Thursday, September 04, 2008

Time Gentlemen Please, Fuck The Ladies

I am a selfish person.

It is nice to go to the pub, and sit down on a chair without anyone sitting next to you and mull over things like, how many mushy peas will fill your mouth? I mean just peas is no problem, you put them in and count. It is a bit detailed with mushy peas.

You got to behave as if you are in prison, but with a pint in front of you. That means don't look at any one. Keep your eyes down and out. If someone destracts your eyes by anti-social act, like brushing against your bum, or something like that. Look at the person between the eyes for a second, no, fraction as much and look away.

After a while you will feel like a prick init?

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Patriotism And Me

I am a selfish person.

Can I be a patriot of my mother country if I go against the will of the government in existance? Do I become a terrorist, just because I study the way and attitude of the terrorist? If yes in both counts, do you think that this violates the human rights of my life in my own country?

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!