Sunday, December 21, 2014

Revolutionalize Mathematics

i got this massive problem. It depends on how you guys look at it.

Take all the big guys in science. Ok remind you of Galileo, Newton, and in the 20th century of no other than Neils Bore and of course Einstein huh. they all are good in mathematics. But when they got to the higher mathematics they forgot the first principles of mathematics. they all inserted imaginary and constants even with a 'C'.

We have evolved into an unstoppable force, destroying everything, to get what we want;. not what we need. Revolution is needed.

We have to remember the past: when we were, separate county in England, women/men talking in different dialects. The church knew about it, as the bible which was venerated by all English was written in Latin and Greek etc..  That means non of us could;d read it. Only a handful. Even the Lords and Barons who controlled the population could not understand it.  So one day a foreword looking king...bear my blushes. i cannot remember or no time to research of that prestigious kings name...time to let me know huh?...came along and translated the bible into king's English and distributed about the whole country. Any priest who used Latin in the church was told off. So we all could talk to each other whether you come from West country or Yorkshire.

So the revolution is about mathematics which most of us are scared of.. So tell me how to. Tell me if any of the minute amount of reader know, "How to define either Zero or Infinity?" There you stew.

Or read my other blog @

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The reason is carbon dioxide (CO2).

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, CO2 is the most important driver of global warming. At approximately 400 parts per million, atmospheric carbon dioxide is now at its highest level in at least the past 800,000 years. The burning of fossil fuels and other human activities are currently adding nearly 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year, producing an unprecedented buildup.

FMI: check

Reply to comment: please check my blog .... I have been trying to find facts and figures to your question. After reading all the stuff it looks like they are all covering it up in jargon and what they gonna do. So there.