Thursday, November 08, 2007


"Af­ter we make a ques­tion­a­ble choice, we of­ten think up—or make up—new rea­sons to be­lieve it was right af­ter all. The pro­cess is called ra­t­ional­iz­a­tion; and al­though it seems point­less and sil­ly, it does some­times help us feel bet­ter about our­selves.

Now, re­search­ers have found that mon­keys do it, too. That raises the pos­si­bil­ity that the pro­cess is ev­o­lu­tion­arily much old­er, and per­haps more au­to­mat­ic, than was pre­vi­ously be­lieved, ac­cord­ing to the sci­en­tists."

Hey my belief that all the senses we have is found in all the other beings going down to single celled ones, and we are so stupid we cannot understand them. Of course science have to prove it to believe it. I am not a scientists hmmm...

From: "Even monkeys rationalize, study finds"

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