Sunday, September 02, 2012


How many times have you and me get angry, when your power supply stops supplying the computer; you have not saved the work in it. Yes work on a software program for hours and you are a piece of chit on the floor crying like a baby. Has happened to me only a few months ago. Flash went my computer and came alive again and had to boot the bugger. Why the hell did I not use the UPS, which was there in the attic. I found this via a friend who came back from the Far East. Very interesting I tell you all.

So according to the abstract, what I understand is; for a cooling sytem you do not want the power supply either to go down or stop abruptly for a long period of time. But at the same time this system cotrols  at least one cooling fan and see to the adjusment of the temparature needed. Well in other words it runs the whole system. My my I never thought about all the bloody different implications you come across. I remember the UPS I used for the computer had a multi switch which could operate the printer etc, as long as they are connected to the blessed thing. Yes this one is similar. But dirrerent environment.

so I think you are lucky enough to have a peek here to see the whole explanation. My fingers are tired. But I am going to read it as a whole. Education I thought.

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!