Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gurkhas Of UK

I am a selfish person.

I heard this morning that the UK gov has overturned the decision about the Gurkhas to live in UK. I cried with tears running down my cheeks without feeling ashamed as a man. "Boys Don't Cry" a stupid person said and I don't believe in that. I cry for anything which moves me and I am happy that I am human with emotions. Does it mean I am not English with the famous 'stiff upper lip', I wonder. Who the hell cares?

During the training the Gurkhas were told that they have to jump out of a plane at 20,000 feet. They talked amongst themselves and a spokesman came up with an argument that, they will not mind jumping at 10,000 feet instead of 20,000; until he heard that they all going to jump with parachutes.

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