Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Do Not Forget Your X'mas Pressie

I was instructed by the hospital after the last visit; to go for another bloody examination. This is something to do with my digestive system. Well last hospital stay was very intersting but the boffins at the hospital could not find what wa wrong with me, except that I had a very bad infection of some sort. So this visit is to check some investigate more.

I had to swallow a camera in a capsule and the boffins watch the video. I was given a general as I can't stay without moving because of my back problems. So I missed the pop corn and cola session the docs and nurses had. 

The same evening I had Dan and Kim visit ...boy o boy didn't we have a lovely time... Got properly blasted.

So next morning I was still in space...sat on me sofa with a coffee. Leaned back and heard this growling sound coming from my tummy area. I moved forword and the growling sound...bit different came back. So I diligently moved back and forth mmmm same again. Thought of phoning 101 but I phoned my GP for a phone back. I had a call back.....I was told that after a dump that camera has been gone out. 

 Then I moved and noticed that a christmas pressie  a fake fart thingey in a small bag which was pressing on my back. Sorted.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bit of advice I reckon

This happened in the same train trips as in this.

Me and my friend Duche were walking in Exeter as there were lots of people milling around.We went to investigate and walked down this road where people were going towards. Then Duche says "Pulle! pulle". I knew that means, the slang term for the police. So there this policeman was walking towards us on the other side of the road. Without says anything he motioned me to cross the road. He went straight to the guy and said in his best French acsent " Where is the skul road?". The man said there is no school road but there is a school lane. Viola says Duche and we proceeded.

The moral of the story is: if you are carrying illegal substances, which we did, best to go to the police-person rather than wait for them to come to you. Well atleast it worked at that time init?