At the moment the pollution by aircrafts are 2% of the total. An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.
The emissions from aircraft can happen during various stages of the flight. some will be emitted at high altitudes and they can be more potant in climate change. There are no international borders in this issue and everone on earth should be aware of this.
If you take a flight from UK to South Africa, the CO2 emmission for each passenger is equivalent to the CO2 emmission from a house for a year in UK. If you fly 1 person from Bristol (UK) to Malaga (Spain), the amount of CO2 is 0.27 Tonnes, that is equivalent to driving 900 miles.
A way to lesson the emmissions is to take a single flight instead of multi. More emmissions are made during take off and landing.
Each year one billion plane journeys are made. Any moment in time there are million people suspended in the air in planes. Unbelievable init?
The climate change has made the air turbulance has increased by 15% since 1997. That is called the perpendicular wind sheer. In the futuire either pilots will have to take a deviation from the direct route or the passengers will have to suffer the beautiful bobbing up and down in the seat. Hope you have a strong tummy mummy. Or pray the airlines will do something really good or stupid. And last stats I can give you is; next year we are going to do 5 trillion miles (8 trillion km) of air travel. OK you happy people, come fly with me to get the best views up there for the time being.
In 1999 the world’s top climate scientists, the Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange(IPCC), published a detailed study of the impact of aircraft pollution on our atmosphere - Aviation and the Global Atmosphere The report’s findings support the following:
(see website ).
and if are really good at this lark have butchers at this:
IPCC (International Panel for Climate Change)
hooohum and this
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