Monday, July 02, 2007

Vodkha, News, and Indian Rhino v Chinese Medicine

18:31 29/06/2007
Listening to the news today under influence of a quart of Vodkha!

The problem I have is, how a gas cylinder explode without a certain amount of heat, which should be raised to explode them? Right this is about these terrorists in UK trying to explode gas cylinders.

Is the Internet under attack this time? As I see in the news (spin?) news-casters talking about how much is there in the internet, in Arabic, how to make the bombs.
How do the security forces find the attacker? By looking at the CCTV footage of the area. So if you attack an area with bombs thou shalt intimidate the CCTV of the area init? Hey don't arrest me for this huh?

There is supposed to be 'a chatter' according to the security forces before an attack. So my advice to you is, thou shalt cut the chatter man init? Hey yey I am not advising terrorism here. Just some nagging thoughts which comes to me when watching news.

19:18 29/06/2007

Watching Save the Planet's Animals series Indian Rhino.

It is very natural for me to feel emotional once in a way. I am looking at Phil, the twister medium pace cricketer, doing the show. Yep I cried.

Yeah it is good to feel like that but why? Oh! Why? Do we have to put our hands into our pockets to buy a pair of boots for the cause? Why doesn't the bloody companies who make a lot of money selling give them free things like boots, radios etc init?
I think we all have to write to these companies starting today?

These Chinese people are crazy. They take Rhino tusk powder to have a hard on. Be serious, you are fucking impotant. Hey China-man I got a solution for this; why don't you give your punters some other cheap powder which looks like the Rhino-tusk-powder. Or on the other hand why don't we all get together and put some shit powder into balls and sell them as Rhino-tusk-powder and make the damn thing so cheap there won't be any money in it huh? They will not notice it stupid terrorists.

11:44 28/06/2007

The MP of my constiusncy sees only one side. His/her advisors, researchers etc. live a certain discipline observed by the party line. So I ask the question where is the democracy we are talking about?

11:51 28/06/2007

Can you paint something with ultra-violect-reflective colour so that with the naked eys we cannot see it but when you shine a beam of ultra violet light you can see it properly?

Email me!