Sunday, April 05, 2015

Large Hadron Collider

Large Hadron Collider (dark ages of physics)


now the now then now then peodo:  

Can we get beyond the speed of light ???  In a nutshell we the fecking less mortals than the Boffins of this world, are told and educated that there is a limit in acceleration.

Think about it. the maths add up to.. if the dimensions are limited to 0 to infinity.  Who in the world of maths have insight to evaluate that if the maths are more diverse and beyond...please children wake up.... 

the boffins want to make money and keep us in the dark ages of Mathematics.....

surveying, religion and now maths. shake off the shakles.

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!
 On this Easter I found a very bad divide  between the Catholics and  Protestants.

Pope gave a speech about the oppressed Christians in Arab land/.

Arch Bishop from Canterbury  said that the Christians who died in Kenya are martyrs

cool lets have a war.... Wind the people up. we in the so called civilised world do not know why these attacks happen.

Think about Palestine affair. building forcefully in other's land....

i am sorry had to stop. my English is not to scratch with google yahoo etc etc spelling. Cool even google is wrong. may be goggle  hurray

I am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!