I have just been talking to a mate of mine about the things which is happening in Tibet. He goes what about it? Then slowly I explained, last fifty years Chinese has been governing the country and has got rid of the person who was supposed to be leading the country.
Then he goes, “Yeah mate it is like the bloody Ireland init?”
Hold on mate how can you compare the two? I couldn’t fathom my mate’s way of thinking. Then flash I got it.
It is just like saying to a mate, “’Ere I found a Pound today on the street.” And your mate going “Say, you know what? I was going down the road and I kicked this envelope which was innocently stuck on the ground. And it lifted up and fell down. I thought …. Yep there is something in it. So guess what? …… there was a Fifty Quid note in there!”
So I am going to kill myself, instead of getting into the ‘who got the better deal?’ argument.
About a few years ago I met this girl from Wales who told me that she believes that, “The Satan put Dinosaur bones under ground so that one day the man will find it and disbelieve in God.”
As a logical piece of shit, whom I think I am, I nearly started an argument with her. Tell me, can you give me any arguments against that. I could not. I gracefully gave into her charms.
Wow I am getting into this. A friend of mine told me, just after I told her about my experience noted above, a story about one of her work mates. Her mate thinks … no no… er…. really sure, that white blokes semen is white; Indian’s brown; Chinese bloke’s yellow etc. etc. international break down of communications or plain stupidity? The jury is still out.
Talking about jury, I always wanted to be in a jury. But no way they will get me to do it. I am a registered voter. I pay the dues to the Council which they call Council Tax which everyone hates except the bloody councillors. Wonder what they do with the lot? I heard this story of a girl who complained to the Bristol City Council, about the refusal of a grant, to do her university degree. They invited her to a council meeting and as the meeting progressed they had a cup of tea and chocolate fingers to go with it. The girl asked a councillor how much they spend on chocolate fingers. £ 20,000 year, she be told. That is four students’ grants we are talking about in a year. I do not think the bloody buggers care. The Councillors can’t go without the bloody best chocolate biscuits available. And thast is a fact.
All the politicians local, governmental, or international are the same. The democracy of a system states that the elected person is a representative of the people who elected that person. But the democracy of the current systems all over is not that. The elected person becomes a leader. Like a King or something. Take Bush or Blair they do the same thing. After the elections they never ask us what needs be done. No no no. They turn to their think tanks and get the advice from them, lie to us and tell us what needs be done. The population has to follow the leader, the bastard. For example there were two million out of sixty million people took trouble to march to Hyde Park in London to say no to the War with Iraq. I was there. And I cried when I saw the people about me. In the coach which took us to London from Bristol there were two people behind me. One was a Catholic nun and the other was a Christian vicar. And in the next seat a family; mum, dad and two children under 10 who had their own home made placards begging the Prime minister not to go to war. But the “honourable” gentleman said the mob who gathered in Hyde Park was trouble makers and thrash who has no idea about the International politics. Well yeah right Mr Blair.
Blair will have to ask us to vote again.
But then again what the hell for, as anyone who gets elected becomes a leader init?
I think the idea; to go to the polling station and get your voting card and draw another box, right at the top of the list and mark it NOBODY and put your X against that; is a bloody good 'un. If the number of votes cast for NOBODY is greater than the votes for anyone else: then at-least the world media will realise we are not very happy with the whole system. If we keep on doing that then they will ‘ave to realise that we are not so dum and stupid trouble makers but a mass of intelligent people who like to see what is going on really so that we can make up our own minds and advice the government what to do.
There is only one teacher in this whole universe
If you do not recognise
Go and go until you make yourself most hated
May you feel bad about your parents
And curse your unborn babies to last the same way
you did before themEmail me!