Thursday, September 04, 2008

Time Gentlemen Please, Fuck The Ladies

I am a selfish person.

It is nice to go to the pub, and sit down on a chair without anyone sitting next to you and mull over things like, how many mushy peas will fill your mouth? I mean just peas is no problem, you put them in and count. It is a bit detailed with mushy peas.

You got to behave as if you are in prison, but with a pint in front of you. That means don't look at any one. Keep your eyes down and out. If someone destracts your eyes by anti-social act, like brushing against your bum, or something like that. Look at the person between the eyes for a second, no, fraction as much and look away.

After a while you will feel like a prick init?

If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

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