Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Me And Me Bath

I am a selfish person.

When I came to look at this flat, I looked around and found out that there is no bath. So I told the Housing Association(HA) agent David Oteng(DO) that I won't take the flat unless I have a bath in it. So he said he will put a bath if I get a letter from my GP to say I need a bath for health reasons. So I got a letter from the GP and submitted it. There was a Saly army rep with me when all this conversation happened.

Then I went to sign the contract with the same rep DO, he promised again that he will get a bath installed. So I moved in. Months went by and no frigging bath. So I started getting my Settlment Officer Kerry to inquire. After several letters the HA requested a letter from an Occupational Therapist(OT). So I phoned my GP and expressed my feeling in loud terms, and he got the OT office. Months went by and I got an appoinment the the OT. Ha ha.

The day OT turned up I have forgotton all about it and I was a mess. Drunk at 11 AM and taken enough codeine to drop a large man. On top of everything she had a tobacco patch on her upper arm. I don't think she was very much on an even keel. So Debbie Bobble the OT started the interview and I don't know why she asked me to sign this form. I have signed lots of thses forms in the past. But this one had a new clause to the effect that I give permission to do whatever they want if I am not able to give permission, at any time, in the future. She explained that if I had an accident and in a coma or something that clause will cover the treatment they have to give me. I went crazy; I told her that what I want is a bloody bath installed and why the hell that has to do with me going into a coma. I won't be needing a frigging bath then. So I told her to get out of my place as I am getting angry. The bloody woman said I should go to anger management. God forbid the thoughts which came to my puny mind. She scarpered.

After I spent the rest of the morning writing rubbish I got a phone call from the head of department Mrs. Small telling me I won't be getting a bath. Just that. By now I have cooled down a lot and seen some reason in my head. So I told her it is very difficult to explain everything as I am in state of stupor, could her phone my SO Kerry and gave her telephone number. I phoned Kerry and explained what happened earlier. Later I got a call from Kerry that she had a long chat wth Mrs Small, and fixed an appoinment, Kerry, Mrs Small and me at my place. Shigh of relief was heard by a guy who was walking a dog on the suspension bridge.

On the day I was ready; clean me, clean flat, no alcohol and no pain killers. As I am trying to stop my habit of smoking I did not have that either. Mrs Small is very nice woman who looked very relaxed and knew the score as Kerry has explained. She had a chat with me and went and had a look at the bathroom. She was very concerned and said we have to do something about the rep DO. And she noted that it will be easy to put a free standing bath at low cost, with the present system of shower intact. As no one likes to demolish such a fine shower. Yesterday a plumber came and inspected the bathroom and he is going to send an estimate soon and if the HA refuses to pay for it, I think there are charities who will fund the bill. Ha Ha.

Gotten Himmell! how many people got involved in this skirmish. And it is not finished yet!

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