that coverage has been of events that took place in the city of Santa Cruz or at the university, UCSC. However, Bradley has also published reports from many other locations such as Miami during demonstrations against a free trade agreement, Houston and New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and the barricaded streets of Oaxaca, Mexico.

The website began in June 2005 and serves as an archive of Bradley’s Indymedia coverage since that time.

In February of 2006, he created the website to support the documentary film, El Enemigo Común (The Common Enemy). Bradley continues to serve as the website’s publisher, where bilingual articles and communiques are frequently posted, helping to sustain networks of communication and solidarity between the United States and Mexico.

Bradley’s photos have been published around the world; first through the Indymedia network, and then printed in books, newspapers, magazines, posters and flyers. Bradley’s photographs are included in numerous documentaries about the 2006 uprising in Oaxaca, such as Un Poquito de Tanta Verdad (A Little Bit of So Much Truth).

News outlets and organizations that have used Bradley’s photos include the San Jose Mercury News, Santa Cruz Sentinel, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Democracy Now!, The Progressive Magazine, Good Times Santa Cruz, San Antonio Current, Baylor College of Medicine, San Francisco Bay View Newspaper, American Friends Service Committee, Gizmodo, AlterNet, Community Alliance of Fresno, Common Ground Relief in New Orleans, Kaos en la Red,, Bite Back,, Earth First! Journal, Cannabis Culture, Free Speech Radio News, Free Radio Olympia, Free Radio Santa Cruz, Global Exchange, Bradley Manning Support Network, Rising Tide North America, Santa Cruz Reskilling Expo, Santa Cruz Patch, Antioch Arrow, Modesto Anarcho, SnitchWire, Socialist Viewpoint,, Third World and Native american Students Press Collective (TWANAS), The Project, Disorientation Guide to UCSC, as well as AFSCME, the ILWU Dispatcher, and other labor unions, non-profit organizations, musicians, books, newspapers, films and even textbooks — History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism.

Bradley moved to Santa Cruz in the summer of 2000 to attend UCSC as a transfer student, and graduated in 2002 with a degree in Environmental Studies. Surprisingly enough, there were not any campus-based student environmental organizations at UCSC in 2000. In 2001, Bradley co-founded the Student Environmental Center at UCSC, which has become an institution within the university.

In 2006, Bradley returned to UC Santa Cruz to participate in the school’s new Social Documentation program. His focus was photography and website development. Bradley graduated with a master’s degree in 2008.

When not situated behind a camera or computer, Bradley enjoys riding his bicycle along the coast in Santa Cruz and being in nature.

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Thursday, March 08, 2012

The Life With Mice And How I Caught Them Humanely

I had this experience with a few mice in my flat some time back and I started writing about it and doh ....did I  Here is what I did write in way back in 2009.

About a couple of months ago I noticed a mouse running around my flat.I live in a small one bedroom flat. It is small in floor size, but easily accomodate a ten foot giant in the living and bed rooms. I thought a mouse is OK as long as it does not live inside with me. But then it became two mice in the flat. I decided the flat is too small for three of us.

By this time my back pain has grown into a undesirable state. I could not do the least amount of cleaning, like the cupboards etc. Little at a time I noticed that there is a distict smell in the kitchen area. I decided to investigate.

So why do I dig this out now? It is because I read an article about mice and I will tell you about later after I finish about what happened to me and the mices.

When I had a look in the cupboards it was a bloody mess likes which you find in old houses neglected for years and not cleaned. The cupboards were very old may be 1980's style. The doors will not shut properly and there is a gap at the top of the door, which I do not know the purpose was. So out with my cleaning stuff. There was a bag of rice in a plastic bag and it was nibbled out in a corner. Yummy mummy for the mice. There as a nest made but no little mices in it. Cleared cleaned the whole lot and did a bit of research on the net. Though they be a menace, I do not like killing them. So I found a electronic gadget which sends out a sound which is not apparently, according to the website, appreciated by the mice, and they run away, it said. And found another humane mouse trap. Delightful, I Amazoned for delivery. In a week or so I got them both delivered and set to work.

I put the electronic gadget in the living room and the trap in the cupboard, where the rice was before, with some rice and peanut butter inside it. By this time there were two of them running around in the sitting room and enjoying themselves. So I waited without moving just sitting down and watching tv. Yep the wee buggeres came out and started munching the rice I placed near the gadget. They kept on playing and mucking about and the electronic sound did not do anything to them. They even went near it and sniffed. So if you have mice? these electronic gadgets do not work. But we used to make little gadgets to scare cats in my backyard a long time ago. They worked ok, but it is very fiddly to get the exact frequency which makes them go away.

Next day I had a look inside the cupboard and found that the trap has fallen on the side and the rice and peanut butter all gone. So I put the trap in the living room and watched. Same ingredients inside it. After a while mice came out and startedd to muck around the living room?...doh or sitting room which is the same huh? One of them sniffed the trap then went away a distance and ran into it sideways and it toppled on a side. The trap is one which has part of the floor bit raised. The end, where the bait, is raised from the floor when you put it on the floor. The end with the entrance is flat on the ground, so that the mouse can easily go in.. If a mouse goes inside the raised part, it drops down due to the weight of the mouse and the cannot get out. That is the theory anyhow. But here my mouse toppled it sideways. Then one by one they both went inside and ate the food. Neat huh. Pity I did not have a camera in hand to take photos.

They must have learnt about it somewhere. By this time I noticed three of them at the same time. My friend Andy, and with a bit of help and ideas from me, designed a mouse trap.

You need
1 A tube of some sort, we used a paint roller,
2 Three plastic bags
3 Gaffa tape, or any strong stickey tape
4 Bait, best of which is bird seeds

Put a plastic bag at one end of the tube and secure the open end of the bag wrapped around the tube with gaffa tape. The cut the closed end of the plastic bag leaving about 3 inches hanging out of the tube. Then put another bag on top of that, secure the open end like before. This time cut the bag off leaving about 6 inches of the bag intact. Now hold the end of the tube without the plastic bags and hold the plastic bags at the other end, then twist and crunch the plastic bags. The reason is we have to create a trap making it hard for the mouse to crawl out. Now put the last bag on top of others, secure it and do not cut this bag.

I put some bird seed into the bag and placed the tube on top of the work top with the bag end well away from the edge. Fastened it properly with sticky tape. Put a trail of bird seed ...huh? not too much mind, on the work top. That night I slept on the sofa in the sitting room, which is joined with the kitchen. And hour or so later I woke up to this rustling sound. Aha there were two of them in the bag. I cut the bag from the top and put the bag and mice in a metal box which we prepared before with a small cup of water inside it. Put a new bag over the tube secured it on the work top and went back to bed. This went on for the next night etc and I caught 5 mice in all which I dispensed with in a little forest area we have close by.

Now the reason for back track. Did you know that male mouse snigs to attract females and it is unique to that individual mouse. I did not either.

Male house mice pro­duce me­lo­di­ous songs to at­tract mates, not un­like many birds, ac­cord­ing to new re­search.

The dit­ties are too high-pitched for hu­man hear­ing, but sci­en­tists at Vi­en­na's Un­ivers­ity of Vet­er­i­nary Med­i­cine an­a­lyzed them and found they con­vey in­forma­t­ion about ident­ity and kin­ship. The find­ings are pub­lished in the jour­nal Phys­i­ol­o­gy & Be­hav­ior and in the Jour­nal of Ethol­o­gy.
You can find the rest of the article of the World Science Net here

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!claimes the World Science net. I who by instict knows that amoebae to humans are the same, loved this article.
About a couple of months ago I noticed a mouse running around my flat.I live in a small one bedroom flat. It is small in floor size, but easily accomodate a ten foot giant in the living and bed rooms. I thought a mouse is OK as long as it does not live inside with me. But then it became two mice in the flat. I decided the flat is too small for three of us.

By this time my back pain has grown into a undesirable state. I could not do the least amount of cleaning, like the cupboards etc. Little at a time I noticed that there is a distict smell in the kitchen area. I decided to investigate.