Monday, March 31, 2008

So here I was .....

Just thinking about the program I watched last night. I seen it before. The boffin Hawkings - "Master of the Universe". Fair enough he has done hell of a lot for Physics; more than anyone for a while. I said a while. He is good no.....he is the best in that field; but we should think different from the way given by the ruling party or Hawkings, as if you believe in what he says as gospel truth, you are going to be in trouble. Each and every individual being is driven by it's own logic. If I beleave in a certain logic of another person, then I do not have my own logic. That is what faith is. As Saint Ignatius of Loyola said to his followers to become like a piece of wood, and live like a piece of wood giving all actions to be of God and not to take any there of. Its the will of the God properly laid out by the Bible they followed. That way all thinking is of God. Yes it can be good if you can do it 100%. I dont think Saint himself was capable of doing it. Please do correct me if I am wrong here, but I am talking about 100% and Saint is dead.

So my point is Mr Hawkings have spent a lot of time on this subject and want to find a solution before he dies. So did Mr Einsein init? Some of what he proved at that time ...bless him.... has been reproved to a more closer point of accuracy, but some of them has been proven wrong. So will Mr Hawkings or anyone elses for that matter. That is the reason I want not to have total blind belief in this theory of everything.

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