Friday, July 30, 2010

Car Wash

Did you know that it takes a week to train a copper how to wash a car. No wonder we pay so much as poll tax....hurrrumph council tax.

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Are Charities A Form Of Tax

My friend, who is properly employed, said,"I give 190 quid for charities annually."

Of course my friend earns good bag of lolly unlike me. So I asked him if the dear old Gov increases the tax and take that 190 quid off you, will he pay the same amount to charities.

Here we had to stop the conversation as he hit a rock, bigger than the whatsit.

This conversation started when both of us viewed a news clip about one of the ministers stating that the poor people in UK will have to depend on the charities during this recession.

Now here is what Charities Commission has to say about this:

The Charity Commission’s fourth Economic Survey of Charities demonstrates the continuing effect of the recession on charities in England and Wales. The key findings of the survey of 1,010 charities, carried out by MVA Consultancy, include:

59% of charities report having been affected by the downturn, up from 38% in September 2008 and 56% in September 2009. Of those affected, 62% have experienced a drop in income.

Larger* charities have been hit hardest, with 79% feeling the impact of the downturn and a third seeing an increase in demand for services. These charities are also more likely to predict a decrease in income than small and medium charities, with 28% anticipating a drop in funds compared with 14% of small and 16% of medium charities.

This disparity is also reflected when looking at the steps that charities have taken in response to the downturn, with 79% of the largest charities putting measures in place, compared to 31% of small charities.

Yet, 84% of all charities said they were optimistic about the outlook for the next year. This figure has increased from 69% expressing optimism six months ago.

Almost half of charities (47%) expect the recovery of the charity sector to lag behind that of the rest of the economy.

International, health and social service charities have been most affected by the downturn. 74%, 74% and 65% respectively of these types of charity report having felt the impact, compared with 59% of all charities.

19% of charities have seen an increase in demand for services in the last six months. This compares with 17% reporting an increase in demand in September.

45% of the charities surveyed fundraise from the public; this is the most important source of income for almost a quarter of all charities (23%).

Investment income continues to be the most affected, with 62% of charities with investments having seen a decrease in the past six months.

I know the Gov was giving tax relief for donations for charity as my dear friend explained. The disparity in the situation is quite clear. I think the donations for charities are a form of tax when a Minister says that the poor people in this country will have to depend on charities, as above "19% of charities have seen an increase in demand for services in the last six months. This compares with 17% reporting an increase in demand in September."

I rest my case

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Monday, July 26, 2010


Guilt is live's blood.

In my whole life I have been thriving on Guilt. I can see I have to do something eg. post a bloody letter, or fill a form, but I postpone it.

Later I have the guilt of not doing it.

Now that is an example but there are others, lots more........

Free me O I n I.

I am a selfish person.If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


When you can't remember the plot in "Taxi Driver" you knows you be old!

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Watching a documentary on tv, I thought; why did the local people in Europe go against, jews. Some local people say they were made to beleave that the Jews are bad people.

I do hope the fanatical Jews and Muslims clash and decimate themselves and leave us alone.

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Hitler Et Al

Hitler was let down by his partners, when he wanted world domination.

If you want to dominate the world and the known universe; do it by your fucking self.

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Thoughts 0

I think this is the first of my little thoughts.

I was in this world of what community means to me. Just like a flash it came to me,...... sanctuary.

Then I became the one who everyone looks upto, so that they will have the security. Damned I was, as I was elected.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

False Flag

"False flag terrorism" is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it:

"False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension."

The term comes from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship in its own navy. Because the enemy's flag, instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, was hung, it was called a "false flag" attack.

So if you want to know all about what the hell is happening go here. Hope this simpyfies this one. If you have any other information pliz comment.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010


Wiseman," If you see a mangy cat, blind in one eye and with three legs; what will you call it boy?"
Stupid little boy,"Perfect."
Stupid little boy,"Bacus he is like me, stupid."

I am a selfish person.If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Friday, July 09, 2010

UFO Comes Out Clean

I never beleived in the UFO saga. I could not understand how there are aliens more advanced than us in our galaxy. And why they do not contact the whole world instead of USA.

So I found this article explaining about the advanced technologies and where they came from. Take a look yourself. The authour comes out clean with this;

“The following thread is based upon my own personal experiences and research over the course of some twenty five years, and my personal involvement in areas of this nature. I will state; that if you are a true believer of “UFO’s” this thread probably will upset many of you, and for that all I can say is “I’m sorry” that is not my intention here. If for some reason I do not cover everything well enough in detail it is because, there is so much information to cover, to back up my claims below; as to post it on a forum site. If you have further questions to ask me please do not post those questions here, I would ask that you send them in a U2U; as I do not want the questions to clog up the thread, once again thank you and enjoy the read.”


Main Article

And these are in the above article. Better access them from there.

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Hitler & World Cup

Hitler would have turned on his grave (O there were negros in there), if he saw the line up for todays semi in world cup. Then I saw a young lad wearing German colours and with a swastica on his cheek. What a cheek?

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Was watching this match on TV with a younger mate and he wanted for Dutch to win. I thought things have changed. We are going towords Europe. I hope another war starts to fuck it up like.

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