Friday, April 30, 2010

Heart Disease & VitD

This certainly is very convincing (c b'low), but i don't agree with any of this after my own experience.

I had my two Vit D injections in February, and I had my first stroke in March. Humph.......I wonder whether I am the only one?

I am a selfish person.
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bog Paper

I have been wondering why I can't get good quality soft toilet paper any more. Here is why from a very scientific journal called World-Science.

Low-priced soft toi­let pa­per comes largely from re­cy­cled of­fice pa­per, but the rise of e-mail and pa­perless com­mu­nica­t­ions means used white of­fice pa­per “is get­ting in­creas­ingly hard to find,” wrote Mel­o­dy Voith, sen­ior ed­i­tor of the pub­lica­t­ion, in the ar­ti­cle.

The short­age of used of­fice pa­per as well as news­print is af­fect­ing oth­er sec­tors of the pa­per mar­ket as well, the ar­ti­cle adds. A short­age of re­cy­cled pa­per can be made up with pa­per from freshly chopped trees, but this is cost­li­er and tougher on the en­vi­ron­ment.

Pa­per from “vir­gin” trees is the high­est qual­ity and con­tains long fi­bers from the cell walls of plants. As pa­per is re­cy­cled one or more times, the fi­bers are pro­gres­sively bro­ken down and weak­ened, and the pa­per qual­ity di­min­ishes.

I am a selfish person.
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