Sunday, February 12, 2012

Does God have problems

Yes I been turning this problem since I heard someone called Byron say that, "I do not know what to ask when I finish this trial, when I see God?". So I started thinking about God. How can he/she decide, if that person has not gone through the similar sxxxx I went through?

Right,  God knows, as he.she is almighty and knows everything, and that Devil exists. So God has a problem, how to fight the Devil,...huh? Or live with fxxxxx huh? Yes be the Devils advocate I hear you say.

Now I have another problem with God. Is it possible that the God was created by various industrious, and successful people, to get rich. In every nook and corner in the word, we see that happening even today. You cannot ignore the fact that the God can take different states eg. alcohol, heroine or any other stuff you get addicted to, and will do anything to get some more. They be Gods to some people.

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!