1:43 20/08/2007
Hey back to the Zionists. Did you know that few years ago Israel offered $20,000 for any Jewish family who lives in Argentina to move to Israel, when the Argentinian economy plunged. And a month or so later the anti-sematic attacks in Argentina went up.
Then in 1950 there were attacks in Jewish population in Iraq. Everyone thought at the time they were by the arabs and 130,000 Iraq Jews emigrated to Israel only to find out later the bombings were done by Zionist underground members.
And in 1954 "The Operation Suzannah" Israel got Egyptian Jews to stage a series of explotions in Egypt in a bid to discourage Britain from withdrawing from Suez Canal.
Then two years later when Israel attacked and invaded Sinai, Egyptian president Nassar kicked out 25,000 Egyptian jews as they were taken to be disloyal.
Not forgetting the strike the US zionists advised German Jews to do during WW2 init.
There is a free movement of Iranian Jews from Tehran to Israel at the moment, but as MR Hersh has noted in one of his articles there is a plot of espionage through the Iranian Jews at the moment worked out by the Zionists in US and Israel. Well lets see what happens init?
More about Israel I read in an article about its Nuclear reactor in Dimona. It is over 50 years old and has to be shut down. The Syrian-African rift goes through the region. If an erathquake similar to that in Japan hits; it will be doomsday for the region.
10:16 20/08/2007
The democracy of the west is gone bad to worse with the successive Governments in US and UK I believe. It is like the South American system in the bygone days. Note for this example :
"The most salient and noxious expression of the irrational and socially destructive character of the profit system is the massive concentration of wealth at the very top of society. According to a recent study, in 2005 the top one-tenth of one percent of the US population (some 300,000 people) had nearly as much income as the bottom 150 million Americans."
I been reading about the financial crisis in US for a couple of years. Well the pundits are saying that:
"Economic policy is not “accidental”. The Fed’s policies were designed to create a crisis, and that crisis was intended to coincide with the activation of a nation-wide police-state. It is foolish to think that Greenspan or his fellows did not grasp the implications of the system they put in place. These are very smart men and very shrewd economists. They knew exactly what they were doing. They all understand the effects of low interest rates and expanded money supply. And, they’re also all familiar with Ludwig von Mises, who said:"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.”
A crash is unavoidable because the policies were designed to create a crash. It’s that simple.".
If we take the whole of West specially the UK Blair Government and US, don't you think there is a slight similarity in the two. For instance due to the War on Terror Blair has been tightening the law of this country by the Criminal Justice Bill giving more powers to the Police. Only last weekend we had a whole mob attacking a Police Station because of the unfairness of the law.
The Rupert Murdoch media and the BBC are saying that it is the youngsters creating all this trouble. But I think it is a bit different.
I am an evolutionist not a revolutionist. Any one who tries to revolt has his/her own agenda to make something out of it. But if the massses evolve by itself it is healthy for everyone except the bloody bloodsuckers.
09:42 15/08/2007
"As of 2006, non-Hispanic whites made up less than half the population in 303 of the nation’s 3,141 counties, according to figures the Census Bureau is releasing today. Non-Hispanic whites were a minority in 262 counties in 2000, up from 183 in 1990."
This from:
Do you suppose it is happening here in blighty? As we go around Bradford and places like that we see some truth in this. The clash will come when the money goes short. I hope that does not happen here.
I like http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/07/130258 man oh oh.
"One of my favorite stories about the Cold War concerns a group of Russian journalists who were touring the United States. On the final day of their visit, they were asked by the host for their impressions. "I have to tell you," said the spokesman, "that we were astonished to find after reading all the newspapers and watching TV day after day that all the opinions on all the vital issues are the same. To get that result in our country we send journalists to the gulag. We even tear out their fingernails. Here you don't have to do any of that. What is the secret?" "
"Kanzius, 63, invented a machine that emits radio waves in an attempt to kill cancerous cells while leaving normal cells intact. While testing his machine, he noticed that his invention had other unexpected abilities.
Filling a test tube with salt water from a canal in his back yard, Kanzius placed the tube and a paper towel in the machine and turned it on. Suddenly, the paper towel ignited, lighting up the tube like it was a wax candle.
"Pretty neat, huh?" Kanzius asked WPBF's Jon Shainman."
Pretty neat huh? You don't find this kind of news in the main stream outlets do you?
US was trying to put the blame on Iran and Syria as the arms suppliers to the insurgence (freedom fiighters of Iraq) init? I remember just after the fall of Bagdhad Saddam Hussein's arms dumps were not properly secured and thousands of bomb making material fell into the hands of Iraqis and they were boasting about it. It is easy for me to write this sitting at home but doing it on the ground must be a bit hard init? But I did not go to war did I? I went for demostrations against the bloody war.
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