10:53 09/09/2007
History of God
Long time ago the man -er woman- was uneducated and didn't know the physics, biology or chemistry. So they thought God was Sun , Moon, Fire etc etc. Then the man - er - started realising little things that Sun is another Earth but hot. and the Moon is another Earth but dead etc etc, and started thinking about a God made in the image of man but with extra abilities like superman. But the God said don't make me in the image of man. So man - er - got rid of that god and had a a big light as god, and dark as devil. OOps no one asked what devil wanted to look like, and some one said it will be better to have god without a name and call it nothing. What the hell is nothing. I like to call my god nothing. So I do not have a god, as god is nothing. Hang on.........If I call god nothing then it will not be nothing......Lump of dope a shot of tequila please sir thank you.
Wind Farms
Say for instance, instead of having a big fucking fan to drive a big fucking turbine to get the electricity, why don't we have loads of tiny fans - fair ground style ones - and tiny turbines to craete a small amount of electricity with a wireing system to add them together for whatever we have in mind? These can be put in anywhere you see viable. No complains init?
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