Friday, April 18, 2008

Did You Know

That the Iraq Gov has accumilated $30 billion in reserves; no wonder the US law makers are asking the Iraq to fund its war. Hmmmmmm... I likes it. We go and bomb the country and get rid of the puppet we put in there. Then we call it a war against terrorists who really are the freedom fighters. Then we say that country have to fund the war. What war?

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Water Is Getting Scarce In US Giggle Giggle

Now this is good for the story books. The 'Top Dog' of the world is running out of Water.

"So far we have assumed that we can undertake any development we want, wherever we want, or we could grow whatever we want, however we want, and that water will always be available to support that growth. In the process we are draining our aquifers, polluting our rivers, tampering with ecosystems and destroying the diversity of life -- as if nature is ours to be manipulated to suit our wants. It is time to change some of our practices."

Well the dog will have to lick itself now! Sweat might be enough for it.

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