Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Saddam and his bravado

Yesterday I saw a program on the TV called Panorama. Definition of the word hmmm….
Any way here.

It is quite good as I cannot see anything other than which we already know from the news. Did you know that the North Americans sent assault team of 300 marines to capture or kill Saddam? Wow! The best for the Ace of Spades. And then after his sons were killed by the North American forces, did you know that, Saddam attended their funeral and has read a verse from Koran and collected the flags which were draped over the coffins, as the whole of the coalition forces and the media watched? That is guts I suppose. Or is it real gamble? Saddam Hussein had some papers with him when they captured him.

IN the transcript:

In the shack beside the hole the kitchen area was littered with food. Next door a bedroom with a stack of books, a ceremonial flag propped against the wall, the only reminder of Saddam's lost status. His swimming trunks were hanging on a tree for bathing in the river. A metal box was found with $750,000 and there was a gun which Saddam failed to use on the Americans or on himself, despite his pledge to die a martyr. Some of the papers in his briefcase revealed those around him had been feeding Saddam with lies about what was happening in Iraq while he was on the run.

Maj. General RAY ODIERNO
Commander, US 4th Infantry Division
They had made one comment that one of our units had lost like a hundred tanks or something like this, some outrageous statement in there and told him that it had been real successful and everything was going great in our area when it was very much far from the truth, so…

CORBIN: So he continued to be deluded to the end.

ODIERNO: Yes, very much so. Very much so.

Now from this we can see that Saddam was given wrong “Yes Minister” stuff by his closest advisors. Does the buck stop there or does it go to the Governments which we reckon are good and democratic. By the way Mr Blair intones now that he is finding now some of the stuff he had been fed are not exactly right. And again Bush is ranting and asking his advisors “Wha’appened man?” The head man of Spain, Jose Maria Aznar, went down refusing to accept that he mislead the country. One war mongerer down few more to go init? I am just not sure of these things any more. As a kid I believed in democracy and the Governments of Great Britain and United States Of America are good and proper. Am I understanding it better now as an adult or am I mislead by the darker side?

At an art exhibition there was a painting 3 very naked, and very black men, sitting on a bench. What was unusual was that the men on both ends of the bench had black penises, but the man in the middle had a very pink penis. The picture was titled "Home for Lunch."
Two women were standing there, staring at the picture, scratching their heads and trying to figure this out.
The artist walked by and noticed the women's confusion. "Can I help you with this painting?" he asked.
"Well, yes!!" said the one woman. "We were curious about the picture of black men on the bench! Why does the guy in the middle of the three have a pink penis?"
"Oh," said the artist. "I'm afraid you've mis-understood the painting. The three men are not africans, they're coal miners, and the fellow in the middle went home for lunch."


Sunday, March 28, 2004

What if and the sins of Buddha

Time travelling is a serious thought provoking paradox. It has funny sides as well. Like if I go back in time and kill my grand dad so that ………… ‘Init? That is a top class ‘if’ situation. When I think about my problems right now I have not any. If I had a problem now I would of sorted it out straight away. But my thinking, “Wonder how it is like, to be in the pub now where I heard a gang of nice girls are drinking”, or “Wonder what it is if I did not phone the benefit office and make an excuse for not sending those forms.” Here I am worrying about a different place or time. That means all my problems I get stressed up, are either about time or place or both together.
So we can see that time and space is interchangeable. You do not ‘ave to go to university and learn for 10 years to know that. Even some of us who do that cannot understand a trivial thing like that. For those people I ask “What if my mum ‘ad a prick?”
So I understand things like “if I wanted hundred quid; I would not be sitting here and typing this out, unless I am to get that amount or some money by doing it; but go out and may be mug someone for it, that is, if I am that desperate.”
Now comes the logical bit! You know when I am planning to do something I am planning it. When I am doing it I am doing it but not thinking about the big plan, init? And I do the best at that time what ever I am doing.
So if I say that, “Since I was born (or may be before!), I have been doing the right thing, at the right time, to be right here; if I made a mistake I would be in a different place doing something else.”: Will I be proper religious person according to any religion in the world?
I have no sins. I have no karma. I have never made a mistake.
Easily done mate, or shall I utter, it is easily said than done. If, one day, in the same logic or in a different logic, it dawns on you, from right inside your conscience, then you can be sinless as well. And it does not give me pleasure in, doing some nasty thing to a living being and saying I did the right thing at the…… No. You can enter into the karma world of the demons. Or so sinful you will enter the hell. It is not that easy.
The subtlety in this is to do anything for that purpose alone. I go out because I want to go out. Not to get a breath of fresh air. If you want a breath of fresh air, you must tell yourself, “I want a breath of fresh air.” This is a very simple example. May be you can think of something more appropriate?
I think the main religious masters did find these simple formulae. You know about that parable about Jesus: when Jesus was taking a walk he saw this crowd of people with stones, to throw at this miserable person who has done a great crime like, may be, sleeping with his mate’s wife. And the great man says, “He who has no sins throw your stone.” And no one threw a stone.
I do not know how true this story is, but it could of come about with the same reasoning I exposed earlier. Jesus, a carpenter’s son, was literate and dialectic. He was kicked out of all the synagogues of the area because of his revolutionary arguments. He must have simplified it and felt the immense sense of relief, and wanted to tell all his mates about it.
Later the Romans and the Zionist Jews got together to make the Roman Catholic religion to enslave the masses in the future, explained that we all have sins so if we come to church to pray(and give the church our wealth), and we can be forgiven of our sins. What sins?
What Jesus meant, according to the simplest way, is “We do not have sins. It is the society which has sins.” And further the Bible chants that Jesus died for our sins. How true. Of course he died because of the sins of the society. That man never committed a sin. Just like all of us.
I had to read a lot about Buddha to find out what his notions about sin and karma. Do not forget Buddha was a revolutionary like Jesus, who wanted to free the masses from the evil Brahmin ideology which was the governing religion in India and there about. So reading the books which are written by the power crazy monks and highly ‘recognised’ writers are invalid for me. Enter the:
Suttanipata BY V. FAUSBÖLL

Hard work reading this but who cares, as I am used to hard graft. It says here:
“From the Atthakavagga especially it is evident where Buddha takes his stand in opposition to Philosophy (ditthi = darsana).”
So the great man was against all these religious philosophy, and tried to find a very simple way, for he himself and any one else to follow.
By the way, he was born a prince, Siddhartha, who was well educated and married quite young and his wife Yassodhara had a baby son. All his life, he had been well protected from seeing monks, and sick, very old and dieing people. Why? Someone, at his birth, predicted that he will get fed up of this princely life and run away, if he is exposed to births and death of humans. Well his father a good religious Samana did well by barricading young prince from all the evils of birth and death.
Indian society at the time of Buddha had two large and distinguished religious sects, Samanas and Brâhmanas. What is said of the Samanas seems mostly to hold good about the Brâhmanas also. Both sectors held the same view about life. They say that purity comes from philosophical views, from tradition, and from virtuous works. In other words you are born to it and makes the relevant caste systems.
Buddha himself has, it is true, sprung from the Samanas, but Buddha has overcome all their systems; and he asserts that no one is purified and saved by philosophy or by virtuous works. Sanctification, in fact, does not come from another; it can be attained only by going into the yoke with Buddha; by believing in him and in the Dhamma of the Saints; on the whole, by being what Buddha is. So here we have a true revolutionist who really did care about himself and the masses. NO! He was a bad boy just like you and me at one time.
He ran away from home in the night after his son was born. He got fed up of life after seeing a monk and sick and dieing people, when he managed to get out the barricates into the city. Then encountered the birth of his son. So he woke up his best mate who grew up with him, and took the best horse his father had and ran off into the night. If someone like Prince Charles does it now he will have the whole upper England after his arse. Anyway, you know, he had to cross this swollen River Yamuna. So they tried to cross, Prince riding the horse, and his mate hanging to the tail. They did cross but killed the bloody horse. All the monks and priests say the bloody horse was born in the heaven. Bullshit.
Siddhartha was a bad boy in any account, but he did go around taking various portions of hallucinary I meant…..er…. smurf …sniffer …….. …...HALLUCINATORY er…… snij….substances, and failing everything went ahead and starved himself for forty-nine days and nights. Just living on one ball of rice a day. Someone gave him a bowl of rice, and he made I think 49 balls of rice and ate one a day. Think about it; after a while in that heat the rice goes bad and mouldy. So he was tripped out of his mind, at the end of may be 40 days. I mean hunger itself can do a lot of tripped out minds, as lots of people have found out. But eating festering rice? So there you have it. If he is living now he would of take some LSD with me today.
Come back to the point huh? Sin according to Buddha?
Found this “Sin” A Service by Reverend Bill Clark :

“There is a story told about Gotoma, the Buddha, and a man whose father had died. The man came to the Buddha crying with deep concern for his dead father. “Sir, I have come to you with a special request: please do something for my dead father.”
“Eh? What can I do for your dead father?”
“Sir, please do something. You are such a powerful person, certainly you can do it. Look, these priestlings, pardoners perform all sorts of rites and rituals to help the dead. And as soon as the ritual is performed here, the gateway of the kingdom of heaven is breached and the dead person receives entry there; he gets an entry visa. You sir, are so powerful! If you perform a ritual for my dead father, he will not just receive an entry visa, he’ll be granted a permanent stay, a green card. Please sir, do something for him!”
“All right,” the Buddha said. “Go to the market and buy two earthen pots.”
Two earthen pots? The Man was very happy now for Buddha was going to perform some right for his father. He returned with the two pots.
“All right,” the Buddha said, “fill one with ghee (butter).” The young man did it. Fill the other will pebbles. He did that too.
Now place them in the pond over there.
The young man did so and both of the pots sank to the bottom.
“Now,” said the Buddha, “bring a big stick; strike and break open the pots.”
The young man was very happy thinking the Buddha was performing a wonderful ritual for his father. Taking the stick, the young man struck hard and broke open both the pots. At once, the butter contained in one pot came up and started floating on the surface of the water. The pebbles in the other pot spilled out and remained at the bottom.
Then the Buddha said, “Now young man this much I have done. Now call all your priestlings and miracle workers and tell them to start chanting and praying, ‘oh pebbles come up, come up. Oh butter go down, go down.’ Let me see what happens.”
“Oh sir,” the man said, “you are joking. How is it possible? The pebbles are heavier than the water, they are bound to stay at the bottom. They can’t come up sir; this is the law of nature. The butter is lighter than the water, it is bound to remain on the surface. It can’t go down sir, this is the law of nature.”
“Young man,” said the Buddha, “you know so much about the law of nature, but you have not understood this natural law: if all his life your father performed deeds that were heavy like pebbles, he is bound to go down; who can bring him up? And if all his thoughts and actions were light like this butter, he is bound to go up, who can pull him down?”

No still a bit detailed and philosophical init? I think ….. yawn…. yawn ,,../….,,.”%$&(£”£. No wonder we are all fucked.
Why didn’t the Dinosaur Chicken cross the road?
There weren’t any roads constructed them days.
Email me!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I am better than you

I have just been talking to a mate of mine about the things which is happening in Tibet. He goes what about it? Then slowly I explained, last fifty years Chinese has been governing the country and has got rid of the person who was supposed to be leading the country.
Then he goes, “Yeah mate it is like the bloody Ireland init?”
Hold on mate how can you compare the two? I couldn’t fathom my mate’s way of thinking. Then flash I got it.
It is just like saying to a mate, “’Ere I found a Pound today on the street.” And your mate going “Say, you know what? I was going down the road and I kicked this envelope which was innocently stuck on the ground. And it lifted up and fell down. I thought …. Yep there is something in it. So guess what? …… there was a Fifty Quid note in there!”
So I am going to kill myself, instead of getting into the ‘who got the better deal?’ argument.
About a few years ago I met this girl from Wales who told me that she believes that, “The Satan put Dinosaur bones under ground so that one day the man will find it and disbelieve in God.”
As a logical piece of shit, whom I think I am, I nearly started an argument with her. Tell me, can you give me any arguments against that. I could not. I gracefully gave into her charms.
Wow I am getting into this. A friend of mine told me, just after I told her about my experience noted above, a story about one of her work mates. Her mate thinks … no no… er…. really sure, that white blokes semen is white; Indian’s brown; Chinese bloke’s yellow etc. etc. international break down of communications or plain stupidity? The jury is still out.
Talking about jury, I always wanted to be in a jury. But no way they will get me to do it. I am a registered voter. I pay the dues to the Council which they call Council Tax which everyone hates except the bloody councillors. Wonder what they do with the lot? I heard this story of a girl who complained to the Bristol City Council, about the refusal of a grant, to do her university degree. They invited her to a council meeting and as the meeting progressed they had a cup of tea and chocolate fingers to go with it. The girl asked a councillor how much they spend on chocolate fingers. £ 20,000 year, she be told. That is four students’ grants we are talking about in a year. I do not think the bloody buggers care. The Councillors can’t go without the bloody best chocolate biscuits available. And thast is a fact.
All the politicians local, governmental, or international are the same. The democracy of a system states that the elected person is a representative of the people who elected that person. But the democracy of the current systems all over is not that. The elected person becomes a leader. Like a King or something. Take Bush or Blair they do the same thing. After the elections they never ask us what needs be done. No no no. They turn to their think tanks and get the advice from them, lie to us and tell us what needs be done. The population has to follow the leader, the bastard. For example there were two million out of sixty million people took trouble to march to Hyde Park in London to say no to the War with Iraq. I was there. And I cried when I saw the people about me. In the coach which took us to London from Bristol there were two people behind me. One was a Catholic nun and the other was a Christian vicar. And in the next seat a family; mum, dad and two children under 10 who had their own home made placards begging the Prime minister not to go to war. But the “honourable” gentleman said the mob who gathered in Hyde Park was trouble makers and thrash who has no idea about the International politics. Well yeah right Mr Blair.
Blair will have to ask us to vote again.
But then again what the hell for, as anyone who gets elected becomes a leader init?
I think the idea; to go to the polling station and get your voting card and draw another box, right at the top of the list and mark it NOBODY and put your X against that; is a bloody good 'un. If the number of votes cast for NOBODY is greater than the votes for anyone else: then at-least the world media will realise we are not very happy with the whole system. If we keep on doing that then they will ‘ave to realise that we are not so dum and stupid trouble makers but a mass of intelligent people who like to see what is going on really so that we can make up our own minds and advice the government what to do.

There is only one teacher in this whole universe
If you do not recognise
Go and go until you make yourself most hated
May you feel bad about your parents
And curse your unborn babies to last the same way
you did before them
Email me!

Monday, March 15, 2004

I am guilty of being born?

I was born anyway. Why? What the hell for. My ancestors and the ‘sophisticated’ educated society said that I was born for a purpose. And I have got this big problem since I was a mere two to three year old; what is this thing called ‘purpose in life’. If I become an average person, I am alright and if I question the existence of life, I become a not so average(?) man. Now who is this average person? Where is his/her house. What does it look like? I am looking for such a person. Scientifically and theologically there is this person. But when you or I, who are very common, search for such a person there are not any to be found. But we all try to be that average person.
There must be a stick to measure you as to be average or not. Where is it. Could any of the religious Masters tell me who holds this stick to measure the man for his average ness? So I went about asking questions from lots of Masters in various disciplines what and where this measuring stick is.

“John the Baptist Prepares the Way
In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah:
"A voice of one calling in the desert,
'Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.' "
John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
"I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

So the great man John the Baptist thought that Pharisees and Sadducees are below average without salvation. And then again:

“The Baptism of Jesus

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?"

Who started this baptising business?

Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented.
As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."”

Aha now we got someone more than the average person top man.
But then again this is written few decades after the Jesus man’s death. So I feel sorry that I had to bring his name into it.
And years later in the kingdom of Iraq:
“* On May 15 last year, British soldiers in Basra came to the Mousa family home and told them they were looking for a neighbour who had been an officer in the Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein. While they were searching they found a Kalashnikov rifle the family keeps for protection. This is permitted under current Iraq law and is common practice with families faced with the lawlessness that has gripped society since the US/UK invasion of the country.
Abdel Jabr Mousa attempted to explain the reasons for the rifle to the soldiers. His 23-year-old son, Bashar, explained what happened:
“My father tried to explain to them, but they just started hitting him in the head with the wooden butt of the Kalashnikov.... They dragged him out of the house, bleeding from his leg. Then one of them told me to come with him. He said, ‘Give me the rest of the weapons.’ I told him there were no more.
“Then he took me to another room and started beating me. He put his hands around my throat and pushed me up against a wall. His hands were so tight I lost consciousness.... Then he dragged me to the personnel carrier.”
Bashar Mousa says that he and his father were taken along with the neighbour who was an officer to a British Army base in the former house of Ali Majid (dubbed “Chemical Ali” in the media). They were forced to wear hoods and taken to a room where they were beaten and kicked for an hour. Bashar could hear the screams of his father. After his father stopped screaming, Bashar was taken to a different room where he was given food and medical attention, and a change of clothes. He never saw his father alive again.
After one night, Bashar was taken to US-run Camp Bucca in nearby Umm Qasr, south of Basra, where he was held until June 20. Although Bashar was a civilian, he was held at Camp Bucca as an enemy prisoner of war. The British Independent on Sunday newspaper has seen his prisoner’s wristband and his Red Cross POW papers, number IQZ-120259-01. His release papers say there is no evidence to doubt he is a civilian.
The family has said that they only discovered where the two men had been taken by a tragic coincidence. The soldiers were searching for another man, who they identify as Kareem, and threatened to arrest his wife and daughters unless he gave himself up. The soldiers left a message that Kareem should surrender to a Sergeant Henderson of the Black Watch at Ali Majid’s former house.
For three days, the eldest son, Amar, called at the base asking for news of his father. On the third day he was taken to a military doctor who told him his father was dead. He said the body, which was bruised and covered in blood, was in Basra hospital.
“When I found the body, there was blood in his mouth,” said Amar. “There were wounds all over him, and a huge blue bruise like a boot print on his left side. I saw bruises over his heart and the outline of a military boot. All the body was covered in mud and there were outlines of finger marks on his skin.”
The death certificate, signed by Dr Haider Mohammed Saleh, stated the cause of death as “sudden heart attack: infarction of the heart muscles.” The family was never given a copy of the British military death certificate. They are demanding an investigation, and several family members have been interviewed as witnesses. Ammar said the investigators, who are refusing to comment on the case, told him the family was unlikely to get compensation.”

WSWS By Harvey Thompson10 March 2004

So if I have Chinese blood can I call myself a bloody Chinese?
Email me!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Coincidemce in a nutshell

I have a sort of a mural (a little inspirational drawing) drawn by a friend of mine on the wall of my sitting-room. It was done with care and attention by the friend, and I never could comprehend as to the value. It’s been there for 4 years admired by all and complimented on.
Today another associate came around and saw it for the first time and said “I have seen this somewhere in a……er….er book. I said “No way, it is a copy of any book but a straight up rendition of thoughts by the artist whom I know.” Her daughter volunteered, “No mum it is not from a book.” Then she told me what she is referring to is that it was drawn by a friend, at her place, for a back drop to be used in the environment for Techno gigs. (Sorry let me explain; we are party people for ‘dancy’ music anywhere anytime.) But then I realised her friend was here, with another friend of mine earlier in the last few months, with her daughter. She must have been looking and admiring the mural on the wall at my place and I do not know whether she made a sketch or not. Am I to feel flattered and thank her? But …. It is some one else’s feelings that we are talking about. I hate copyrights, as a rule and as an anarchist, but this is more than that …. er … this is about some one’s feelings ….er…. and the rest of us who enjoy the mural. I do not know what to do…. I was disgusted with this feeling of apathy, as I do not know what to do. What would you do?
Then today a friend I haven’t seen for a while came to stay here after a long absence. Everything was fine whole day; then she left for her mum’s birthday meal and came back. I could notice that she ‘as ‘ad a few. But she ‘as not reached the drunken level. While staring at the mural she started getting a bit agitated and said something like that one needs a standing stone to be truly fairy. Do you know what a standing stone is? No? Think Stone Henge but smaller. I just laughed it off. Then I had to go and check some email on my ‘puter and I heard her asking for a pencil. I said it is on the floor and carried on doing what I was doing. Then when I looked over she was trying to draw something on the Mural. I had to scream to stop her. I ‘ave no gripe with her. Now the problem is; why the interest all of a sudden on this mural which has been there for more than 3 years. And they both came from two entirely different personalities. And both drove me to insanity.
Similar thing happened to me a few years ago; I had three pregnant women visiting me. Yeah let me explain. This was about autumn time. One of them I call her Itsy (not the real name) was expecting her child after Christmas, second call her Bitsy was expecting her child in April, the third call her Titsy was expecting her little one in June; sort of three monthly dilivery. I have never fancied them or gone out with them or shagged…. er…. ‘ad intercourse. And all three were pregnant from three different blokes. Only may be once they were all present at my place at the same time. They visited me all through their pregnancy right the way to the births, and a wee while after. One of them still comes around and I see one of the other little ones often. Now clever clogs explain to me how that happened. It was kind of a bit silly with my neighbours; them not knowing anything about the whole thing and just looking at me in a knowing way.
What do you call a DJ without a girlfriend?
The joke …. If you think it is …. Copyrighted to Animators Crew Bristol(UK)
Email me!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Suicudal? Who Me? Never.........

There are times when you feel like topping yourself off…….. OK if you do not, its just that you are different from most of us. I some times wonder how many of us have tried and failed. A mate of mine came to my place all distraught and all that, and said that he is going to jump off the bridge and end it all. So I said, I have tried it once and failed; and told him what happened: this is the story
Long time ago, I was desperate for love and attention, and more I got more I yearned. I thought everyone was, sort of, patronising me. You know for example, when you see a handicapped person you go out of your way, to please that person and sometimes make a fool of yourself. Well I thought that I was the handicapped person and the others were humouring me. End of my tether, I wrote a letter to all my friends what I thought about them, thanked them for accommodating me in their society and that I am going to kill myself so that they will not ‘ave a problem about me any more.
I thought seriously and took everything into account, like the cliff to jump off, a railway line to put my neck on etc. Went to this place near the coast with a rail line next to it and booked into a B&B in a different name and address than mine without any IDs on me. Smart init?
Then I had my evening meal with lots of alcohol on the bill to pay. More alcohol and played a few of the locals at 8 ball pool. Then I went for a walk with a bottle of Tequila and champagne (got to do it grand init). Sitting on a rock and looking at this beautiful sea about 300 feet below frothing against the rocks below, and drinking to the bad health of all me mates. I felt good.
So I drank some more and looked down at the violent sea under the cliff hanging. It’s nice and awesome to look at but seemed to be bloody cold. Did not have enough guts or was it too cold to jump. So by and by few times doing a bit of talking myself into it and drinking more I finished the tequila and threw the bottle as far as I can throw into the sea. Plan two was put into action. I had the time table for the high speed trains: well tell me who wants to get run over by a slow chug,,a,,,,,chug…. a train, you want a whooopoooosh train init?
Then I checked the time for the next fast train. Walla, just in time! So I went to the railway line got comfy and put my neck on the rail. Jolly good, I felt all tingly all over. I could hear the train coming up. My heart thumping, I saw the beast coming quite fast towards me. I wanted to get more comfortable, and I tried to shift my head and the bloody neck was stuck on to the cold steel rail. I panicked and pulled myself off very fast, started vomiting and the train flew by me yards away. Phoooh…. What a rush with a sudden come down. I passed out.
It was good to be still alive, but I had a huge bill to settle, no money and letters I have written to me mates to be stop, init? No more committing suicide for me. Do you know? My mate jumped off the suspension bridge got stuck in the mud and survived to die later in the hospital from pneumonia. I carted the guilt for a few years before I realised what a martyr I was trying to be. Not any more. I will explain one of these days.
Do you know the anagram of David Ginola.
Vagina dildo
Email me!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

The Handbag book of Girly Emergencies with added vitamins

I found this little book in the bin outside a cafe in Bristol. Where I found it should have told me all about it, but never mind. It is called
“The Handbag book of Girly Emergencies”
They all are advice to ladies about things which we men never think about. I got interested in "Health: Help I suffer from bloating and wind". What would you do? Me I will go to the loo and do a big dump with a pleasing smile on me face. Now it says here that “1.) Take a probiotic supplement to help improve your system - especially important to take after you’ve been using antibiotics.”
Example of a Probiotic Supplement according to a website is Calcium Magnesium Zinc. In:
it says:
"probiotic supplement
Taken daily, doses of supplements can boost their your immune system, potentially protecting your immune system from viruses and colds, according to a recent study. supplements have demonstrated to have a substantial impact on human health. Supplements A is not only important for vision but also for bones, skin and reproductive organ growth, hormone creation, and tissue repair. Deficiencies in supplements can cause night blindness, hinder bone growth, and increase susceptibility to infection. Older Americans are thought to be at a higher risk of supplements deficiency. At and older age, your kidneys do not perform as well as they should and as a result supplement supplements may be necessary.”
(I did not change the text here!)
Then according to the website:
“Chewy Bears Acidophilus is a flavored friendly intestinal flora that promotes intestinal health, assists in the digestion of proteins, has anti-fungal activity, and play a role in candida overgrowth, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, cancer prevention, cholesterol levels, lactose intolerance, nutrient assimilation, detoxification, post-antibiotic treatment, constipation and diarrhea control, bad breath, gas, and intestinal disorders”Then I read something believable in a website:
At least this one is not trying to sell you anything but nicely explains why you have to do something about it and not live with it as some doctors advice you.

Ireland's worst air disaster occurred today when a small 2-seater Cessna
plane crashed into a cemetery this afternoon in central Ireland. Irish search
and rescue workers have recovered 826 bodies so far and expect that number
to climb as digging continues into the night.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Astrology and me

I was born a Libran they said. But how do I know that I am one? Ok, I remember when I was a little boy adults read my horoscope in the papers and I dutifully believed them. Well who wouldn’t as all the adults, I knew, believed in them init? They said it is true that I, as a Libran, will have such .and such traits…..airs more like I felt that time huh?.
So away I went to the library and got a book on Astrology and read about the Star Sign Of Libra. Well there were good and bad traits. I remembered most of the good traits but forgot the bad ones. So that is the story of how I became a proper Libran. Hmmmmm…. then all of a sudden I grew up and realised, that, this is just jabberwocky.
But really I got it all explained to me, by myself, like this.
Before I was born I was in my mother’s tummy, and I got all the sustenance I mean feed and shit through her bless her. In fact I was part of her body. Then one fine occasion I thought of been born, hrrrruph…. come out into this world.
Do you believe in theory of vibrations? No? Any way I will explain that another day….. but just think that at every place and time, there is a cosmic vibration, very unique. So at that moment and place, I came out of my mother’s womb and the umbilical cord was severed, there was a cosmic vibration. And that was my starting vibration, proudly my own and unique . Now as time goes on, the cosmic vibrations change. If you go with the vibrations you can ‘ave it; and if you go against it…… well you know what happens to one. Took me a few years of phisolophising to find that but I dare say it is simple than most of the bloody Astrology Eastern or Western init?
On a blustery day, one old lady said to another old lady across the road, “It is windy today.”
Second old lady, “ No it’s Thursday.”
First old lady, “Me too, let’s go and ‘ave a cup of tea.”