Isn't it wicked to blog like this; but when I read other's blogs I feel I am going backwards and all. Well you read todays blog and then you have to back........Just kidding. I have been trying to explain to a friend of mine to understand life's trivia like er..., past which was present, present which is now and the future which is going to be. When you split it up like that, it is very simple init? But try to analyse and present it to another person like this :
*I exist
*I am male
*if I marry a girl
Same day
*if my father marries her daughter
*if I and my wife have a child
*if my father and his wife have a child
After ten years
Well my friend said, "Good but if all the ifs cancel out you can find a solution?"
But I don't have a problem it is the rest of them who have a problem init?
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