Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dispatches Warlords Next Door (Conflict in Somalia) Part 1

This is a very good documentary I watched. And here is a chance to watch it again in 5 parts. Take your time and enjoy.

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They Don't Like Our Freedom. What Freedom?

So this proffessor guy -STEVE KURTZ- in US woke up in the morning and found his wife dead. SO he phoned the police and they came in found some lab equipment in the house and called the FBI. The man is a Proffessor of visual studies at SUNY, Buffalo and a founding member of the award-winning art and theater group, Critical Art Ensemble. So naturally he has some laboratory equipment init?

The US gov and the fBI didn't like the Critical Art Ensemble group and charged him as a terrorist at first in front of a grand jury (frigging they are all over the place) and they could not find enough evidence for it and the grand jury didn't buy it. So they charged him on "Go To" law. That means anything about wire and mail fraud. You see if there is nothing to charge the perp on, they go to any of the others which will fit the perp. It called fitting in criminal classes over in UK.

Steve Kurtz was getting non lethal bio culture from a company, and after doing research on them send it to another proffessor -Robert Ferrell- for checking or testing. This kind of transactions happen all over the academic world. FBI says that the two proffessors should have got permission from the company who manufactured them. The company is not interested in it at all and refused to press charges. Now Steve's wife died and he is not in a right mind. Robert Ferrell is old and has recently been diagnosed Non-Hodgkins and starting to take cancer treament. Easy prey init?

Any way this gragged on for 4 years and Robert Ferrell gave up and agreed for a lesser charge and got very lightly. And Steve was freedwithout charge after 4 years. This is the freedom every one in the world is crazy about according to most North Americans. They are not very bright are they? 40% of N Americans beleave Obama is muslim.

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Iranian Assets, Bush's EU Visit & What Happened Next?

So Bush the murderer of innocent lives visited the European Countries for the last time I hope; as, if we in Europe bring in court proceedings in all the EU couuntries against him, he will not be able to visit us without getting arrested init?

On June 16 a news article appeared in Yahoo news, which said that "Britain will freeze assets of Iran's largest bank in a further move to discourage the country from developing nuclear weapons, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Monday." Aha gotcha init?

But at the same time another news bit came to my notice in "THE AUSTRALIAN" which says: "IRAN has withdrawn about $75 billion from Europe to prevent the assets from being blocked under threatened new sanctions over Tehran's disputed nuclear ambitions, an Iranian weekly said.

"Part of Iran's assets in European banks have been converted to gold and shares and another part has been transferred to Asian banks," Mohsen Talaie, deputy foreign minister in charge of economic affairs, was quoted as saying."
Bind Moggles init.

Now it takes a sharp turn here, as another article appeared in "Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti" says:

"Iranian officials denied on Tuesday reports that the government had withdrawn about $75 billion from European banks amid fears the funds could be frozen under planned new sanctions over the Iranian nuclear program. (VIDEO)

Iranian Shahrvand-e Emrouz weekly magazine on Monday quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Mohsen Talaie as saying part of Iran's assets in banks in Europe has been converted to gold and securities, and the other part has been transferred to Asian banks.

"No Iranian assets or deposits have been withdrawn or will be withdrawn from European banks to Iran or other countries," said Ali Divandari, managing director of Bank Mellat, a leading Iranian state-owned bank.

"There is no reason for such a transfer," he added."

Funny that the money has gone according to the ministers in Tehran without the knowledge of the Bank frigging mahager. Oh I am lost are you? Check this site if you are interested in getting boggled by trivia.

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They Don't Like Our Freedom. What Freedom?

The US claims there is freedom in the country better than the rest of the world. If you beleave that you are a true beleaver of Santa. When you look at the whistle blowers in the past few years who got into dire difficulties after their action; you will see what I mean. Sibel Edmonds, Judith Miller are the more famous ones.

The New York Times reporter for national security and intelligence affairs, James Risen, has been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. Why? He wrote a book called, "State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration,". This book explores a number of ideas cooked up by the CIA and Mossad to sabotage the nuclear facilities of Iran.

Who leaked the details of a CIA-Mossad plot against Iran?

Funny side of the comments:

Title: As Long As Iran Has 25,000 Jews...

Name: Yosemite

City: Hollywood State: CA

that`s 25,000 hostages for them. I don`t know. We`re the real Iranians. At least we have the historical records of who we are. These people like Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad; I think they were just Muslim invaders.

Title: yeah yea

Name: raminPERSIANpride

City: State:

Gee, the the Zionists get mad when Iran supports Hesbollah and backs Hamas.

I guess when America supports terror groups like the MKO, the Jundullah and the PJKK then its ok.

I guess America, and Israel, have the right to do whatever they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want.

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