Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Evolution Or Experimentation?

I have always thought that any being alive, amoeba to human, is equally adaptable to the environement where it lives. We are all alive and do similar bodily functions and have all the characteristics, no matter amoeba or human.

Here is some more proof, this time butter flies. OOPs butter never flies? Butterflies!

Mon­arch but­ter­flies seem to “treat” their un­born offs­pring for a parasitic in­fect­ion by lay­ing the eggs on a plant that helps fight the ill­ness, a new study sug­gests.

In­fected but­ter­flies “pre­fer to lay their eggs on plants that will make their off­spring less sick, sug­gest­ing that monar­chs have evolved the abil­ity to med­i­cate their off­spring,” said Jaap de Roode, an ev­o­lu­tion­ary bi­ol­o­gist with Em­o­ry Uni­vers­ity in At­lan­ta, Ga., who led the re­search.

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