Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I am a selfish person.

Barack Obama's planned trip to Germany in June is not going to be an official state visit. German diplomatic sources told SPIEGEL ONLINE that the US president is planning a private trip in which he will go on a personal search to places of importance for his family history.

It looks like Merkal is going to lose the elections in June? You will see what I mean here>,1518,623130,00.html#ref=nlint

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Wish I Knew

I am a selfish person.

An ex­plo­sion in space de­tected April 23 marks the most dis­tant, longest-a­go event and ob­ject known, as­tro­no­mers say.

Ob­jects seen fur­ther away in space al­so ap­pear as fur­ther back in time, since it takes time for their light to get he­re.

The new­found burst, des­ig­nat­ed GRB 090423, was de­tected by the Swift sat­el­lite, an in­stru­ment of NASA and two col­la­bo­rat­ing or­gan­iz­a­tions. The 10-sec­ond burst was seen in the di­rec­tion of the con­stel­la­tion Le­o, or the Li­on.

Con­stel­la­tion Le­o is some stars as seen by the eye looks like a Lion. I have looked at it and it is very difficult to see a lion there unless someone draws it and still it is not complete, compared to Orion the soldier, with a belt and a baynet attached to it. Ha Ha. The stars are from about 36 light years to 5,722 light-years away, according to yahoo answers.

So now we have another object which is 15 billion years away. Wow!

The light waves from the burst are es­ti­mat­ed to have been stretched to 8.2 times their orig­i­nal length, a fac­tor that es­tab­lishes this as “most re­mote gamma-ray burst ev­er de­tected, and al­so the most dis­tant ob­ject ev­er dis­cov­ered—by some way.”

This happened according to the article about 13 billion years ago. So it takes that amount of time to reach Earth. Can this make some thing happen to the Earth or the atmosphere today as it hits us?

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