Friday, August 01, 2008

A Very Sexy Vid Adults Only

I am a selfish person.

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How My Muscles Work

I am a selfish person.

"Skele­tal mus­cle, the type of mus­cle that moves the body, comes in two main types: bulky, fast-twitch mus­cles for pow­er and speed and slen­der slow-twitch mus­cles for en­dur­ance. Fast-twitch mus­cles burn sug­ar that must be stored in the mus­cle it­self while slow-twitch mus­cle burns fat."

And then the boffins have found a way to trick the muscles to think they been exsercised. Good for people like me who are not able to go and exsercise due to pain. Hmmm worth thinking and causing a bit more thinking for my dear Dr Allen Init?

From: "Drug may trick body into “thinking” you worked out"

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!