Friday, September 24, 2010

Random Number Theories

The phe­nom­e­non we com­monly re­fer to as chance is merely a re­sult of a lack of knowl­edge. If we knew the loca­t­ion, speed and oth­er char­ac­ter­is­tics of all of the par­t­i­cles in the uni­verse with ab­so­lute cer­tainty, ac­cord­ing to clas­si­cal phys­ics we could pre­dict eve­ry­thing, in­clud­ing di­ce throws and lot­tery re­sults.

By the same to­ken, computer-gen­er­ated ran­dom num­bers “sim­u­late ran­domness, but with the help of suit­a­ble tests and a suf­fi­cient vol­ume of da­ta, a pat­tern can usu­ally be iden­ti­fied,” said re­searcher Christoph Mar­quardt of the Max Planck In­sti­tute for the Phys­ics of Light in Er­lan­gen, Ger­ma­ny.


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