Friday, October 10, 2008

The Division Amongst Us

I am a selfish person.

There are people who have so much money at the moment they are scared of what the future hold for them. Then there are others who do not give a damn what happens to the Rich. How many of us are there who don't give a damn; is my question at the moment.

All the proper Labour supporters, not the frigging New Labor Supporters, must be glad that the Banks are taken over by the tax payer in almost all the countries in the big 8. Hope the Govs of all the countries try to get the money back and more for the tax payers. I doubt it unless the masses insist upon it in the next elections.

The problem at the moment is that all the mass media is predicting GLOOM for all of us and keep on winding us up. But if you look at the housing market, it is good for the first time buyer, except the lending is restricted. But if you know you can pay the fuck back what stops you from buying a cheap house.

The short selling by the banking cartels has stopped for a while and the fuel prices are going down. The mass media do not like it either, hope one day they make up their puny minds. I likes it. Hope the frigging banking system goes down the predicted plug hole and we can breathe easy. Don't U?

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