Thursday, July 26, 2012


Sin is what is described here.

In Abrahamic contexts, "a sin" is an act that violates God's will. Sin can also be viewed as anything within a person that violates the ideal relationship between them and God.

Or otherwise it is the National Insuarance Number according to some governments in the world. The moment you become 16 you have SIN. You should be proud of ourselves to be awarded such a accolade.

I can go on but lets think about it. strange tale I will tell you.

There he was going to buy some groceries and comes across, a wretched sight. A woman tied to a post and people gathering around her with stones in their hands. Big and small they were. I mean the stones. He stops and thinks about it while looking around. He says " He/she who has no sins throw the first stone". People stopped and thought about it and did not throw any stones.  And he goes to buy his groceries. As we all know this is what really happened to Jesus.

Now Jesus is one of these people who got enlightened. He must have realised that we all do not have any sins. That story was made up by the religious bigots to make it appear as, that we all have sins; yeah to make money for themselves.

OK lets start with you. When you are doing something you are doing the right and the best at that point of time. So, since you have been born, you have been doin the right thing at the right time to be here right now, reading this. O! how can thou sin.

Look about you. You have to wake up and find that you are nature and you cannot sin. This is one of the arguments I have against religion. They subjugate you. Enslave you. Free yourself from sin. Guilt. Karma. Do not wait until you are old.

SinI am a selfish person. If you cannot find the links in this blog, I have majority of them filed, Email me!

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