I have no proof about this. I have an over 50% belief in telepathey. In mass telepathy there is similar. Think of telepathy, in a person, as an energy which makes waves in the electromagnetic surroundings which expands into further a field. If it strikes resonance with another wave it can expand with a lot of more power than the original. It can get lost in the way, when either person change the thinking tracts. But in mass thinking it can be different, as more and more people think about the same, the resonance can take more power,
I am typing this as I am watching the formula one. The case is Hamilton's loosing streak. He won in a remarkable seoson. He is a bloody good driver. When he won the championship he forgot about Britain and moved to Switzerland. He forgot all about the way Britain looked after him and nurtured him. That is what lots of F1 lovers in Britain feel. I might be mistaen about this, but the telepathic power of people as a whole can make things harder for you.
I know this personally.
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