Saturday, August 16, 2008

Western Europe And US Influence

I am a selfish person.

"In order to underline their solidarity with the Georgian president, the presidents of EU member-states Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia travelled to Tbilisi on Tuesday, joining President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, who was already in the country. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, all of these countries have established close relations with Washington. The concerted action to prop up Saakashvili was a clear signal of solidarity with the Bush administration."

So Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and Ukraine, are sattellite countries of US at the moment?

If this is true; then I question the reason for this coming from UK.

"The portrayal of Russia as the aggressor was supported by British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who declared at the Brussels EU meeting that the European Union should reassess its relations with Russia following the latter’s “aggressive” actions in Georgia."

Why is he sucking up? It can't be a Brown idea? As he is trying to get out the Blair shite. Oh well you can only wonder about it!

And then the man puts his frigging foot in it:

"Echoing the Cold War rhetoric being employed by the US, Miliband continued: “The aggressive Russian force beyond South Ossetian borders has been something that really shocked many people... The sight of Russian tanks in Gori, Russian tanks in Senaki, the Russian blockade of the Georgian port of Poti is a chilling reminder of times that I think we had hoped had gone by.”"

A bit more information came from this:

"It’s also interesting to see the presidents of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia standing with the Georgian president. They all went to Georgia. I just came back from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and I was very struck by, when asking why these countries had joined with the US in invading Iraq, albeit their forces very small in number but both in Iraq and Afghanistan, people repeatedly said, “We have to do this, because we need the US support against Russia.” They’re still very afraid of a Russian occupation. They don’t forget the sixty years."

Shhhh...a thought came to my puny mind; say if we get Russia to join Europe? Then what? Can you see what will happen. Most of the war mongering shite will have to shut the fuck up init? And then I will be less financially as the MIC in UK will go bankcrupt? Oh Oh ......

"EU meeting on Georgia reveals tensions between European powers and US"

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I am a selfish person.

Watching these people who won and celebrated, brought tears to my eyes. I hope the 2012 Olympics in London makes it easier for the winner to celebrate. Say for instance, before the finals of the event; the participants are asked, what there best tune in the world. Then when that person wins, the boffins put that tune on the tannoy when and during the time, the winner is doing the victory thing. Dream on dreamer!

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I hear That Turkey Going Nuclear

I am a selfish person.

"The U.S. is also reviving a long dormant deal with Turkey. According to August 8th’s “Today’s Zaman,” an English-language paper in Turkey, “US President George W. Bush has approved a cooperation deal with Turkey concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy, saying that private-sector proliferation worries have been addressed, the White House has announced.” This article quotes President Bush as saying, “In my judgment, entry into force of the Agreement will serve as a strong incentive for Turkey to continue its support for nonproliferation objectives and enact future sound nonproliferation policies and practices. It will also promote closer political and economic ties with a NATO ally, and provide the necessary legal framework for US industry to make nuclear exports to Turkey's planned civil nuclear sector.”"

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Some Facts About Indian Politics.

I am a selfish person.

"There is also the recent nuclear deal with India that caused riots and fighting within the Indian government. In an article from July 22nd’s AP by Matthew Rosenburg called, “India’s Government Survives Confidence Vote,” Rosenburg writes, “India's government survived a bruising political battle to win a confidence vote Tuesday, reviving a landmark nuclear energy deal with the United States that is at the center of an emerging partnership between the world's two largest democracies.” He says, “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Congress party fought hard to secure victory, and appeared to cut back room deals when all else failed. An airport was named after one lawmaker's father, another was promised a high-level job and — rival politicians allege — many others received millions of dollars in bribes.” After the votes, which passed at 275 to 256, Rosenberg quotes the Prime Minister as saying this deal will, “send a message to the world at large that India is prepared to take its place in the committee of nations.” India has yet to sign the NPT Treaty and has also performed nuclear tests, but the U.S. is pushing for the deal."

There is no difference in the whole 'Democratic' world of our's, which make it easy for the common person. Wonder why the person votes?

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Iran And Some Facts

I am a selfish person.

"Another bit of information left out of the current administrations speeches is that Iran’s spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has issued a fatwa forbidding nuclear weapons. Wikipedia describes a Fatwa as “a religious opinion on Islamic law issued by an Islamic scholar. In Sunni Islam any fatwa is non-binding, whereas in Shia Islam it could be, depending on the status of the scholar.” Iran is predominately Shiite. Bill Weinberg, in his story “Iran issues anti-nuke fatwa,” includes a portion of the statement Iran presented to the IAEA on the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing. “The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has issued the Fatwa that the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons are forbidden under Islam and that the Islamic Republic of Iran shall never acquire these weapons."


"Iran’s spiritual leader issued a similar fatwa against chemical weapons during the Iran/Iraq war, and although Iraq used chemical weapons, Iran did not. Ali Khamenei says that Iran is committed to The Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran signed in 1968."

And from Part 2:

"In an article by AP writer John Miller on July 27th called “Companies race to open new uranium enrichment facilities in U.S.,” Miller writes, “Two U.S. companies, General Electric and United States Enrichment Corp., or USEC, along with their European rivals, Urenco and Areva, are pushing billions worth of new U.S. enrichment plants or technology so they do not miss the new uranium boom.” He goes on to say that, “Opponents including the Union of Concerned Scientists fear that investment sends the wrong message to countries like Iran, which is under international pressure to halt its own uranium enrichment efforts. The scientists' group argues that it is unclear the United States really needs new facilities, when it could just import nuclear fuel from elsewhere.” Miller says that the U.S. currently imports most of its enriched uranium, some of which comes from Russia in a program called “Megatons for Megawatts.” In this program, “warheads are converted in Russia to nuclear fuel and then shipped to the United States.” But this deal ends in 2013, so new uranium processing plants will be shooting up all across America to fill the new demand. (The U.S. could of course dismantle its own nuclear weapons and use that fuel, which the taxpayers have already paid for, but we all know that won’t happen.) He says, “As enrichment fever grows, however, the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington is watching with unease, because it believes this activity undermines U.S. credibility with Iran.” He quotes Edwin Lyman, a senior scientist with the group, as saying,” The U.S. has said Iran doesn't need nuclear power because of its oil and natural gas reserves. Iran turns around and says, 'We want to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, just like you do.' There's this kind of double-talk.”"


"The report next asks, “What controls are there on uranium enrichment?” The report answers, “Nations which are signatories to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have the "inalienable right" to make nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes, through enriching uranium or separating plutonium.” Iran has signed this treaty. The report further states, “However, there are three states - India, Israel and Pakistan - which are known to possess nuclear weapons but have never joined the treaty.” So the U.S. pushes for a deal with India, who already has weapons, and supports Israel, who is hiding their’s, but fights to deny Iran the right to make its own fuel. It’s is also interesting to note that the countries pushing for sanctions, The United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany, are all on the above list of countries already producing enriched uranium on a commercial level. "

"The Nuclear Showdown: Part 2- The Battle Over Enrichment"

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Midnight Man (update On 16/8,17/8)

I am a selfish person.

We went into the skirmishes in Grorgia didn't I? I found Democracy Now website bringing out information, which the main stream media miss out. So found this gem: "Democracy Now Interviews Col. Sam Gardiner, retired Air Force Colonel"

Here are some juicy bits:

"Georgia is a close US ally, and despite Russian objections, the US has backed Georgia’s bid to enter NATO. On Friday, at the Security Council, the United States and Britain appeared to back the Georgian invasion. Georgia also plays a pivotal role in the supply of oil from the Caspian region to the West, as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline runs through much of the country."

So this interview happened on August 11, 2008; So the last friday means 8th aug. So now we have proof that UK and US backed the invation, if this statement is true?

"COL. SAM GARDINER: Well, the United States, beginning about ten years ago, obviously saw the vulnerability of the flow of oil out of the Persian Gulf. So the United States pushed very hard to set up a pipeline that went from Baku in Azerbaijan, taking out the Caspian Sea oil, to a port in Turkey, Ceyhan. That oil pipeline carries about one percent of the world’s oil supply.

Two weeks ago, that pipeline was blown up in a Turkish area by the Kurdish rebels that the Turks are fighting. There were reports that the Russians had bombed this over the weekend. Reports this morning, however, say—suggest that there hasn’t been an interruption, except that Azerbaijan has shut off flow in the pipeline. So this interferes with a major flow of oil to the economies of the West. It’s an important source of the oil flow."

Some of the predictions about this oil pipe line is coming true, when we see this satement?

"The other thing that is significant here is, there is an Israeli dimension to the problem. Israel has been training and supplying the army of Georgia. That’s caused some tensions within Israel, because there are those who believe that this just encourages the Russians to provide conventional arms to the Iranians. Israel has talked about it over the weekend, decided not to stop providing arms to the Georgians."

Well well wll always there is a bloody Zionist fingers in all these wars init?

If you have time read this small article "A Path to Peace in the Caucasus by Mikhail Gorbachev"

"In the guise of humanitarian aid Bush dispatches US military forces to Georgia"

There is always been a question of the zionist involvement - yeah apart from US. Here it is.

"While Israel was keen to downplay its role, Georgia perhaps hoped that flattery might draw Israel further in. Georgian minister Temur Yakobashvili -- whom the Israeli daily Haaretz stressed was Jewish -- told Israeli army radio that "Israel should be proud of its military which trained Georgian soldiers." Yakobashvili claimed rather implausibly, according to Haaretz, that "a small group of Georgian soldiers were able to wipe out an entire Russian military division, thanks to the Israeli training" ("Georgian minister tells Israel Radio: Thanks to Israeli training, we're fending off Russian military," Haaretz, 11 August 2008)."

"There are no military installations in the city of Tskhinvali. In fact, there are no military targets at all. It is an industrial center consisting of lumber mills, manufacturing plants and residential areas. It is also the home to 30,000 South Ossetians. When Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ordered the city to be bombed by warplanes and shelled by heavy artillery last Thursday, he knew that he would be killing hundreds of civilians in their homes and neighborhoods. But he ordered the bombing anyway.

There was no "Battle of Tskhinvali"; that's another fiction. A battle implies that there is an opposing force that is resisting or fighting back. That's not the case here. The Georgian army entered the city unopposed; after all, how can unarmed civilians stop armed units. Most of the townspeople had already fled across the border into Russia or hid in their basements while the tanks and armored vehicles rumbled bye firing at anything that moved.

What took place in South Ossetia last Thursday, was not an invasion or a siege; it was a massacre. The people had no way to defend themselves against a fully-equiped modern army. It was a war crime."

"Putin's Winning Hand"

Check this in UTUBE.

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Was 11th of the 9 an Inside Job?

I am a selfish person.

I always believed that on the 11 th sept 2001 the MIC attacked the Twin Towers.

Unbelievable things happened before and after the event which are factually recorded at that time. This article makes it easy to follow these facts. I am going to buy the book and read it before I make any comments.

And have a wee look at this article "Saudi Arabia wins 9/11 court battle" It is unbelievable init?

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Don't Forget Yugoslavia

I am a selfish person.

"The secrets of the crushing of Yugoslavia are emerging, telling us more about how the modern world is policed. The former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia in The Hague, Carla Del Ponte, this year published her memoir The Hunt: Me and War Criminals. Largely ignored in Britain, the book reveals unpalatable truths about the west's intervention in Kosovo, which has echoes in the Caucasus.

The tribunal was set up and bankrolled principally by the United States. Del Ponte's role was to investigate the crimes committed as Yugoslavia was dismembered in the 1990s. She insisted that this include Nato's 78-day bombing of Serbia and Kosovo in 1999, which killed hundreds of people in hospitals, schools, churches, parks and tele vision studios, and destroyed economic infrastructure. "If I am not willing to [prosecute Nato personnel]," said Del Ponte, "I must give up my mission." It was a sham. Under pressure from Washington and London, an investigation into Nato war crimes was scrapped."

It is coming out. It is a pity that some of the players died in prison and wasn't allowed to write their side of the story?

"With the Nato bombing over, international teams descended upon Kosovo to exhume the "holocaust". The FBI failed to find a single mass grave and went home. The Spanish forensic team did the same, its leader angrily denouncing "a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines". A year later, Del Ponte's tribunal announced the final count of the dead in Kosovo: 2,788. This included combatants on both sides and Serbs and Roma murdered by the KLA. There was no genocide in Kosovo. The "holocaust" was a lie. The Nato attack had been fraudulent.

That was not all, says Del Ponte in her book: the KLA kidnapped hundreds of Serbs and transported them to Albania, where their kidneys and other body parts were removed; these were then sold for transplant in other countries. She also says there was sufficient evidence to prosecute the Kosovar Albanians for war crimes, but the investigation "was nipped in the bud" so that the tribunal's focus would be on "crimes committed by Serbia". She says the Hague judges were terrified of the Kosovar Albanians - the very people in whose name Nato had attacked Serbia."

I feel sick.
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