I am just concerned about in the amount of cheating which goes in the games on TV. Forget about me in the stands watching them, and I dream of those days. But the games, Cricket, Footie, Rugby etc etc have got on fine with cheating. Even the bloody commentatators are going on about the the cheating, as if it is a matter of fact. For me to watch it, even it is my favourite team, is nauseating. Good luck to the mass media. Hopefully oneday, as one of the snooker commentators said, "It is nice when the player who made the foul, says he did it, even though the ref has not seen it". I seen it happen in some cricket games, but not that offen as I see it should be. May be I am going old and the young think that cheating is good
Recently cheating in national examinations have gone up by a lot of %. Hmmmmm now I see the connection. Hope the Boffins cotton on to it soonish.
I am a selfish person.
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