Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why People Buy US Debt?

I am a selfish person.

Thia is something which really knock me out. Why do you buy someone elses debt? I would not take it even for free! Will you. Damn right you won't. But some do. I would like to start this scam, as it will give me free money, lots of it.

Consider the fact at the moment US financial deficit is $ 700 billion. And still other countries are buying thisdebt, giving the US banks nod to print more money. The reason simply is if the other countries do not, then the dollar will rise against their own currency. And as the markets are based on the Dollar, this will make their own produce rise up in price. Clever init?

Hmmm I can sleep now as this question made me have nightmares. Now I can keep them in the stables.

What we all small buggers in the world can do is not buy anything in dollars. Just say no. I Bin Guilty of the offense before, but no more.

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