I have worked out a way of sorting my physical or mental problems out. Here I want to put a note to say, even though I said physical & menral, I myself do not divide the two. I said it; so that you can understand.
I have a twisted back which I myself made by sleeping in a certain way most of my teen and upto my 30's. I realised it in my easrly thirties and started thinking about getting my back in the middle of my body. Without anyone else prompting me I kept the word 'middle' in the formost of my mind.
Then I came across an article where this authour describes a method of mesmerism before I go to sleep. Simply breath in and think middle and breath out. I do it for twenty breaths. Then I added on other problems in my life and now I have about six problems I am working on. I will not tell you what they be as I should have some privacy here.
After around ten years of this practice and some exercices I do, I can see my back is coming in to the middle. Recently I added 'No Smoking' and been doing it for a few months. I realised that when I do it in the night, the first cigerrette I have next morning make me cough so much I do not touch it for a long time. I believe that this system will work for anybody, but you have to do it every night for a bloody long time. I do hope you have the time and patience.
I am a selfish person.
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