Sunday, October 05, 2008


I am a selfish person.

Remember few days ago I wrote thus:

"I am thinking like a common person in UK. The best technology in the world is in the hands of the top governments in the world. And every one has been tested by the govs to see that no one can have a better one or counter-act on them. Then comes a terrorist who is using this technology which no common person has even dreamt of.

I ask; who gave this technology to that terrorist?"

This cronicle is published in June this year. The Afghani people are nicking container loads of US supply to Afghaani war. Here is a list of what the containers held:

camouflage nettings,
new radio kits,
computer equipment,
Army medical kits
flash memory drives, containing military records, soldiers' Social Security
numbers, maps and other documents labeled with security warnings
camouflage uniforms
medic's camouflage backpack stuffed with supplies
Palm Pilot cut out of a U.S. military vehicle,
"The Radio Telephone Operator Handbook" from the Army in Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.,
marked "for official use only."

And it is surprising that the amount of information, the pomputer drives had is scandolous for the security and other matters.
Read it here.

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!