Thursday, October 09, 2008

Americans’ Satisfaction at All-Time Low of 9%

I am a selfish person.

This makes me happy. Not because North Americans are suffering, but now they know what the people in most of the countries attacked by US feels like. I hope the recession deepens more and the riots happen in inner cities in US and the army sets in and kill a few people. then they will realise, how other people feel when their loved ones are murdered by the US army. I hate war or killing but there are lots of North Americans and Zionists who have never felt that way before. Let them feel the shite.

"Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain are set to meet for the second presidential debate in Nashville Tuesday night at a time when only 9% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States -- the lowest such reading in Gallup Poll history."


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