Sunday, March 07, 2004

The Handbag book of Girly Emergencies with added vitamins

I found this little book in the bin outside a cafe in Bristol. Where I found it should have told me all about it, but never mind. It is called
“The Handbag book of Girly Emergencies”
They all are advice to ladies about things which we men never think about. I got interested in "Health: Help I suffer from bloating and wind". What would you do? Me I will go to the loo and do a big dump with a pleasing smile on me face. Now it says here that “1.) Take a probiotic supplement to help improve your system - especially important to take after you’ve been using antibiotics.”
Example of a Probiotic Supplement according to a website is Calcium Magnesium Zinc. In:
it says:
"probiotic supplement
Taken daily, doses of supplements can boost their your immune system, potentially protecting your immune system from viruses and colds, according to a recent study. supplements have demonstrated to have a substantial impact on human health. Supplements A is not only important for vision but also for bones, skin and reproductive organ growth, hormone creation, and tissue repair. Deficiencies in supplements can cause night blindness, hinder bone growth, and increase susceptibility to infection. Older Americans are thought to be at a higher risk of supplements deficiency. At and older age, your kidneys do not perform as well as they should and as a result supplement supplements may be necessary.”
(I did not change the text here!)
Then according to the website:
“Chewy Bears Acidophilus is a flavored friendly intestinal flora that promotes intestinal health, assists in the digestion of proteins, has anti-fungal activity, and play a role in candida overgrowth, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, cancer prevention, cholesterol levels, lactose intolerance, nutrient assimilation, detoxification, post-antibiotic treatment, constipation and diarrhea control, bad breath, gas, and intestinal disorders”Then I read something believable in a website:
At least this one is not trying to sell you anything but nicely explains why you have to do something about it and not live with it as some doctors advice you.

Ireland's worst air disaster occurred today when a small 2-seater Cessna
plane crashed into a cemetery this afternoon in central Ireland. Irish search
and rescue workers have recovered 826 bodies so far and expect that number
to climb as digging continues into the night.