Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quotes, PTSD

"A few may take their own lives. In 2006, suicide rates for soldiers leapt to a 26-year high with 99 deaths, one-fourth of them by troops diagnosed with PTSD, according to the Defense Department. Statistically, male veterans commit suicide at twice the rate of their nonveteran peers.

Defense Department research shows one-third of Iraq war veterans have sought help for mental health issues, and officials estimate 150,000 troops have suffered concussions — mild traumatic brain injuries — since the war in Iraq began."

Read this if you get a bit of time. I shed a few tears on this. I don't expect everyone to cry but it is moving I tell you.

Analysing the past
Formulating the future
I missed the present horribly

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Blacker Than Black

Ahhhh ha..... no one can call anyone black if you can see the bugger, says the boffins at Rens­se­laer Pol­y­tech­nic In­sti­tute in Troy, N.Y..

"All ma­te­ri­als re­flect some light. Or­di­nary black paint re­flects 5 to 10 per­cent. The dark­est ma­nmade ma­te­ri­al, pri­or to the Lin group’s discov­ery, re­flected just un­der a fifth of a per­cent, Lin said. The new ma­te­ri­al has a to­tal re­flective in­dex of less than a twen­ti­eth of a per­cent—in total, 0.045 per­cent, he said.

Its unique properties are due to “the loosely-packed for­est of car­bon nan­o­tubes, which is full of nano­scale [roughly ato­mic-sized] gaps and holes to col­lect and trap light,” Lin said. “Such a nan­otube ar­ray not only re­flects light weak­ly, but al­so ab­sorbs light strongly. These com­bined fea­tures make it an ide­al can­di­date for one day real­iz­ing a super-black ob­ject.”"

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