Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Brain region for adventurousness reported found

A di­a­gram of a cross-sec­tion through the mid­dle of the hu­man brain, as shown from the per­spec­tive of some­one who would be look­ing at the right side of a per­son's head. The pur­ple and green lines mark ma­jor path­ways where the neu­ro­trans­mitter dopamine flows. The pur­ple lines, in par­tic­u­lar, show where dopamine is be­lieved to have a reward-related func­tions. One of the stops along these path­ways is the ven­tral stria­tum, point­ed out with a straight black line com­ing from the right side of the im­age. (Cour­tesy Open Uni­ver­sity, U.K.)

Sci­en­tists have iden­ti­fied a brain re­gion that they say en­cour­ages us to seek ad­ven­ture.

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